Plastic tubes production equipment
Raw materials: Homogeneous plastic granules.
Final product: plastic tubes (diameter:16 – 350 mm)
![]() 1. Plastic tube production line SJSZ65×22
1. Double shaft extruder m SJSZ65/132
Shaft's diameter:65-132mm
Shaft's rigidity : HV>740?
Drum's rigidit: HV>940
Nitriding depth:0.4-0.7mm
Amount of shafts :2 pc
SHaft L/D ratio: 22:1
Engine's power:37kw
Drum's heating zone:4 zones
Heating power:36kw
Main unit heating zones: 6 zones
Main unit heating power:20-32kw
Max productivity:260kg/h
2. Reducer
Cooling method - outer circulation system
Electric control
Converter's speed regulator:
3. Molds
SPecifications: High density
Size(mm):75, 110, 160, 200
4. Forming machine
1. SZD-6000 vacuum cooling tank
Power of vacuum pump:5.5kw
2 water pumps:power 1 - 4kw, power 2 - 2.2 kw
Materials – stainless steel, thickness – 3 mm
Frame's diameter:550 mm
Length:6000 mm
2. SQY-200
OperationLength:1200 mm
3. SQG-160 utter
Power:2.2 kw
4. SFZ-6000 rotating table
Table material:stainless steel
5. SHR200/5001 mixer unit
2. Plastic bottles and barrels production equipment (10 – 200 L)
![]() Barrel automatic production machine
Raw materials homogeneous plastic granules
Final product plastic bottles 100 L barrels production equipment
Various sets:
Semi-automated line Automated line SJZK-200L barrel's cups automatic production line
Main specifications :
Noiseless hydraulic control system
Extruding system (new technology) Wall thickness is controlled it is possible to set other requirements, to increase effectiveness and reduce the prime cost Training of personnel Various shapes
Main engine sise(××):5000×4200× 4600mm
Total weight:15 tons
![]() Plastic barrel production line
3 . The machine for hot winding of the tubes with heat-proofing band for laying in the ground ![]() Referance: Heat protection of tubes pass dicyclic process 1) Preparation of heat-proof ma-terial. 2) The band, made of PE plastic, is wound on the tune, mounted on the guide and guided beds. These are the stages of heat-proof tubes production, used in oil and gas transportation via oil and gas lines and in hot and cold water supply. It is also used for thermal protection of central air conditioners or heat and hot water supply in hotels. The main parts of the production line are band winding drive,automatic temperature control system, moving and winding bed, etc
.Advantages: Low cost, quick cost recovery, low percentage of waste products, simple operations, low cost of the products, besides, by customers order it is possible to work with tubs of various type. This attracts medium and small enterprises
Main technical parameters
Comments : If drawing speed and diameter of the metal tube should by set by special mode, it is taken into account in design
4 . PP plastic packing band production line
![]() Packing PP plastic bands has a series of advantages, namely, they are fine in appearance, light, sticky, moisture-proof, rust-proof, acid-base proof, they have good water absorption qualities, safe in usage, their strength is not affected by water etc. They are used for packing in the fields of consumer goods, textile, clothes, telecommunication devices, books shops, mail, export goods etc. . PP plastic packing band production line has prominent features as follow 1. High automation: After supplying of PP granules, the operations such as heating, melting of mate-rials, extrusion and band formation, stretching, roll forming, winding are performed synchro-nously and ended automatically
2. The same type of the machinery can make products of various width and thickness
3. One machine, many purposes. Using corresponding supplementary machines it is possible to pro-duce various and plastic products of various type (for instance, tube materials)
Main specifications
5. Single wing drip-irrigation labyrinth-like band machine
![]() Single wing drip-irrigation labyrinth-like band machine is the production equipment for irrigation of agricultural fields, gardens and forestry aimed at saving water and energy and improving harvest and incomes.
Specific features :
1. High quality international standards of mounting, hing quality and reliability
2. Main electric machine, molding machine and use frequency-converting control system with light adjustment, reliable movement, stable operations and low energy consumption. 3. Screw bolt of the squeezing machine has a good effect of raw material plastification and stable quality .
4. For heating of squeezing machine and the head automatic temperature control system with high accuracy and energy saving properties is used.
5. Torsion of drip-irrigating band is controlled by electric motor overcoming the defect of the tight-ing force with the setting of digital record of meters. The equipment easily adopts dry and semi-dry climate in such regions as Xinjiang, Qinghai, Gansu, Tibet. Inner Mongolia> Shanxi, Hebei etc..
6. The equipment easily adopts dry and semi-dry climate in such regions as Xinjiang, Qinghai, Gansu, Tibet. Inner Mongolia> Shanxi, Hebei etc.
7. Total block of electric device is designed in good appearance with high level of automation.
8. Squeezing machine can move freely and be adjusted easily.
Serial products of a single wing drip irrigating labyrinth-like band have turbulent mode and compen-sation of pressure. Flow channels and drip holes are made by a single hot vacuum pressing. Hing accuracy of production and many water inlets allow to prevent obstruction and maintain equal quan-tity of outgoing water
Field of application:
It is widely applied in green houses and conservatories, orchards, grape-growing for various agricul-tural products, cotton, in mountains and hilly regions.
6. Antirust and thermal protective coating production line ![]() The line possesses prominent thermal protective properties, relatively small specific density, water absorption, good hydrostability, rust resistance, frost resistance, fire resistance, etc. When the temperature is maintained between 50-150 C, vast industrial areas receive additional heat. The line is completed with melted plastic extruder, extruding module, water coolers, fixation device, guide bed and guided bed controller, pedestal with support, foaming agent, constant temperature control device, etc.
1. Computerization of the whole production process reduced the intensity of labor and number of workers.
2. Simultaneous performance of several operations, including squeezing the billet out, feeding of metal pipe, foam formation and cooling made the operation process much more effective
3. Integrated production methods cut energy consumption, saved operation areas, cut raw material consumption, etc
Main specifications:
7. YH-E line. Agglomerator and two crushers ![]()
8 YH-C line. Agglomerator and two crushers ![]()
11. YH-A line. Agglomerator and two crushers ![]()
12. YH-G line. Agglomerator and two crushers
13 Assembling of the production line from various units (example) Broad film with two colored drawing on tubular film
See diagram 2. Section : Assembly of production lines
14. Sticky band production line 1.Sticky band production line (no flexography)
2. Sticky band production line (no flexography)
3. Phlexograhic printer ![]()
4. Cut's rewinding machines
15.Bubble packing film production equipent ![]()
Total productivity-30 kg/hr |