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Anti-seismic, fire-protection, air defense engineering

15 工程抗震
16 工程防火
18 人防工程

P15 GB 17740 - 1999 地震震级的规定
General ruler for earthquake magnitude
P15 GB 17741 - 1999 工程场地地震安全性评价技术规范
Code for seismic safety evaluation of engineering sites
P15 GB/T 17742 - 1999 中国地震烈度表
The Chinese seismic intensity scale
P15 GB/T 18207.1 - 2000防震减灾术语第l部分: 基本术语
Terminology of protecting against and mitigating earthquake disasters - Part 1: Basic terms
P15 GB 18208.2 - 2001 地震现场工作第2部分: 建筑物安全鉴定
Post-earthquake field works - Part 2: Safe glassessment of buildings
P15 GB/T 18208.3 - 2000地震现场工作第3部分: 调查规范
Post-earthquake field works - Part 3: Code for field survey
P15 GB 18306 - 2001 中国地震动参数区划图
Seismic ground motion parameter zonation map of China
P15 GB/T 18575 - 2001 建筑幕墙抗震性能振动台试验方法
Shaking table test method of earthquake resistant performance for building curtain wall
P15 GB/T 19428 - 2003 地震灾害预测及其信息管理系统技术规范
Code for earthquake disaster evaluation and its information management system
P15 GB/T 19531.1 - 2004地震台站观测环境技术要求第l部分: 测震
Technical requirement for the observational environ-merit of seismic stations - Part l: Seismometry
P15 GB/T 19531.2 - 2004地震台站观测环境技术要求第2部分: 电磁观测
Technical requirement for the observational environment of seismic stations - Part 2: Electromagnetic observation
P15 GB/T 19531.3 - 2004地震台站观测环境技术要求第3部分: 地壳形变观测
Technical requirement for the observational environ-ment of seismic stations - Part 3: Crustal deformation observation
P15 GB/T 19531.4 - 2004地震台站观测环境技术要求第4部分: 地下流体观测
Technical requirement for the observational environ-merit of seismic stations - Part 4: Underground fluid observation
P16 GB 14003 - 1992 线型光束感烟火灾探测器技术要求及试验方法
Technical requirements and test methods for optical beam smoke fire detectors
P16 GB 14101 - 1993 木质防火门通用技术条件
Wood fire door - General technical conditions
Here are collected names of most common standards of China. If you found standard, that you are interesting in, we can obtain and translate it for you. If here are no standards, that you are looking for, feel free to request us, we will find a suitable one.

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