Rotary motorContent:20 Rotary motor - general 21 Synchronous machine 22 asynchronous motor 23 direct current electric machine 24 micro-motor 25 explosion-proof motor 26 special motor K20 GB 755 - 2000 旋转电机定额和性能 Rotating electrical machines-Ranting and performance K20 GB/T 755. 2 - 2003 旋转电机(牵引电机除外)确定损耗和效率的试验方法 Methods for determining losses and efficiency of rotating electrical machinery from tests(excluding machines for traction vehicles) K20 GB/T 756-1990 旋转电机圆柱形轴伸 Cylindrical shaft extension for rotating electrical machines K20 GB/T 757-1993 旋转电机圆锥形轴伸 Conical shaft extension for rotating electrical machines K20 GB/T 997 - 2003 旋转电机结构及安装型式(IM代号) Classification of types of construction and mounting arrangements for rotating electrical machines(IM code) K20 GB 1971-1980 电机线端标志与旋转方向 Terminal markings and direction of rotation of rotating electrical machines K20 GB/T 1993-1993 旋转电机冷却方法 Cooling methods for rotating electrical machines K20 GB/T 4772. 1-1999 旋转电机尺寸和输出功率等级第l部分: 机座号56~400和凸缘号55~1080 Dimensions and output series for rotating electrical machines - Part l: Frame numbers 56 to 400 and flange numbers 55 to 1080 K20 GB/T 4772. 2-1999 旋转电机尺寸和输出功率等级第2部分: 机座号355 -1000和凸缘号1180-2360 Dimensions and output series for rotating electrical machines-Part 2: Frame numbers 355 to 1000 and flange numbers 1180 to 2360 K20 GB/T 4772. 3-1999 旋转电机尺寸和输出功率等级第3部分: 小功率装入式电动机凸缘号BFl0~BF50 Dimensions and output series for rotating electrical machines-Part 3: Samll built-in motors-Flange numbers BFl0 t0 BF50 . ‘ K20 GB/T 4831-1984 电机产品型号编制方法 Specification for model of rotating electrical machines K20 GB/T4942. 1 - 2001 旋转电机外壳防护分级(口代码) : Classification of degrees of protection provided by enclosures of r0蛐electrical machines(IP code) K20 GB/T 5171 - 2002 小功率电动机通用技术条件 General technical requirements for small power motors K20 GB 10068 - 2000 轴中心高为56 inm及以上电机的机械振动振动的测量、评定及限值 Mechanical vibration of certain machines with shaft heights 56 mill and higher-Measurement, evaluation and limits of vibration K20 GB/T 10069. 1-1988旋转电机噪声测定方法及限值噪声工程测定方法 : Measurement of airborne noise emitted by rotating electrical machinery and the noise limits-Engineering method for the measurement of airborne noise K20 GB/T 10069. 2-1988旋转电机噪声测定方法及限值噪声简易测定方法 Measurement of airborne noise emitted by rotating electrical machinery and the noise limits-Survey method for the measurement of airborne noise K20 GB 10069. 3-1988 旋转电机噪声测定方法及限值噪声限值 Measurement of airborne noise emitted by rotating electrical machinery and the noise limits. Noise limits K20 GB/T 10585-1989 中小型同步电机励磁系统基本技术要求 Fundamental requirements of excitation systems for medium and small synchronous machines K20 GB 12350 - 2000 小功率电动机的安全要求 Safety requirements of small power motors g20 GB/T 12351-1990 热带型旋转电机环境技术要求 Enviro mental technical requirements of rotating electric machines for tropical use g20 GB/T 12665-1990 电机在一般环境条件下使用的湿热试验要求 Requirements of damp-heat testing of electrical machine for service in general environmental condition K20 GB/T 12973-1991 换向器和集电环的尺寸 Dimensions for commutators and sliprings K20 GB/T 13002-1991 旋转电机装入式热保护旋转电机的保护规则 Built-in thermal protection for rotating electrical machines-Rules for protection of rotating electrical machines K20 GB 13232-1991 旋转电机装入式热保护热保护器通用规则 Built-in thermal protection for rotating electrical machines-General rules for thermal pmtectors K20 GB/T 18899-1992 旋转电机装入式热保护热保护系统用热检测器和控制单元 Built-in thermal protection for rotating electrical machines - Thermal detectors and control limits used in thermal protection systems K20 GB 14711-1993 中小型旋转电机安全通用要求 General requirements for safety of small and medium size rotating electrical machines K20 GB/T 17948 - 2003 旋转电机绝缘结构功能性评定总则 Functional evaluation of insulation systems for rotating electrical machines-General guidelines K20 GB/T 17948. 1 - 2000旋转电机绝缘结构功能性评定散绕绕组试验规程热评定与分级 Rotating electrical machines-Functional evaluation of insulation systems - Test procedures for wire wound windings-Thermal evaluation and classification K21 GB/T 1029-1993 三相同步电机试验方法 Test procedures for three-plmse synchronous machines E21 GB/T 5089 - 2003 交流电风扇电动机通用技术条件 General technical requirements for fanA. C. motoes K21 GB/T 7064 - 2002 透平型同步电机技术要求 Requirements for turbine type synchronous machine K21 GB/T 7409. 1-1997 同步电机励磁系统定义 Excitation system for synchronous electrical machines-Definitions K21 GB/T 7409. 2-1997 同步电机励磁系统电力系统研究用模型 Excitation system for synchronous electrical machines-Model for power system studies K21 GB/T 7409. 3-1997 同步电机励磁系统大、中型同步发电机励磁系统技术要求 Excitation system for synchronous electrical machines-Technical requirements excitation system for large and medium synchronous generators K21 GB/T 7894 - 2001 水轮发电机基本技术条件 Fundamental technical specifications for hydro generator K21 GB/T 13958-1992 无直流励磁绕组同步电动机试验方法 Test procedure for non-direct current excitation winding synchronous motor K21 GB/T 14481-1993 单相同步电机试验方法 Test procedure for single-phase synchronous machine K21 GB/T 15548-1995 往复式内燃机驱动的三相同步发电机通用技术条件 General specification for three-phase synchronous generator driven by reciprocating internal combustion engine K22 GB/T 1032-1985 三相异步电动机试验方法 Test procedure for three-phase induction motors K22 GB/T 5321-1985 用量热法测定大型交流电机的损耗及效率 Measurement of loss and efficiency for large AC electrical machines by me calorimetric method K22 GB/T 8916 - 1988 三相异步电动机负载率现场测试方法 Test procedure on working site for measuring the loading percentage of a three-phase induction motor K22 GB/T 9651 - 1988 单相异步电动机试验方法 Test procedure for single phase induction motor K22 GB/T 13957 - 1992 大型三相异步电动机基本系列技术条件 Technical requirements for the fundamental series of 3-phase large asynchronous motors K23 GB/T 1311 - 1989 直流电机试验方法 Test procedure for direct current machines K23 GB/T 6656 - 1986 铁氧体永磁直流电动机 DC ferrite permanent magnet motors K24 GB/T 7344 - 1997 交流伺服电动机通用技术条件 General specification for . C. servomotors K24 GB/T 8128 - 1987 单相串励电动机试验方法 Test procedure for single phase A. C. series motor K24 GB/T 10241 - 1988 旋转变压器通用技术条件 Resolver, electrical, general specification for K24 GB/T 10401 - 1989 永磁式直流力矩电动机通用技术条件 Permanent magnet direct current torgue motors, General specification for K24 GB/T 10402 - 1989 磁阻式步进电动机通用技术条件 Variable reluctance stepping motor, General specification for g24 GB/T 10403 - 1989 多极和双通道感应移相器通用技术条件 Multipolax and two-speed induction phase shifters, General specification for K24 GB/T 10404 - 1989 多极和双通道旋转变压器通用技术条件 MultirIolaf and two-speed electrical resolvers, General specification for K24 GB/T 10761 - 1989 热带微电机基本技术条件 General requirements for tropical electrical micro-machine K24 GB/T 13138 - 1991 自整角机通用技术条件 Synchros - General specification for K24 GB/T 13139 - 1991 磁滞同步电动机通用技术条件 Hysteresis synchronous motors - General specification for K24 GB/T 13633 - 1992 永磁式直流测速发电机通用技术条件 Permanent magnet D. C. tachogenemtor-General specification K24 GB/T 14817 - 1993 永磁式直流伺服电动机通用技术条件 General specification for permanent magnet DC servomotors K24 GB/T 14818 - 1993 线绕盘式直流伺服电动机通用技术条件 General specification for DC servomotors with wounded disc armature K24 GB/T 14819 - 1993 电磁式直流伺服电动机通用技术条件 General specification for wound field DC servomotors K24 GB 18211 - 2000 微电机安全通用要求 General requirements for safety of electrical micro machines K25 GB 15703 - 1995 隔爆型电机基本技术要求 General specification for flameproof electrical machines K26 GB/T 7060 - 1994 船用旋转电机基本技术要求 General specification for rotary electrical machines in ships K26 GB/T 12974 - 1991 交流电梯电动机通用技术条件 General specification for a. c. 1ift motors K26 GB/T 13500 - 1992 封闭式制冷压缩机用三相异步电动机通用技术条件 Three-phase asynchronous motors for hermetic refrigeration compressors-General specifications K26 GB/T 13501 - 1992 封闭式制冷压缩机用电动机绝缘耐氟试验方法 Electric motors for hermetic refrigeration compressors - Test methods of insulation resistance to freon K26 GB/T 14816 - 1993 井用潜油三相异步电动机通用技术条件 Three-phase asynchronous submersible electric motors for off well - General specification K26 GB 1003 - 1999 家用和类似用途三相插头插座型式、基本参数和尺寸 Three phases plugs and socket-outlets for household and similar purposes - Types, basic parameters and dimensions K26 GB/T 9393 - 1988 ST72型电子测量仪器用连接器 STZ3 type connector for electronic measurement instrument |
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