Information chemicalsContent:80 photosensitive material's common standards and methods 81 photosensitive material 82 magnetic recording materials common standards and methods 83 magnetic recording materials 84 photo-chemicals G80 GB/T 2923 - 1995 黑白照相负片/加工组合IsO感光度的测定 Determination of ISO speed of black-and-white pictorial still camera negative film/process systems G80 GB/T 2924 - 1995 彩色摄影用负片ISO感光度的测定 Determination of ISO speed of colour negative films for photographic G80 GB/T 6843-1986 感光材料涂层熔点测定方法 Method for determining the coating melting point of photographic materials GS0 GB/T 6847-1995 照相胶片和相纸卷曲度的测定 Determination of the curl of photographic film and paper GS0 GB/T 6849-1995 照相胶片和相纸脆性楔式试验方法 Photographic films and papers-Wedge test for britfleness容规定 Cinematography-Labelling of containers for raw- stock motion-picture films and magnetic films-Mini-mum information specifications GS0 GB/T 9045-1988 感光材料分辨率的测定 Determination of resolving power for photographic materials G80 GB/T9185-2003 摄影师135规格胶片和暗盒规范 Photography-135-size film and magazine-Specifications GS0 GB/T 9582-1998 工业射线胶片ISO感光度和平均斜率的测定(用X和1射线曝光) Photography-Industrial radiographic film-Determination of ISO speed and average gradient when exposed to X-and r/-radiation G80 GB/T 9858~1988 片基与胶片耐折度的测定方法 Method for determining the folding endurance of photographic film and film base GS0 GB/T 9859-1988 黑白感光材料感光测定试样条冲洗方法 Method for processing sensitometry strip of black-and-white photographic materials GS0 GB/T 9860-1995 银盐感光材料吸水率测定 Determination of the water absorbiUty of silver halide photographic material GS0 GB/T 9861-1988 感光胶片冲洗过程中抗划伤力测定方法 Method for determining the resistance of photographic films to abrasion during processing GS0 GB/T 9862-1988 黑白航空照相胶片感光度和平均斜率测定方法 Method for determining the speed and average gradient of black-and-white aerial camera films G80 GB/T 9863-1988 彩色反转照相胶片感光度测定方法 Method for determining the speed of colour reversal camerafilms C-80 GB/T 9864-1988 胶片、相纸、乳剂、定影液、污水、淤泥或残留物的银量测定方法 Method for determination of silver in photographic films, papers, emulsions, fixing baths, effluents, slud-ges or residues G80 GB/T 10557-1989 感光材料光谱灵敏度测定方法 Method for determination of spectral sensitivity of Photographic materials GS0 GB/T 10558 - 1989 感光材料均方根颗粒度测定方法 Method for measuring the root-mean-square(RMS) granularity of photographic materials/process combination GS0 GB/T 12682 - 1990 彩色照相影像色稳定性对比试验方法 Test method for comparing colour stabilities of colour photographic images G80 GB/T 12683 - 1990 片基与胶片拉伸性能的测定方法 Method for determining the tensile properties of photographic film and film base GS0 GB/T 14766 - 1993 黑白相纸感光度和印相范围测定方法 Photography-Black-and-white continuous-tone papers-Determination 0lf ISO speed and ISO range for printing G80 GB/T 15059 - 1994 片基膨胀率和收缩率的测定方法 Method for determining the water expansion and shlinkage of photographic film base G80 GB/T 15061 - 1994 银盐感光材料感光测定通则第l部分:适用于白炽钨光和模拟日光曝光的试样曝光条件 General specifications for sensitometry of silverhalide photographic materials - Part l:Sensitometric expo-sure conditions of film stobe exposured for incandescent tungsten and daylight G80 GB/T 15457 - 1995 胶片与片基润滑度测定方法 Method for determining lubrication of photographic film and film base GS0 GB/T 15958 - 1995 黑白电影负片感光度的测定 Determination of speed of black-and-white motion- picture negate film G80 GB/T 18117-2000 照相已加工照相彩色胶片和相纸照片影像稳定性试验方法 PhotcIgraphy-Processed photographic colour films and paper prins-Methods for measuring image stability GS0 GB/T18A.A.A.-2001 已加工安全照相胶片贮存 Photography-Processed safety photographic films-Storagepractices G80 GB/T 18995-2003 电影摄影术在16 mm35mm和65mm电影胶片上由制造厂印制的潜影标识规范和尺寸 Cinematography-Manufacturer-printed, latent image identification on 16mm.35mm and 65mm motion-picture film-Specifications and dimensions G81 GB/T 6848 - 1986 电影胶片片卷片芯尺寸 Dimensions of the cores for motion-picture film rolls G81 GB/T 7430 - 1996 安全摄影胶片规范 Photography-Photographic films - Specifications for safety film G81 GB/T 11500 - 1989 摄影透射密度测量的几何条件 Geometric conditions for measuring transmission density G81 GB/T 11501 - 1989 摄影密度测量的光谱条件 Spectral conditions for measuring photography debsity G81 GB/T 19348.1-200~无损检测工业射线照相胶片第1部分:工业射线照相胶片系统的分类 Non-destructive testing-Industrial radiographic films-Part 1:Classification of film systems for industrial radiography G81 GB/T 19348.2-2008无损检测工业射线照相胶片第2部分:用参考值方法控制胶片处理 Non-destructive testing-Industrial radiographic film -Fart 2:Control of film processing by means of reference values G82 GB/T 14307-1993 录像磁带性能测量方法 Measuring methods for video tape properties G82 GB/T 14854.1-1993广播录像磁带测量方法 Measuring methods for broad cast videotape G82 GB/T 14854.2-1993广播录像磁带性能要求 Characteristic requirements for broadcast video tape G83 GB/T 1779.1-1989 6.30 inin广播录音磁带性能测试方法 Measuring methods for the properties of 6.30 mm broadcast audio tapes G83 GB/T 1779.2-1989 6.30 mill广播录音磁带最低性能要求 MiniInUln performance requirements Of 6.30 mm broadcast audiotapes G83 GB/T 3791-1999 盒式录音磁带尺寸及机械特性 Cassette for tape records-Dimensions and mechanical characteristics G83 GB/T 7309-2000 盒式录音磁带通用规范 General specification for audio cassettes G83 GB/T 11956-1989 高速复制录音磁带 High-speed duplicate audio tape G83 GB/T 14306-1993Ⅵ{s盒式录像磁带 VHS video cassette tape |
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