Standardization, quality managementContent:00 standardization, quality management 01 technology management 02 economic management 04 based on common standards and methods 07 electronic computer applications 08 logo, packaging, transportation, storage 09 health, safety, labor protection G04 GB/T 3143 - 1982 液体化学产品颜色测定法(Hazen单位 - 铂. 钴色号) Colour determination method of liquid chemical (ziazen unit - platinum - cobalt scale) G04 GB/T 3722 - 1999 工业用化学产品采样安全通则 Sampling of chemical products for industrial use - Safety in sampling G04 GB/T 4470 - 1998 奎趋雀射、原子吸收和原子荧光光谱分析法术语 1mmayucai spectroscopic methods - Flame emission atomic absorption and atomic fluorescence - Vocabulary G04 GB/T 4472 - 1984 化工产品密度、相对密度测定通则 General rule for determination of density and relative density for chemical products G04 GB/T 4650 - 1998 工业用化学产品采样词汇 Cheroical products for industrial use - Sampling - Vocabulary C - 04 GB/T4946 - 1985 气相色谱法术语 Terms of gas chromatography G04 GB/T 5332 - 1985 可燃液体和气体引燃温度试验方法 Method of test for ignition temperature of flammable Liquids and gases G04 GB/T6040 - 2002 红外光谱分析方法通则 General rules for infrared analysis G04 GB/T6041 - 2002 质谱分析方法通则 General rules for mass spectrometric analysis g04 GB/T6283 - 1986 竺于产品中水分含量的测定卡尔. 费休法(通用方 Chemical products - Determination of water - Karlemcner method (general method) G04 GB/T 6284 - 1986 化工产品中水分含量测定的通用方法重量法 Chemical products for industrial use - General method for determination of water content - Gravi - Metric method G04 GB/T 6488 - 1986 化工产品折光率测定法 Test method for refractive index of chemical products G04 GB/T6678 - 2003 化工产品采样总则 General principles for sampling chemical products G04 GB/T6679 - 2003 固体化工产品采样通则 General rules for sampling solid chemical products G04 GB/T 6680 - 2003 液体化工产品采样通则 General rules for sampling liquid chemical products G04 GB/T 6681 - 2003 气体化工产品采样通则 General rules for sampling gaseous chemical products G04 GB/T 6682 - 1992 分析实验室用水规格和试验方法 Water for analytical laboratory use - Specification and G04 GB/T 7686 - 1987 垡工产品中砷含量测定的通用方法 Chemical products for industrial use – General Method for the determination of arsenjc G04 GB/T 8322 - 1987 分子吸收光谱法术语 Molecular absorption spectrometry - Terminology G04 GB/T 9008 - 1988液相色谱法术语柱液相色谱法和平面色谱法 Terms of liquid chromatography - Liquid column chromatography and planar chromatography G04 GB/T 14666 - 2003 分析化学术语 Terms for analytical chemistry G04 GB/T 15337 - 1994 原子吸收光谱分析法通则 General rules for atomic absorption spectrometric analysis G04 GB/T 16631 - 1996 柱液相色谱分析法通则 General rules for analytical methods of liquid column chromatography G04 GB/T 17519. 1 - 1998化学品安全资料表第一部分内容和项目顺序 Safety data sheet for chemical products - Part l: Con - tent and order of sections G04 GB/T 17519. 2 - 2003化学品安全资料表第2部分: 编写细则 Safety data sheet for chemical products - Part 2: Detailed rules for drafting G04 GB/T 19501 - 2004 电子背散射衍射分析方法通则 General guide for electron backscatter diffraction analysis G04 GB/T 19502 - 2004 表面化学分析辉光放电发射光谱方法通则 Surface chemical analysis - Glow discharge optical emission spectrometry(GD - OES) - Introduction to use G09 GB4655 - 2003 橡胶工业静电安全规程 Safety rules of static electricity in the robber industry G09 GB 4962 - 1985 氢气使用安全技术规程 Technical safety regulation for gaseous hydrogen use G09 GB 13548 - 1992 光气及光气化产品生产装置安全评价通则 General principle of safety assessment for phosgene and its products plant G09 GB 16483 - 2000 化学品安全技术说明书编写规定 General rules for preparation of chemical safety data sheet G09 GB 19041 - 2003 光气及光气化产品生产安全规程 Safety regulations for the production of phosgene and phosgenation product |
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