Isotope and radioactive sourcesContent:50 isotope and radioactive sources - general 51 radioactive sources 53 isotope labeling compounds 54 medical isotopes F51 GB/T 9226 - 1988 标准放射源的检验证书 Certification of standardized radioactive sources F51 GB/T 9229 - 1988 放射性物质包装的内容物和辐射的泄漏检验 Radioactive materials - Packaging - Tests for con - tents leakage and radiation leakage F51 GB/T 14503 - 1993 放射性同位素产品的分类和命名原则 General principle of nomenclature and classification of radioisotope products F51 GB 17568 - 1998 1辐照装置设计建造和使用规范 Regulations for design construction and use of gamma irradiation facilities F51 GB 7465 - 1994 高活度钴 - 60密封放射源 High activity cobalt - 60 sealed radioactive sources F51 GB 10252 - 1996 钴 - 60辐照装置的辐射防护与安全标准 Standards for radiation protection and safety of60 Co irradiation facility F51 GB/T 12714 - 1991 镅铍中子源 Americium - Beryllium neutron sources F51 GB 12951 - 1996 离子感烟火灾探测器用镅 - 241 d放射源的技术条件 Specification of americium - 241 alpha sources for ionization smoke fire detectors F51 GB/T 13366 - 1992 工业仪表用铯 - 137~辐射源 Caesium - 137 gamma radiation source for industrial gauges F51 GB/T 13694 - 1992 a - p, B - 平板标准源通用技术条件 General specifications of d - p, B - planar standard sources F51 GB 15849 - 1995 密封放射源的泄漏检验方法 Sealed radioactive sources - Leakage test methods F54 GB/T 139 - 1989 使用硫酸亚铁剂量计测量水中吸收剂量的标准方法 Standard method for using the ferrous sulfate (Fricke)dosimeter to measure absorbed dose in water F54 GB 11810 - 1989 医用铟 - 113m放射性核素发生器 Medical indium - 113m radionucUde generator F54 GB 13172 - 裂变99Mo.99Tc色层发生器 99Mo - 99mTc chromatographic generator(Fission) F54 GB/T 15477 - 1995 三碘甲腺原氨酸、甲状腺素放射免疫分析试剂盒 Triiodothyronine, thyroxine radioimmunoassay kit F54 GB/T 16699 - 1996 放射免疫分析试剂盒的基本要求 Principal requirements for radioimmunoassay kits |
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