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10 energy - general
11 wind energy
12 solar energy
13 biomass energy
14 ocean energy
15 geothermal energy
19 other new energy sources

F10 GB/T 15586 - 1995 设备及管道保冷设计导则
Guide for design of low - temperature insulation of equipments and pipes
F11 GB/T 8116 - 1987 风力发电机组型式与基本参数
Wind - generating sets - Type and basic parameters
F11 GB/T 10760. 1 - 2003离网型风力发电机组用发电机第l部分: 技术条件
Generator of off - grid wind turbines generator system - Part 1: Technical condition
F11 GB/T 10760. 2 - 2003离均型风力发电机组用发电机第2部分: 试验方法
Generator of off - grid wind turbines generator system - Part 2: Testing method
F11 GB/T 1398l一1992 风力机设计通用要求
Design general requirements for wind energy conversion system
F11 GB 17646 - 1998 小型风力发电机组安全要求
Safety of small wind turbine generator systems
F11 GB 18451. 1 - 2001 风力发电机组安全要求
Wind turbine generator systems - Safety requirements
F11 GB/T 18451. 2 - 2003风力发电机组功率特性试验
Wind turbine generator systems - Wind turbine power performance testing
F11 GB/T 18709 - 2002 风电场风能资源测量方法
Methodology of wind energy resource measurement for wind farm
F11 GB/T 18710 - 2002 风电场风能资源评估方法
Methodology of wind energy resource assessment for
F11 GB/T 19068. 1 - 2003离网型风力发电机组第l部分: 技术条件
Off - grid wind - turbine generator system - Part 1: Technical condition
F11 GB/T 19068. 2 - 2003离网型风力发电机组第2部分: 试验方法
Off - grid wind turbine generator system - Part 2: Test method
F11 GB/T 19068. 3 - 2003离网型风力发电机组第3部分: 风洞试验方法
Off - grid wind turbine generator system - Part3: Wind tunnel test methods
F11 GB/T 19069 - 2003 风力发电机组控制器技术条件
Technical condition for electrical controller of wind turbine generator systems
F11 GB/T 19070 - 2003 风力发电机组控制器试验方法
Test method for electrical controller of wind turbine generator systems
F11 GB/T 19071. 1 - 2003风力发电机组异步发电机第1部分: 技术条件
Asynchronous generator for wind turbine generator systems - Part l: Technical condition
F11 GB/T 19071. 2 - 2003风力发电机组异步发电机第2部分: 试验方法
Asynchronous generator for wind turbine generator systems - Part 2: Test method
F11 GB/T 19072 - 2003 风力发电机组塔架
Tower of wind turbine generator system
F11 GB/T 19073 - 2003 风力发电机组齿轮箱
Gearbox of wind turbine generator system
F11 GB/T 19115. 1 - 2003离网型户用风光互补发电系统第1部分: 技术条件
Off – grid type wind - solar photovoltaic hybrid generate electricity system of household - use - Part 1: Technology condition
F11 GB/T 19115. 2 - 2003离网型户用风光互补发电系统第2部分: 试验方法
Off - grid type wind - solar photovoltaic hybrid generate electricity system of household - use - Part 2: Test methods
F11 GB/T 19568 - 2004 风力发电机组装配和安装规范
Assembling and installation regulation for wind turbine generator systems
F12 GB/T 2296 - 2001 太阳电池型号命名方法
Designation method of solar cells(photovoltaic device)
F12 GB/T 4271 - 2000 平板型太阳集热器热性能试验方法
Test methods for the thermal performance of flat plate solar collectors
F12 GB/T 9535 - 1998 地面用晶体硅光伏组件设计鉴定和定型、
Crystalline silicon terrestrial photovoltaic(PV) modules – design qualification and type approval
F12 GB/T 12915 - 1991 家用太阳热水器热性能试验方法
Test methods to determine the thermal performance Of domestic solar water heaters
F12 GB/T 12936. 1 - 1991太阳能热利用术语第一部分
Solar energy - Thermal applications - Terminology part 1
F12 GB/T 12936. 2 - 1991太阳能热利用术语第二部分
Solar energy - Thermal applications - Terminology part 2
F12 GB/T 15405 - 1994 被动式太阳房技术条件和热性能测试方法
specifications and testing method of thermal performance for passive solar houses
F12 GB/T 15513 - 1995 太阳热水器吸热体、连接管及其配件所用弹性材料的评价方法
Solar water heaters - Elastomeric materials for absorbers, connecting pipes and fittings - Method of assessment
F12 GB/T 17581 - 1998 真空管太阳集热器
Evacuated tube solar collector
F12 GB/T 17683. 1 - 1999太阳能在地面不同接收条件下的太阳光谱辐照度标准第l部分: 大气质量l_5的法向直接日射辐照度和半球向日射辐照度
Solar energy - Reference solar spectral irradiance at the ground at different receiving conditions - Part 1: Direct normal and hemispherical solar irradiance for air mass 1. 5
F12 GB/T 18708 - 2002 家用太阳热水系统热性能试验方法
Test methods for thermal performance of domestic solar water heating systems
F12 GB/T 18713 - 2002 太阳热水系统设计、安装及工程验收技术规范
Solar water heating systems - Design, installation and engineering acceptance
F12 GB/T 18974 - 2003 太阳集热器热性能室内试验方法
Indoor test methods for the thermal performance of solar collector
F12 GB/T 19141 - 2003 家用太阳热水系统技术条件
specification of domestic solar water heating systems
F14 GB/T 6492 - 1986 航天用标准太阳电池
Astronautic standard solar cell
F14 GB/T 6494 - 1986 航天用太阳电池电性能测试方法
Measurement procedures for electrical characteristion of astronautic solar cells
F14 GB/T 6496 - 1986 航天用太阳电池标定的一般规定
The general rules of astronautic solar cell calibration
F14 GB/T 6497 - 1986 地面用太阳电池标定的一般规定
The general rules of terrestrial solar cell calibration
F18 GB/T 7636 - 1987 农村家用沼气管路设计规范
Standard on design of biogas pipelines for peasant household
F18 GB/T 7637 - 1987 农村家用沼气管路施工安装操作规程
Operation rules of construction and installation of biogas pipelines for peasant household
F19 GB/T 4750 - 2002 户用沼气池标准图集
The collection of standard design drawings for house - ho1d anerobie digesters
F19 GB/T 4751 - 2002 户用沼气池质量检查验收规范
Specification for check and acceptance of the quality for household anerobie digesters
F19 GB/T 4752 - 2002 户用沼气池施工操作规程
Operation rules for construction of household anerobie digesters
F19 GB 1单63 - 1996 醇基液体燃料
Alcohol base liquid fuel
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