Textile Machinery and equipmentContent:90 纺织机械与器具综合 91 纺织机械零部件 92 纺织机械用电气与自动化控制装置 93 纺部机械与器具 94 织部机械与器具 95 染整机械与器具 96 针织、纺织制品机械与器具 97 化纤机械与器具 98 纺织检测仪器 W90 GB/T 5459 - 2003 纺织机械与附件环锭细纱机和环锭捻线机锭距 Textile machinery and accessories-Spindle gauges for ring-spinning and ring-doubling flames W90 GB/T 6002. 1 - 2004 纺织机械术语第l部分: 纺部机械牵伸装置 Textile machinery terminology-Part 1: Drafting arrangements for spinning machines W90 GB/T 6002. 2 - 2001 纺织机械术语纺前准备、纺和并(捻)机械等效术语一览表 Textile machinery terminology-Spinning preparatory machinery, spinning and doubling(twisting)machinery - List of equivalent terms W90 GB/T 6002. 3 - 2001 纺织机械术语环锭纺纱、捻线锭子术语对照表 Textile machinery terminology-Spindles for ring-spinning and doubling machines list of equivalent terms wg0 GB/T 6002. 4-1986 纺织机械术语织机分类和术语 Textile machinery terminology-Classification and vocabulary for weaving machines WOO GB/T 6002. 5 - 2004 纺织机械术语第5部分: 络筒机 Textile machinery terminology-Part 5: Cone and cheese winding machines W90 GB/T6002. 6 - 2003 纺织机械术语第6部分: 卷纬机 Textile machinery terminology-Part 6: Pim winding machines W90 GB/T 6002. 7 - 2003 纺织机械术语第7部分: 转杯纺纱机 Textile machinery terminology-Part 7: Rotor type open-end spinning machines W90 GB/T 6002. 9-1987 纺织机械术语针织机分类和术语 Textile machinery terminology-Classification and vocabulary for knitting machines W90 GB/T 6002. 10 - 2004纺织机械术语第lO部分: 织造前经纱准备机械 Textile machinery terminology-Part lO: Preparing machinery of warp for weaving W90 GB/T 6002. 12-1987纺织机械术语染整机器分类和名称 Textile machinery terminology-Dyeing and rinishing machinery classification and nomenclature W90 GB/T 6002. 13-1987纺织机械术语拉幅机 Textile machinery terminology-Stenters W90 GB/T 6002. 14 - 2003纺织机械术语第14部分: 卷绕基本术语 Textile machinery terminology-Part 14: Winding-Basic terms wg0 GB/T6975. 2 - 2003 纺织机械与附件化学短纤维包尺寸 Textile machinery and accessories-Bales of man-made staple fibres-Dimensions W90 GB/T 7111. 1 - 2002 纺织机械噪声测试规范第1部分: 通用要求 Textile machinery-Noise test code-Part 1: Common requirements W90 GB/T 7111. 2 - 2002 纺织机械噪声测试规范 第2部分: 纺前准备和纺部机械 Textile machinery-Noise test code-Part 2: Spinning preparatory and spinning machinery W90 GB/T 7111. 3 - 2002 纺织机械噪声测试规范第3部分: 非织造布机械 Textile machinery-Noise test code-Part 3: Non-woven machinery W90 GB/T 7111. 4 - 2002 纺织机械噪声测试规范第4部分: 纱线加工、绳索加工机械 Textile machinery-Noise test code-Part 4: Yarn processing, cordage and rope manufacturing machinery W90 GB/T 7111. 5 - 2002 纺织机械噪声测试规范 第5部分: 机织和针织准备机械 Textile machinery-Noise test code-Part 5: Weaving and knitting preparatory machinery W90 GB/T 7111. 6 - 2002 纺织机械噪声测试规范第6部分: 织造机械 Textile machinery-Noise test code-Part 6: Fabric manufacturing machinery W90 GB/T 7111. 7 - 2002 纺织机械噪声测试规范第7部分: 染整机械 Textile machinery-Noise test code-Part 7: Dyeing and finish machinery W90 GB/T8456 - 2003 纺织机械针织机圆机的公称直径 Textile machinery-Knitting machines-Nominal diameters of circular machines W90 GB/T 8457 - 2003 纺织机械针织机大公称直径圆机的针数 Textile machinery and accessories-Knitting machines-Number Of needles for circular knitting machines of large nominal diameter W90 GB/T 8458 - 2003 纺织机械与附件针织机针距 Textile machinery and accessories-Pitches of knit-ring machine needles W90 GB/T 8461 - 2003 纺织机械与附件 圆锥滚筒分条整经机 最大有效宽度 Textile machinery and accessories-Cone sectional Warping machines-Maximum usable width W90 GB/T 15192-1994 纺织机械用图形符号 Graphical symbols for textile machinery W90 GB/T 17780-1999 纺织机械安全要求 Safety requirements for textile machinery W90 GB 18399 - 2001 棉花加工机械安全要求 Security requirement of cotton processing machinery W90 GB/T 18737. 1 - 2002纺织机械与附件经轴第l部分: 词汇 Textile machinery and accessories-Beams for winding-Part l: General vocabulary W90 GB/T 18737. 4 - 2003纺织机械与附件经轴第4部分: 织轴、整经轴和分段整经轴边盘的质量等级 Textile machinery and accessories-Beams for winding-Part 4: Quality classification of flanges for Weav-er’s beams. warper’s beams and sectional beams W90 GB/T 18737. 6 - 2004纺织机械与附件经轴第6部分: 织带机和钩编机用经轴 Textile machinery and accessories-Beams for winding-Part 6: Beams for ribbon weaving and ribbon knitting W90 GB/Z 19091. 1 - 2003纺织工艺监控用数据元素的定义和属性 第l部分: 纺、纺前准备及相关工艺 Definitions and attributes of data elements for control and monitoring of textile processes-Part 1: spinning, spinning preparatory and related processes W90 GB/T 19382. 1 - 2003纺织机械与附件圆柱形条筒第l部分: 主要尺寸 Textile machinery and accessories-Cylindrical sliver cans-Part 1:Main dimensions W90 GB/T 19382. 2 - 2003纺织机械与附件圆柱形条简第2部分: 弹簧托盘 Textile machinery and accessories-Cylindrical sliver cans-Part 2: Spring bottoms W90 GB/T 19383 - 2003 纺纱机械梳毛机用搓条胶板主要尺寸和标记 Spinning machinery-Main dimensions and designation of condenser rubbers for cards w90 GB/T 19384 - -2003 纺织机械与附件针织机用输纱器词汇 Textile machinery and accessories-Yam feeders for knitting machines-Vocabulary W90 GB/T 19385. 1 - 2003纺织机械与附件综框第l部分: 穿综杆用托座固定于综框横梁相关尺寸 Texiile machinery and accessories-Heald flames-Part 1: Heald-carrying rod fixed to the frame stave by rod support-Coordinated dimensions W90 GB/T. 19385. 2 - 2003纺织机械与附件综框第2部分: 穿综杆直接固定于综框横梁相关尺寸 Textile machinery and accessories- Heald flames-Part 2:Heald-carrying rod fixed directly on the flame stave - Coordinated dimensions w90 GB/T 19385. 3 - 2003纺织机械与附件综框第3部分: 综框导板 Textile machinery and accessories-Heald flames-Part3: Guides for heald frames W90 GB/T 19386. 1 - 2003纺织机械与附件纱线和中间产品的卷装第1部分:术语 Textile machinery and accessories-Packages of yarns and intermediate products-Part 1: Terminology W90 GB/T 19386. 2 - 2004纺织机械与附件纱线和中间产品的卷装第2部分:卷绕类型 Textile machinery and accessories-Packages of yarns and intermediate products-Part 2: Forms of winding w90 GB/T 19548 - 2004 纺织机械与附件织机左右侧定义 Textile machinery and accessories-Weaving looms-Definition of left and right sides W90 GB/T 19549 - 2004 纺织机械与附件纺部机械左右侧定义 Textile machinery and accessories-Spinning machinery-Definition of left and right sides W90 GB/T 19550 - 2004 纺织机械与附件织造前经纱准备机械左右侧定义 Textile machinery and accessories-Preparing machinery of warp for weaving-Definition of left and right sides W90 GB/T 19551 - 2004 纺织机械浆纱机最大有效宽度 Textile machinery - Warp sizing machines-Maximum usable width W90 GB/T 19552 - 2004 纺织机械与附件闭口综耳钢片综尺寸 Textile machinery and accessories-Flat healds with closed end loops-Dimensions W90 GB/T 19553 - 2004 纺织机械与附件闭口“O”型综耳综丝用的穿综杆 Textile machinery and accessories - Heald carrying rods for healds with closed “o”-shaped end loops W90 GB/T 19554. 1 - 2004纺织机械与附件开口式综耳钢片综及相应穿综杆的主要尺寸第l部分: C型综耳 Textile machinery and accessories-Main dimension of open end loop flat steel healds and their corresponding heald- carrying rods - Part 1: C-shapes end loops W90 GB/T 19554. 2 - 2004纺织机械与附件开口式综耳钢片综及相应穿综杆的主要尺寸第2部分: J型综耳 Textile machinery and accessories-Main dimension of open end loop flat steel healds and their corresponding heald-carrying rods-Part 2: J-shapes end loops W90 GB/T 19554. 3 - 2004纺织机械与附件开口式综耳钢片综及相应穿综杆的主要尺寸第3部分: C型和J型综耳钢片综用穿综杆 Textile machinery and accessories-Main dimensions of open end loop fiat steel healds and their corresponding heald-carrying rods-Part3: Carrying rod for healds with C-and J-shaped end loops W90 GB/T 19556 - 2004 纺织机械与附件 卷纬机和交叉卷绕络筒机左右侧定义 Textile machinery and accessories-Pirn winders and cross winders-Definition of left and right sides W93 GB/T 9545-1988 棉纺机械工作宽度 Cotton spinning machinery-Working width W93 GB/T 10097 - 2003 纺织机械与附件精纺、粗纺梳毛机锡林宽度和针布宽度 Textile machinery and accessories-Worsted and woollen cards-Width Of cylinder and width on the wire W94 GB/T 19555 - 2004 纺织机械与附件提花织造用铅锤 Textile machinery and accessories-Lingoes for jacquard weaving W96 GB/T 15032-1994 制绳机械设备通用技术条件 General requirements for rope laying machinery |
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