Textile - generalContent:00 标准化、质量管理 01 技术管理 02 经济管理 04 基础标准与通用方法 05 工艺 06 综合利用 07 电子计算机应用 08 标志、包装、运输、贮存 09 卫生、安全、劳动保护 W04 GB 250-1995 评定变色用灰色样卡 Gray scale for assessing change in colour W04 GB 251-1995 评定沾色用灰色样卡 Gray scale for assessing staining W04 GB 730-1998 纺织品色牢度试验耐光和耐气候色牢度蓝色羊毛标准 Textiles - Tests for colour fastness-Blue wool standards for colour fastness t0 light and weathering W04 GB/T 2543. 1 - 2001 纺织品纱线捻度的测定第1部分: 直接计数法 Textiles-Determination of twist in yarn - Part 1: Direct counting method W04 GB/T 2543. 2 - 2001 纺织品纱线捻度的测定第2部分: 退捻加捻法 Textiles-Determination of twist in yarn - Part 2: Untwist-retwist method W04 GB/T 2910-1997 纺织品二组分纤维混纺产品定量化学分析方法 Textiles-Binary fibre mixtures-Quantitative chemical analysis W04 GB/T 2911-1997 纺织品三组分纤维混纺产品定量化学分析方法 Textiles - Ternary fibre mixtures-Quantitative chemical analysis W04 GB/T 2912. 1-1998 纺织品 甲醛的测定第1部分: 游离水解的甲醛(水萃取法) Textiles-Determination of formaldehyde-Part l: Free and hydmlized formaldehyde(water extraction method) W04 GB/T2912. 2-1998 纺织品甲醛的测定第2部分: 释放甲醛(蒸气吸收法) Textiles-Determination of formaldehyde-Part 2:Released formaldehyde(vapour absorption method) W04 GB/T 3291. 1-1997 纺织纺织材料性能和试验术语 第l部分: 纤维和纱线 Textiles - Terms of textile material properties and test - Part l: Free and yarn W04 GB/T 3291. 2-1997 纺织纺织材料性能和试验术语第2部分: 织物 Textiles-Terms of textile material properties and test - Part 2: Fabric W04 GB/T 3291. 3-1997 纺织纺织材料性能和试验术语第3部分: 通用 Textiles - Terms of textile material properties and test - Part 3: General W04 GB/T 3292-1997 纺织品 纱条条干不匀试验方法 电容法 Textiles-Testing method for unevenness of textile Strands-Using capacitance testing equipment W04 GB/T 3819-1997 纺织品 织物折痕回复性的测定 回复角法 Textiles-Determination of the recovery from creasing of a folded specimen by measuring the angle of recovery W04 GB/T 3820-1997 纺织品和纺织制品厚度的测定 Determination of thickness of textiles and textile products W04 GB/T 3916-1997 纺织品卷装纱单根纱线断裂强力和断裂伸长率的测定 Textiles-Yarns from packages-Determination of single-end breaking force and elongation at break W04 GB/T 3917. 1-1997 纺织品织物撕破性能第l部分: 撕破强力的测定冲击摆锤法 Textiles-Tear properties of fabrics-Part 1: Determination of tear force-Ballistic pendulum method (Elmendorf) W04 GB/T 3917. 2-1997 纺织品织物撕破性能第2部分: 舌形试样撕破强力的测定 Textiles-Tear properties of fabrics-Part 2: Determination of tear force of tongue shaped test specimens W04 GB/T 3917. 3-1997 纺织品织物撕破性能第3部分: 梯形试样撕破强力的测定 Textiles - Tear properties of fabrics-Part 3: Determination of tear force of trapezoidal shaped test specimens W04 GB/T 3920-1997 纺织品色牢度试验耐摩擦色牢度 Textiles-Tests for colour fastness-Colour fastness to rubbing W04 GB/T 3921. 1-1997 纺织品色牢度试验耐洗色牢度: 试验l Textiles-Tests for colour fastness-Colour fastness to washing: Test 1 W04 GB/T3921. 2-1997 纺织品色牢度试验耐洗色牢度: 试验2 Textiles-Tests for colour fastness-Colour fastness to washing: Test 2 W04 GB/T 3921. 3-1997 纺织品色牢度试验耐洗色牢度: 试验3 Textiles-Tests for colour fastness-Colour fastness to washing: Test 3 W04 GB/T 3921. 4-1997 纺织品色牢度试验耐洗色牢度: 试验4 Textiles-Tests for colour fastness-Colour fastness to washing: Test 4 W04 GB/T3921. 5-1997 纺织品色牢度试验耐洗色牢度: 试验5 Textiles-Tests for colour fastness-Colour fastness to washing: Test 5 W04 GB/T 3922-1995 纺织品耐汗渍色牢度试验方法 Textiles - Testing method for colour fastness to perspiration W04 GB/T 3922. 1-1997 纺织品织物拉伸性能第l部分: 断裂强力和断裂伸 长率的测定条样法 Textiles - Tensile properties of fabrics-Part 1: Deter-ruination of breaking force and elongation at breaking force-Strip method W04 GB/T3923. 2-1998 纺织品织物拉伸性能第2部分: 断裂强力的测定抓样法 Textiles-Tensile properties of fabrics-Part 2: Deter-ruination of breaking force-Grab method W04 GB/T 4146-1984 纺织名词术语(化纤部分) Textile terms and terminology f Parts of chemical fibers) W04 GB/T 4666-1995 机织物长度的测定 Textiles - Woven fabrics-Measurement of length of pieces W04 GB/T 4667-1995 机织物幅宽的测定 Textiles - Woven fabrics-Measurement of width of pieces W04 GB/T 4668-1995 机织物密度的测定 Textiles-Woven fabrics - Determination o f number of threads per unit length W04 GB/T 4669-1995 机织物单位长度质量和单位面积质量的测定 Textiles-Woven fabrics-Determination of mass per unit length and mass per unit area W04 GB/T 4743-1995 纱线线密度的测定绞纱法 Textiles - Yarn fTom packages - Determination of linear density(mass per unit length)by the skein method W04 GB/T 4744-1997 纺织织物抗渗水性测定静水压试验 Textile fabrics-Determination of resistance to water penetration - Hydrostatic pressure test W04 GB/T 4745-1997 纺织织物表面抗湿性测定沾水试验 Textile fabrics-Determination of resistance to surface werring - Spray test W04 GB/T 4802. 1-1997 纺织品织物起球试验圆轨迹法 Textiles-Assessing the rate of pilling of fabrics-Circular locus method W04 GB/T4802. 2-1997 纺织品织物起球试验马丁代尔法 Textiles-Assessing the rate of pilling of fabrics-Martindale method W04 GB/T 4802. 3-1997 纺织品织物起球试验起球箱法 Textiles - Assessing the rate of pilling of fabrics-Pilljng box method W04 GB/T 5453-1997 纺织品织物透气性的测定 Textiles-Determination ofthe permeability of fabrics to air W04 GB/T 5454-1997 纺织品燃烧性能试验氧指数法 Textiles - Burning behaviour - Oxygen index method W04 GB/T5455-1997 纺织品燃烧性能试验垂直法 Textiles-Burning behaviour-Vertical method W04 GB/T 5456-1997 纺织品燃烧性能 垂直方向试样火焰蔓延性能的测定 Textiles-Burning behaviour-Flame spread proper-ties of vertically oriented specimens W04 GB/T 5705-1985 纺织名词术语(棉部分) Textile terms and definitions(Cotton) W04 GB/T 5706-1985 纺织名词术语(毛部分) Textile terms and definitions(W001) W04 GB/T 5707-1985 纺织名词术语(麻部分) Textile terms and definitions(Jute, ralnie, flax, hemp) W04 GB/T 5708 - 2001 纺织品针织物术语 Textiles-Knitted fabrics-vocabulary W04 GB/T 5709-1997 纺织品非织造布术语 Textiles-Nonwovens-Terms W04 GB/T 5710-1985 纺织名词术语(纺织复制品部分) Textile terms and definitions(Textile end products) W04 GB/T 5711-1997 纺织品色牢度试验耐干洗色牢度 Textiles-Tests for colour fastness -Colour fastness to dry cleaning W04 GB/T 5712-1997 纺织品色牢度试验耐有机溶剂摩擦色牢度 Textiles-Tests for colour fastness-Colour fastness to rubbing: Organic solvents W04 GB/T 5713-1997 纺织品色牢度试验耐水色牢度 Textiles - Tests for colour fastness-Colour fastness to water W04 GB/T 5714-1997 纺织品色牢度试验耐海水色牢度 Textiles-Tests for colour fastness-Colour fastness to sea water W04 GB/T 5715-1997 纺织品色牢度试验耐酸斑色牢度 Textiles-Tests for colour fastness-Colour fastness to spotting: Acid W04 GB/T 5716-1997 纺织品色牢度试验耐碱斑色牢度 Textiles-Tests for colour fastness-Colour fastness to spotting: Alkali W04 GB/T 5717-1997 纺织品色牢度试验耐水斑色牢度 Textiles - Tests for colour fastness-Colour fastness to spotting: Water W04 GB/T 5718-1997 纺织品色牢度试验耐干热(热压除外)色牢度 Textiles - Tests for colour fastness-Colour fastness to dry heat(excluding pressing) W04 GB/T 6151-1997 纺织品 色牢度试验试验通则 Textiles-Tests for colour fastness-General principle of testing W04 GB/T 6152-1997 纺织品 色牢度试验耐热压色牢度 Textiles-Tests for colour fastness-Colour fastness to hot pressing W04 GB 6529-1986 纺织品的调湿和试验用标准大气 Standard atmospheres for textiles conditioning and testing W04 GB/T 7065-1997 纺织品色牢度试验耐热水色牢度 Textiles - Tests for colour fastness-Colour fastness to hot water W04 GB/T 7066-1997 纺织品 色牢度试验耐沸煮色牢度 Textiles - Tests for colour fastness-Colour fastness to spotting W04 GB/T 7067-1997 纺织品 色牢度试验耐加压汽蒸色牢度 Textiles-Tests for colour fastness-Colour fasmess to decatizing W04 GB/T 7068-1997 纺织品色牢度试验耐汽蒸色牢度 Textiles-Tests for colour fastness-Colour fastness to steaming W04 GB/T 7069-1997 纺织品色牢度试验耐次氯酸盐漂臼色牢度 Textiles-Tests for colour fastness-Colour fastness to bleaching: Hypochlorite W04 GB/T 7070-1997 纺织品色牢度试验耐过氧化物漂白色牢度 Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Colour fastness to bleaching: Peroxide W04 GB/T 7071-1997 纺织品色牢度试验耐亚氯酸钠轻漂色牢度 Textiles-Tests for colour fastness-Colour fastness to bleaching: Sodium chlorite(mild) W04 GB/T 7072-1997 纺织品 色牢度试验耐亚氯酸钠重漂色牢度 Textiles-Tests for colour fastness-Colour fastness to bleaching: Sodium chlorite(severe) W04 GB/T 7073-1997 纺织品色牢度试验耐丝光色牢度 Textiles-Tests for colour fastness-Colour fastness to mercerizing W04 GB/T 7074-1997 纺织品色牢度试验耐有机溶剂色牢度 Textiles-Tests for colour fastness-Colour fastness to organic solvents W04 GB/T 7075-1997 纺织品色牢度试验耐碱煮色牢度 Textiles-Tests for colour fastness-Colour fastness to soda boiling W04 GB/T 7076-1997 纺织品色牢度试验耐交染色牢度: 羊毛 Textiles-Tests for colour fastness -Colour fastness to cross-dyeing: Wool W04 GB/T 7077-1997 纺织品色牢度试验耐脱胶色牢度 Textiles-Tests for colour fastness-Colour fastness to degununing W04 GB/T 7078-1997 纺织品色牢度试验耐甲醛色牢度 Textiles-Tests for colour fastness-Colour fastness to formaldehyde W04 GB 7565-1987 纺织品色牢度试验棉和粘纤标准贴衬织物规格 Textiles-Tests for colour fastness-Specification for standard adjacent fabric: Cotton and viscose W04 GB/T 7568. 1 - 2002 纺织品色牢度试验毛标准贴衬织物规格 Textiles-Tests for colour fastness-Specification for wool adjacent fabric W04 GB/T 7568. 4 - 2002 纺织品色牢度试验聚酯标准贴衬织物规格 Textiles-Tests for colour fastness-Specification for polyester adjacent fabric W04 GB/T 7568. 5 - 2002 纺织品色牢度试验聚丙烯腈标准贴衬织物规格 Textiles-Tests for colour fastness-Specification for acrylic adjacent fabric W04 GB/T 7568. 6 - 2002 纺织品色牢度试验丝标准贴衬织物规格 Textiles-Tests for colour fastness-Specification for silk adjacent fabric W04 GB/T 7573 - 2002 纺织品水萃取液pH值的测定 Textiles-Determination of pH of the aqueous extract W04 GB/T 7742-1987 纺织品胀破强度和胀破扩张度的测定弹性膜片法 Textiles-Determination of bursting strength and bursting distension - Diaphragm method W04 GB/T 8050-1987 三股和八股聚丙烯单丝或薄膜绳索特性 Three-strand and eight-strand polypropylene monofilament or film ropes-Required characteristics W04 GB/T 8424. 1 - 2001 纺织品 色牢度试验表面颜色的测定通则 Textiles-Tests for colour fastness-General principies for measurement of surface colour W04 GB/T 8424. 2 - 2001 纺织品色牢度试验相对白度的仪器评定方法 Textiles-Tests for colour fastness-Instrumental assessment of relative whiteness W04 GB/T 8424. 3 - 2001 纺织品色牢度试验色差的计算 Textiles-Tests for colour fastness-Calculation of colour differences W04 GB/T 8426-1998 纺织品色牢度试验耐光色牢度: 日光 Textiles-Tests for colour fastness-Colour fastness to light: D~light W04 GB/T 8427-1998 纺织品 色牢度试验耐人造光色牢度: 氙弧 Textiles-Tests for colour fastness-Colour fasmess to artificial light: Xenon arc fading lamp test W04 GB/T 8428-1987 纺织品耐光色牢度试验方法: 碳弧 Textiles-Testing method for colour fastness to light: Carbon arc W04 GB/T 8429-1998 纺织品色牢度试验耐气候色牢度: 室外曝晒 Textiles-Tests for colour fastness-Colour fastness to weathering: Outdoor exposure W04 GB/T 8430-1998 纺织品色牢度试验耐人造气候色牢度: 氙弧 Textiles-Tests for colour fastness-Colour fasmess to artificial weathering: Xenon arc fading lamp test W04 GB/T 8431-1998 纺织品色牢度试验光致变色的检验和评定 Textiles - Tests for colour fastness-Detection and assessment of photochromism W04 GB/T 8432-1987 耐光色牢度试验仪用湿度控制标样 Humidity test control for colour fastness to light W04 GB/T 8433-1998 纺织品色牢度试验耐氯化水色牢度(游泳池水) Textiles - Tests for colour fastness-Colour fastness to chlorinated water(swimming-pool water) W04 GB/T 8434-1998 纺织品 色牢度试验耐缩呢色牢度: 碱性缩呢 Textiles - Tests for colour fastness-Colour fastness to milling: Alkaline milling W04 GB/T 8435-1998 纺织品 色牢度试验耐酸性毡合色牢度: 剧烈的 Textiles-Tests for colour fastness-Colour fastness to acid-felting: Severe W04 GB/T 8436-1998 纺织品色牢度试验耐酸性毡合色牢度: 温和的 Textiles-Tests for colour fastness-Colour fastness to acid-felting: Mild W04 GB/T8437-1998 纺织品色牢度试验耐硫熏色牢度 Textiles-Tests for colour fastness-Colour fastness to storing W04 GB/T 8438-1998 纺织品色牢度试验耐褶裥色牢度: 蒸汽褶裥 Textiles-Tests for colour fastness-Colour fastness to pleating: Steam pleating W04 GB/T 8439-1998 纺织品色牢度试验耐炭化色牢度: 氯化铝 Textiles-Tests for colour fastness-Colour fastness to carbonizing: Aluminium chloride W04 GB/T 8440-1998 纺织品色牢度试验耐炭化色牢度: 硫酸 Textiles-Tests for colour fastness-Colour fastness to carbonizing: Sulfuric acid W04 GB/T 8441-1998 纺织品色牢度试验耐氯化色牢度 Textiles-Tests for colour fastness-Colour fastness to chlorination W04 GB/T 8443-1998 纺织品 耐染浴中金属铬盐色牢度试验方法 Textiles - Testing method for colour fastness to metals in the dye-bath: Chromium salts W04 GB/T 8~AA一1998 纺织品耐染浴中铁和铜金属色牢度试验方法 Textiles - Testing method for colour fastness to metals in the dye-bath: Iron and copper W04 GB/T 8628 - 2001 纺织品测定尺寸变化的试验中织物试样和服装的准备、标记及测量 Textiles-Preparation, marking and measuring of fab tic specimens and garments in tests for determination of dimensional change W04 GB/T 8629 - 2001 纺织品试验用家庭洗涤和干燥程序 Textiles-Domestic washing and drying procedures for textile testing W04 GB/T 8630 - 2002 纺织品洗涤和干燥后尺寸变化的测定 Textiles-Determination of dimensional change in washing and drying W04 GB/T 8631 - 2001 纺织品织物因冷水浸渍而引起的尺寸变化的测定 Textiles-Determination of dimensional changes of fabrics induced by cold-water immersion W04 GB/T 8632 - 2001 纺织品机织物近沸点商业洗烫后尺寸变化能测定 Textiles-Woven fabrics-Determination of dimensional change on commercial laundering near the boiling point W04 GB/T 8683-1988 机织物一般术语和基本组织的定义 Textiles-Woven fabrics-Definitions of general terms and basic weaves W04 GB/T8684-1988 纺织品质量的测定词汇 Textiles-Determination of mass - Vocabulary W04 GB/T 8685-1988 纺织品和服装使用说明的图形符号 Care labelling code of textiles and apparel W04 GB/T 8686-1988 织物光泽测试方法 Textile fabrics-Test method of gloss W04 GB/T 8693-1988 纺织纱线的标示 Textiles-Designation of yarns W04 GB/T 8604-1988 纺织纱线及有关产品捻向的标示 Textiles-Designation of the direction of twist in yarns and related products W04 GB/T 8695-1988 纺织纤维和纱线的形态词汇 Textiles - Morphology of fibres and yarns - Vocabulary W04 GB/T 8696-1988 纱线断裂强力的试验方法绞纱法 Textiles - Yarns from packages-Method of test for breaking strength of yarn-Skein method W04 GB/T 8745 - 2001 纺织品燃烧性能织物表面燃烧时间的测定 Textiles-Burning behaviour-Determination of surface burning gme of fabrics W04 GB/T 8746 - 2001 纺织品燃烧性能垂直方向试样易点燃性的测定 Textiles-Burning behaviour-Determination of ease of ignition of vertically oriented specimens W04 GB 9994-1988 纺织材料公定回潮率 Commercial mismre regains of textiles W04 GB/T 9995-1997 纺织材料含水率和回潮率的测定烘箱干燥法 Determination of moisture content and moisture regain of textile Oven-drying method W04 GB/T 10629-1989 纺织品用于化学试验的实验室样品和试样的准备 Textiles-Preparation of laboratory test samples and test specimens for chemical testing W04 GB/T 11039-1989 纺织品耐氧化氮色牢度试验方法 Textiles-Test for colour fastness to nitrogen oxides W04 GB/T 11040-1989 纺织品耐烟熏色牢度试验方法 Textiles-Test for colour fastness to burnt gas fumes W04 GB/T 11041-1989 纺织品耐大气中臭氧色牢度试验方法 Textiles-Test for colour fastness to ozone in the atmosphere W04 GB/T 11042-1989 纺织品耐热空气硫化色牢度试验方法 Textiles-Test for colour fastness to vulcanizing: Hot air W04 GB/T 11043-1989 纺织品耐一氯化硫色牢度试验方法 Textiles - Test for colour fastness to vulcanizing: Sulphur monochloride W04 GB/T 11044~1989 纺织品耐直接蒸汽硫化色牢度试验方法 Textiles-Test for colour fastness to vulcanizing: Open steam W04 GB/T 11045-1989 纺织品羊毛染料耐化学法褶皱、褶裥和定型色牢度试验方法 Textiles-Test for colour fastness of wool dyes to processes using chemical means for creasing, pleating and setting W04 GB/T 11046-1989 纺织品耐羊毛酸性氯化色牢度试验方法 二氯异氰尿酸钠 Textiles-Test for colour fastness to acid chlorination of wool: Sodium dichloroisocyanurate W04 GB/T 11047-1989 织物勾丝试验方法 Textile fabrics-Testing method for assessing the degree of snagging W04 GB/T 11048-1989 纺织品保温性能试验方法 Textiles-Testing method for warmth retention property W04 GB/T 11049-1989 铺地纺织品燃烧性能在室温下片剂试验 Textile floor coverings-Burning behaviour-Tablet test at ambient temperature W04 GB 11403-1989 纺织品色牢度试验聚酰胺标准贴衬织物规格 Textiles-Tests for colour fastness -Specification for standard adjacent fabric: Polyamide W04 GB 11404-1989 纺织品色牢度试验多纤维标准贴衬织物规格 Textiles-Tests for colour fastness-Specification for standard adjacent fabric: Maltifibre W04 GB/T 11785-1989 铺地材料临界辐射通量的测定辐射热源法 Floor coverings-Determination of critical radiant flux using a radiant heat energy source W04 GB/T 11951-1989 纺织品天然纤维术语 Textiles-Natural fibres-Generic names and definitions W04 GB/T 11965-1989 纺织品变形长丝纱术语 Textiles-Textured filament yarns - Vocabulary W04 GB/T 12490-1990 纺织品耐家庭和商业洗涤色牢度试验方法 Textiles-Testing method for C010ur fastness to domestic and commercial laundering W04 GB/T 13765-1992 纺织品 色牢度试验亚麻和苎麻标准贴衬织物规格 Textiles-Tests for colour fastness-Specification for standard adjacent fabric of linen and ramie W04 GB/T 13766-1992 纺织品耐氧化氮和烟熏色牢度试验用控制标样和褪色标准 Textiles-Test control reference and fading standard for tests of colour-fastness to nitrogen oxides and burt gas funles W04 GB/T 13767-1992 纺织品 耐热性能的测定方法 Textiles-Method for the determination of the ability of textiles to heat resistance W04 GB/T 13769-1992 纺织品耐久压烫织物经家庭洗涤和干燥后外观的评定方法 Textiles-Method for assessing the appearance of durable press fabrics after domestic washing and drying W04 GB/T 13770-1992 纺织品耐久压烫产品经家庭洗涤和干燥后褶裥外观的评定方法 Textiles-Method for assessing the appearance of creases in durable press products after domestic washing and drying W04 GB/T 13771-1992 纺织品耐久压烫产品经家庭洗涤和干燥后接缝外观的评定方法 Textiles-Method for assessing the appearance of seams m durable press products after domestic wash-ing and drying W04 GB/T 13772. 1-1992机织物中纱线抗滑移性测定方法缝合法 The method for determination of slippage resistance of yarns in woven fabrics-Seam method W04 GB/T 13772. 2-1992机织物中纱线抗滑移性测定方法模拟缝合法 The method for determination of slippage resistance of yarns in woven fabrics-Simulated seaill method W04 GB/T 13772. 3-1992机织物中纱线抗滑移性测定方法摩擦法 The method for determination of slippage resistance of yarns in woven fabrics - Friction method W04 GB/T 13773-1992 机织物及制品接缝强力和接缝效率试验方法 Woven fabric and its products-Testing method for seam strength and seam efficiency W04 GB/T 13774-1992 纺织品机织物组织代码及示例 Textiles-Weaves-Coding system and examples W04 GB/T 13775-1992 棉、麻、绢丝机织物耐磨试验方法 Testing method for determination of the resistance to abrasion of cotton. ramie and silk spinning fabrics W04 GB/T 13782-1992 纺织纤维长度分布参数试验方法 电容法 Test method for textile fibre length distribution parameters-Electric condenser method W04 GB/T 13787-1992 纺织纤维鉴别试验方法着色剂法 Test method for textile fibres identification-Stain method W04 GB/T 14575-1993 纺织品综合色牢度试验方法 Textiles - Testing method of comprehensive colour fastness W04 GB/T 14576-1993 纺织品耐光、汗复合色牢度试验方法 Textiles-Testing method for complex colour fastness to light-perspiration W04 GB/T 14577-1993 织物拒水性测定邦迪斯门淋雨法 Textiles-Determination of water repellency of fabrics by the Bundesmann rain-shower test W04 GB/T 14644-1993 纺织织物燃烧性能45. 方向燃烧速率测定 Textile fabrics-Buming behaviour-The 45. test determination of flame spread rate W04 GB/T 14645-1993 纺织织物燃烧性能45. 方向损毁面积和接焰次数测定 Textile fabrics-Burning behaviour-The 45. test determination of damaged area and ignition times W04 GB/T 15788-1995 土工布拉伸试验方法宽条样法 Geotextiles-Wide width tensile test W04 GB/T 15789-1995 土工布透水性测定方法 Geotextile-Determination of water flow W04 GB/T 16256-1996 纺织纤维线密度试验方法振动仪法 Textile fibres-Determination of linear density-Vibroscope method W04 GB/T 16257-1996 纺织纤维短纤维长度和长度分布的测定单纤维测量法 Textile fibres-Determination of length and length distribution of staple fibres - Measurement of single fibres W04 GB/T 16990-1997 纺织品色牢度试验颜色1/1标准深度的仪器测定 Textiles-Tests for colour fastness-Instrumental determination Of 1/1 standard depth of colour W04 GB/T 16991-1997 纺织品色牢度试验高温耐光色牢度: 氙弧 Textiles-Tests for colour fastness-Colour fastness to artificial light at high temperatures: Xenon arc W04 GB/T 17031. 1-1997纺织品织物在低压下的干热效应第l部分: 织物的干热处理程序 Textiles-Effect of dry heat on fabrics under low pressure-Part l: Procedure for dry-heat treatment of fabrics W04 GB/T 17031. 2-1997纺织品织物在低压下的干热效应第2部分: 受干热的织物尺寸变化的测定 Textiles-Effect of dry heat on fabrics under low pressure-Part 2: Determination of dimensional change in fabrics exposed to dry heat W04 GB/T 17032-1997 纺织品织物紫外线透过率的试验方法 Textiles-Testing method for transmission of ultraviolet ray W04 GB/T 17592. 1-1998纺织品禁用偶氮染料检测方法气相色谱/质谱法 Textiles-Test method of the use of banned azo colourants-Gas chromatography/mass spectrography method W04 GB/T 17592. 2-1998纺织品禁用偶氮染料检测方法高效液相色谱法 Textiles-Test method of the use of banned azo colourants-HIgh pressure liquid chromatography method W04 GB/T 17592. 3-1998纺织品禁用偶氮染料的检测方法薄层层析法 Textiles-Test method of the use of banned azo colourants-Thin-layer chromatcIgraphy W04 GB/T 17593-1998 纺织品重金属离子检测方法原子吸收分光光度法 Textiles-Test method of heavy metal ions-Atomic absorption spectrophotometry W04 GB/T 17594-1998 纺织材料热转变温度试验方法差示扫描量热法 Textile material-Test method for thermotransition temperature - Differential scanning calorimetry(DSC) W04 GB/T 17595-1998 纺织品织物燃烧试验前的家庭洗涤程序 Textiles-Domestic laundering procedures for textile fabrics prior to flammability testing W04 GB/T 17596-1998 纺织品织物燃烧试验前的商业洗涤程序 Textiles-Commercial laundering procedure for textile fabrics prior to flammability testing W04 GB/T 17597-1998 棉絮片发烟燃烧性能试验方法 Test method for smoldering combustion potential of cotton-based batting W04 GB/T 17599-1998 防护服用织物防热性能抗熔融金属滴冲击性能的测定 Protective clothine - Heatproof behaviour-Determination of behaviour of materials 0n impact of small splashes of molten metal W04 GB/T 17644-1998 纺织纤维白度色度试验方法 Test method for whiteness and chromaticity of textile fibres W04 GB/T 18318 - 2001 纺织品织物弯曲长度的测定 Textiles-Determination of bending length of fabrics W04 GB/T 18319 - 2001 纺织品红外蓄热保暖性的试验方法 Textiles-Testing method for thermal retention with accumulated by infrared ray W04 GB/T 18412-2001 纺织品有机氯杀虫剂残留量的测定 Textiles-Determination of the residues of organochlorine pesticides W04 GB/T 18413 - 2001 纺织品2一萘酚残留量的测定 Textiles-Determination of the residues of 2-naphtha-lenol W04 GB/T 18414. 1-2001纺织品五氯苯酚残留量的测定 第1部分: 气相色谱-质谱法 Textiles-Determination of the residues of pentachlorophenol-Part 1: Gas chromatography/mass spectrography W04 GB/T 18414. 2 - 2001纺织品五氯苯酚残留量的测定第2部分: 气相色谱法 Textiles-Determination of the residues of pentachlorophenol-Part 2: Gas chromatograph method W04 GB/T 18631 - 2002 纺织纤维分级室的北空昼光采光 Textile fibre-North sky right daylighting for classing rooms W04 GB/T 18886 - 2092 纺织品色牢度试验耐唾液色牢度 Textiles-Tests for fastness-Colour fastness t0 saliva W09 GB 17591-1998 阻燃机织物 Woven flame retardant fabrics W09 GB 18401 - 2093 国家纺织产品基本安全技术规范 National general safety technical code for textile products W09 GB/T 18885 - 2002 生态纺织品技术要求 Technical specification for ecological textiles |
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