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Labor protection and management

75 integrated management of labor protection
76 working hours, leave and workers, the protection of minors
77 health and safety skills assessment
78 Health and Safety Management

C75 GB/T 3608 - 1993 高处作业分级
Classification of works at heights
C75 GB 3869 - 1997 体力劳动强度分级
Classification on intensity of physical work
C75 GB/T 6441 - 1986 企业职工伤亡事故分类
The classification for casualty accidents of enterprise staff and workers
C75 GB/T 6721 - 1986 企业职工伤亡事故经济损失统计标准
Statistical standard of economic lasses from injury - fatal accidents of enterprise staff and workers
C75 GB/T 15499 - 1995 事故伤害损失工作日标准
The lost workdays standard for injury accidents
C75 GB 18667 - 2002 道路交通事故受伤人员伤残评定
Assessment for body impairment of the injured in road traffic accident
C76 GB/T 12330 - 1990 体力搬运重量限值
The limit on carrying – load for physical work
C76 GB/T 14002 - 1992 劳动定额术语
Terminology of work quota
C376 GB/T 14163 - 1993 工时消耗分类、代号和标准时间构成
Classification of working - hours consumption, symbols and composition of standard time
C78 GB 6389 - 1997 - V业企业铁路道口安全标准
Safety standards for railway level crossing in industrial enterprises
C78 GB/T 8196 - 2003 机械安全防护装置 固定式和活动式防护装置设计与制造一般要求
Safety of machinery - Guards - General requirements for the design and construction of fixed and movable guards
C78 GB/T 12138 - 1989 袋式除尘器性能测试方法
Measuring method for performance of bag filter
C78 GB 13591 - 1992 溶解乙炔充装规定
Rules for the fining of dissolved acetylene
C78 GB/T 16906 - 1997 石油罐导静电涂料电阻率测定法
Standard test methods for electrical resistivity of antistatic coating in petroleum tanks
Here are collected names of most common standards of China. If you found standard, that you are interesting in, we can obtain and translate it for you. If here are no standards, that you are looking for, feel free to request us, we will find a suitable one.

Price depends on the standard
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