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40 机车综合
41 电力机车
42 内燃机车
43 蒸汽机车
45 工矿电力机车
46 工矿内燃机车
49 其他机车

S40 GB/T 3367. 1 - 2000 铁道机车名词术语柴油机零部件名词
Glossary of terms for railway locomotive-Names of component parts for diesel engine
S40 GB/T 3367. 2 - 2000 铁道机车名词术语液力传动系统零部件名词
Glossary of terms for railway locomotive-Names of component parts for hydraulic transmission system
S40 GB/T 3367. 3 - 2000 铁道机车名词术语 内燃机车辅助装置零部件名词
Glossary of terms for railway locomotive-Names of component parts for diesel locomotive auxiliary device
S40 GB/T3367. 4 - 2000 铁道机车名词术语 内燃机车车体和转向架零部件名词
Glossary of terms for railway locomotive-Names of component parts for diesel locomotive body and bogie
S40 GB/T 3367. 5 - 2000 铁道机车名词术语空气制动装置零部件名词
Glossary of terms for railway locomotive-Names of component parts for air brake equipment
S40 GB/T3367. 6 - 2000 铁道机车名词术语内燃机车术语
Glossary of terms for railway locomotive - Terms of diesel locomotive
S40 GB/T 3367. 7 - 2000 铁道机车名词术语柴油机术语
Glossary of terms for railway locomotive-Terms of diesel engine
S40 GB/T 3367. 8 - 2000 铁道机车名词术语液力传动术语
Glossary of terms for railway locomotive-Terms of hydraulic transmission
S40 GB/T 3367. 11-1986铁路机车名词术语蒸汽机车术语
Glossary of terms for railway locomotive-Terms of steam locomotive
S40 GB/T 3367. 12-1986铁路机车名词术语蒸汽机车零部件名称
Glossary of terms for railway locomotive-Terms of component parts for steam locomotive
S40 GB/T 3450-1994 铁路机车司机室噪声允许值
Allowed value of noise inside driver’s compartment of locomotive
S40 GB/T 7181 - 2000 铁路机车机械活性物质测定方法
Measurement of mechanical active substances in rail-way locomotives
S41 GB/T 3317-1982 电力机车通用技术条件
General technical specifications for electric locomotives
S41 GB/T 3318-1982 电力机车组装后的检查与试验规则
Rules for the inspecting and testing of electric loco-motives after completion of construction
S41 GB/T 3319-1998 电力机车和电动车组额定功率的确定
Definition of the rated output of electric locomotives and motive power units
S41 GB 5914. 1 - 2000 机车司机室嘹望条件
Visibility conditions for driver’s cabs of locomotives
S41 GB 5914. 2 - 2000 机车司机室前窗、侧窗及其他窗的配置
Position of front and side windows and other windows for driver’s cabs of locomotives
S41 GB/T 6769 - 2000 机车司机室布置规则
Regulations governing the layout of driver’s cabs of locomotives
S41 GB 6770 - 2000 机车司机室特殊安全规则
special safety regulations for driver’s cabs of loco-motives
S41 GB 6771 - 2000 电力机车防火和消防措施的规程
Regulations relating to fire preventive and fighting measures for electric locomotives
S41 GB/T 7180-1987 铁道干线电力机车基本参数
Basic parameters of electric locomotives of railway trunk lines
S41 GB/T 7183-1987 铁道干线电力机车车内设备机械振动烈度评定方法
Evaluation of mechanical vibration severity of machines and equipments in electric locomotives
S42 GB/T 3314-1982 内燃机车通用技术条件
General technical specifications for diesel locomotives
S42 GB/T 3315-1982 内燃机车组装后的检查与试验规则
Rules for inspecting and testing of diesel locomotives after completion of construction
S42 GB/T 3316-1982 内燃机车功率确定方法
Method of defining the nominal power for disel locomotives
S42 GB/T 5913-1986 柴油机车车内设备机械振动烈度评定方法
Mechanical vibration of machines and equipments in diesel locomotive Evaluation of vibration severity in site
S42 GB/T 7182-1987 铁路内燃机车动力室噪声测量
Measurement of noise in engine room of diesel locomotives
S42 GB/T 12819-1991 内燃机车台架试验方法牵引热工性能试验
Stand test methods of diesel locomotives - Test of the traction and thermodynamic performance
S42 GB/T 12820-1991 内燃机车台架试验方法油水冷却装置性能及热平衡
Stand test methods of diesel locomotives - Test of oil/water cooling equipment performance and heat balance
S42 GB/T 12821-1991 内燃机车台架试验方法机车空载性能试验
Stand test methods of diesel locomotive - Locomotives no-load performance test
Here are collected names of most common standards of China. If you found standard, that you are interesting in, we can obtain and translate it for you. If here are no standards, that you are looking for, feel free to request us, we will find a suitable one.

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