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Railway construction equipment

10 铁路建筑设备综合
11 线路构件
12 道岔与钢轨伸缩器
13 桥涵与隧道构件
14 站、段设备
16 铁路建筑产品制造用设备
17 铁路建筑产品保养与维修
19 铁路施工机械
20 铁路施工机械制造工艺与设备
21 铁路施工机械使用与维修
22 铁路养路机械
23 铁路养路机械制造工艺与设备
24 铁路养路机械使用与维修

S11 GB/T 9221-1988 防腐木枕
Preservatively-treated sleeper
S11 GB/T 17955 - 2000 球型支座技术条件
Technical requirements for spherical bearings
S12 GB/T 1246-1976 铁路道岔号数系列
Railway turn out number series
S13 GB/T 904-1994 铁路桥梁跨度系列
Railway bridge span series
S19 GB/T 10082-1996 重型轨道车技术条件
Technical requirements of heavy duty railway motor trolley
S30 GB/T 3449-1994 铁路机车车辆内部噪声测量
Measurement of noise inside railway vehicles
S31 GB/T 4952-1985 机车车辆自动车钩连接轮廓
Coupler connection contour for locomotives and cars
S31 GB/T 17425-1998 货车车钩、钩尾框采购和验收技术条件
Purchase and acceptance of couplers and coupler yokes for freight service
S33 GB/T 4695-1984 窄轨机车车辆车轮踏面形状及尺寸
Wheel tread and dimensions for narrow gauge loco-motives and vehicles
Here are collected names of most common standards of China. If you found standard, that you are interesting in, we can obtain and translate it for you. If here are no standards, that you are looking for, feel free to request us, we will find a suitable one.

Price depends on the standard
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