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Railroad - general

00 标准化、质量管理
01 技术管理
02 经济管理
04 基础标准与通用方法
05 材料
06 路徽与制服
07 电子计算机应用
09 卫生、安全、劳动保护

S02 GB/T 19620 - 2004 城市轨道交通电力牵引供电工程劳动定员定额
Labor force quota for locomotive power supply engineering in city transit system
S02 GB/T 19621 - 2004 城市轨道交通轻轨工程劳动定员定额
Labor force quota for light rail engineering in city transit system
S02 GB/T 19622 - 2004 城市轨道交通地下铁道工程劳动定员定额
Labor force quota for subway engineering in city transit system
S02 GB/T 19623 - 2004 城市轨道交通通信信号工程劳动定员定额
Labor force quota for signaling engineering in city transit system
S04 GB 146. 1-1983 标准轨距铁路机车车辆限界
Rolling stock gauge for standard gauge railways
S04 GB 146. 2-1983 标准轨距铁路建筑限界
Structure gauge for standard gauge railways
S04 GB 188-1963 762毫米轨距铁路机车车辆限界和建筑接近限界分类及基本尺寸
Locomotive and car clearance boundary and structure clearance boundary for 762mm gauge railways - Classification and basic dimensions
S04 GB 1402-1998 铁道干线电力牵引交流电压
A. C. Voltage of electric traction for the railway main lines
S04 GB/T 7058-1986 铁路客运服务图形标志
Pictograms used in railway passenger service
S04 GB/T 9654-1988 铁路编组站改编能力计算方法(三级三场)
Calculated methods of sorting capacity for railway marsballing station(3-stage/3-yard)
S04 GB/T 15165-1994 铁路车站及枢纽术语
Terminology for railway station and terminal
S04 GB/T 16904. 1-1997标准轨距铁路机车车辆限界规一般规定及机车车辆限界检查方法
Rolling stock gauges for standard gauge railways-The general rules and methods for inspecting of roll-hag stock gauge
S04 GB/T 16904. 2-1997标准轨距铁路机车车辆限界规机车车辆上部限界规
Rolling stock gauges for standard gauge railways-The gauge for upper part of rolling stock
S04 GB/T 16904. 3-1997标准轨距铁路机车车辆限界规电力机车上部限界规
Rolling stock gauges for standard gauge railways-The gauge for upper part of electric locomotives
S04 GB/T 16904. 4-1997标准轨距铁路机车车辆限界规双层客车上部限界规
Rolling stock gauges for standard gauge railways-The gauge for upper part of double-deck coaches
S04 GB/T 16904. 5-1997标准轨距铁路机车车辆限界规机车车辆下部限界规
Rolling stock gauges for standard gauge railways-The gauge for lower part of rolling stock
S09 GB 13669-1992 铁道机车辐射噪声限值
The limite of noise emitted by rall bound locomotives
S09 GB/T 13670 - 2000 铁道车辆乘客及乘务员所承受的振动的测量与分析
Mechanical vibration - Measurement and analysis of vibration to which passengers and crew are exposed in railway vehicles
S10 GB/T 16566-1996 铁路隧道术语
Terms for railway tunnel
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