Ship maintenance and repairContent:30 船舶维护与修理综合 31 船体及舾装维护修理 32 船用主辅机及管路附件维护修理 33 船舶专用装备维护修理 34 船用电气、观通、导航设备维护修 R30 GB/T 13386-1992 海洋营运船舶明火作业安全技术要求 Technical requirements for fire working of sea going transport ships R30 GB/T 16558. 1-1996船舶维修保养体系总则 The ship maintenance system - General rules R30 GB/T 16558. 2-1996船舶维修保养体系船舶设备分类及代码 The ship maintenance system - Numbering of ship equipments and code number R30 GB/T 16558. 3-1996船舶维修保养体系船舶维修保养的分级、标准周期代码及周期允差 The ship maintenance system - Maintenance grades, standard code and permissible deviation for maintenance period of ship R30 GB/T 16558. 4-1996船舶维修保养体系 工作卡的格式及其栏目 The ship maintenance system - Code and description for the work card R30 GB/T 16558. 5-1996船舶维修保养体系 工作卡的首排及其表示方法 The ship maintenance system - Planning schedule for work cards m the first maintenance period R30 GB/T 16558. 6-1996船舶维修保养体系 船舶维修计划营运管理方法 The ship maintenance system - The management of action cycle for maintenance plan R30 GB/T 16558. 7-1996船舶维修保养体系表格样式 The ship maintenance system - Samples of tables R30 GB/T 19429 - 2004 内河船舶设计企业开业条件 Enterprise set-up qualification of inland waterway ship design |
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