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Water transport

20 水路运输综合
21 船舶驾驶与轮机管理
22 船舶航行安全与船舶安全标准
24 客运
25 货运
26 水路集装箱运输及成组运输
27 气垫船运输
28 船舶通信、导航设备的管理、使用及维修
29 海岸电台通信设备的管理、使用及维修

R20 GB/T 4099-1983 航海常用名词、术语及其代(符)号
Navigation terms and symbols in common use
R20 GB 8244-1987 救生艇筏饮用水
Drinking water for survival craft
R20 GB/T 10743-1989 水运商务名词术语
Terminology for water transport commercial
R21 GB 18436 - 2001 轮机日志和车钟记录簿
Engine log book and record book of engine order telegraph
R22 GB/T 6551-1993 船舶安全开航技术要求通信与导航
Technical requirement for the safety sailing of vessels-Communication and navigation
R22 GB/T 11412. 1-1989海上运输船舶安全开航技术要求总则
Technical requirements for safety of commencing a sea voyage of sea going transport ships-General rules
R22 GB/T 11412. 2-1989海上运输船舶安全开航技术要求 甲板部
Technical requirements for safety of commencing a sea voyage of sea going transport ships-Deck depart-ment
R22 GB/T 11412. 3-1989海上运输船舶安全开航技术要求轮机部
Technical requirements for safety of commencing a sea voyage of sea going transport ships-Engineering department
R22 GB 13851. 1-1992 内河交通安全标志总则
Traffic safety signs on inland waterways-General principles
R22 GB 13851. 2-1992 内河交通安全标志标志
Traffic safety signs on inland waterways-Signs
R22 GB/T 13851. 3-1992内河交通安全标志配备与安装
Tragic safety signs on inland waterways-Layoff and mounting
R22 GB 14740-1993 内河开式划桨救生艇
Inland river open rowing lifeboats
R22 GB 16557-1996 海船救生安全标志
Safety signs for life-saving on sea-going ship
R22 GB 18093 - 2000 航海日志
Deck log book
R24 GB/T 15731-1995 内河旅游船星级的划分及评定
Star-rating standard for cruise ships on inland river
R24 GB/T 16890. 1-1997水路客运服务质量要求总则
Requirements on services of passenger transport by water - General rules
R24 GB/T 16890. 2-1997水路客运服务质量要求沿海、长江干线客船
Requirements on services of passenger transport by water - Passenger ships sailing in coastal waters and the main routes of the Yangtze river
R24 GB/T 16890。3-1997水路客运服务质量要求远洋、涉外游览客船
Requirements on services of passenger transport by water - Passenger ships sailing in ocean and for over-seas visitors
R24 GB/T 16890. 4-1997水路客运服务质量要求 内河客船
Requirements on services of passenger transport by water - Passenger ships sailing in inland waters
R24 GB/T 16890. 5-1997水路客运服务质量要求高速客船
Requirements on services of passenger transport by water - High speed passenger ships
R24 GB/T 16890. 6-1997水路客运服务质量要求游览船
Requirements on services of passenger transport by water - Sightseeing cruise ships
R24 GB/T 16890. 7-1997水路客运服务质量要求港口客运站
Requirements on services of passenger transport by water - Passenger stations in port
R28 GB 15215-1994 全球海上遇险安全系统(GMDSS) 数字选择呼叫(DSC)设备性能要求
Global maritime distress and safety system - Performance requirements for digital selective calling(DSC) equipment
R28 GB 15216-1994 全球海上遇险安全系统(GMDSS) 搜救雷达应答器(SART)性能要求
Global maritime distress and safety system - Performance requirements for marine search and rescue radar transponder(SART)
R28 GB/T 16725-1997全球海上遇险和安全系统(GMDSS) 船用单边带收、发信机技术要求
Technical requirements for transmitter and receiver for global marine distress&safety system
R28 GB/T 17424-1998 差分全球定位系统(DGPS)技术要求
Technical requirements of differential global positioning system
Here are collected names of most common standards of China. If you found standard, that you are interesting in, we can obtain and translate it for you. If here are no standards, that you are looking for, feel free to request us, we will find a suitable one.

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