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Highway and water transport - general

00 标准化、质量管理
01 技术管理
02 经济管理
04 基础标准与通用方法
06 运输材料消耗与节能
07 电子计算机应用
08 标志、包装、运输、贮存
09 卫生、安全、劳动保护

R04 GB/T 14507 - 1993 公路、水路货物运输气候环境条件
Climatic environmental conditions existing in the cargo transportation by highway and waterway
R04 GB/T 14508-1993 等级公路货物运输机械环境条件
Mechanical environmental conditions existing in the cargo transportation by classed highway
R04 GB/T 14509-1993 水路货物运输机械环境条件
Mechanical environmental conditions existing in the cargo transportation by waterway
R04 GB/T 17271-1998 集装箱运输术语
Terminology for container transport
R04 GB/T 18225 - 2000 水路客运术语
Terminology for passenger transport by water
R06 GB/T 4352-1984 载货汽车运行燃料消耗量
Fuel consumption for trucks in operation
R06 GB/T 4353-1984 载客汽车运行燃料消耗量
Fuel consumption for passenger vehicles in operation
R06 GB/T 7187. 1 - 1987 运输船舶燃油消耗量海洋船舶计算方法
Fuel oil consumption for transportation ships-Calculation method for marine ships
R06 GB/T 7187. 2 - 2001 运输船舶燃油消耗量长江船舶计算方法
Fuel off consumption of transportation ships- Calculation method for changjiang ships
R06 GB/T 7187. 3 - 2001 运输船舶燃油消耗量内河船舶计算方法
Fuel oil consumption for transportation ships - Calculation method for inland ships
R06 GB/T 14951-1994 汽车节油技术评定方法
Measurement method of fuel saving technology for automobiles
R06 GB/T 17751-1999 运输船舶能源利用监测评价方法
The survey-evaluating method of energy utilization for transport ships
R06 GB/T18566 - 2001 运输车辆能源利用检测评价方法
Inspection and evaluation method of energy utilization for commercial vehicle
R07 GB 917. 1 - 2000 公路路线标识规则命名、编号和编码
Mark rules of highway route-Naming,numbering and coding
R07 GB 917. 2 - 2000 公路路线标识规则 国道名称和编号
Mark rules of highway route-Name and number of national trunk highway
R07 GB/T 919 - 2002 公路等级代码
Code for highway classification
R07 GB/T 920 - 2002 公路路面等级与面层类型代码
Code for classification and type of hi曲way pavement
R07 GB/T 17784. 1-1999货运和集拼汇总报文第l部分: 联合国标准货运和集拼汇总报文
Forwarding and consolidation summary message-Part 1: Forwarding and consolidation summary mes-sage of united nations standard
R07 GB/T 17784. 2-1999货运和集拼汇总报文第2部分: 货运和集拼汇总报文子集-货物/运费舱单报文
Forwarding and consolidation summary message-Part 2: Forwarding and consolidation summary mes-sage subset - Cargo/freight manifest message
R07 GB/T 18016. 1-1999实际订舱报文第l部分: 联合国标准实际订舱报文
Firm booking message-Part l: Firm booking message of United Nations standard
R07 GB/T 18016. 2-1999实际订舱报文第2部分: 实际订舱报文子集 订舱报文
Firm booking message - -Part 2: Firm booking message subset - Booking message
R07 GB/T 18017. 1-1999订舱确认报文第1部分: 联合国标准订舱确认报文
Booking confirmation message-Part 1: Booking confirmation message of United Nations standard
R07 GB/T 18017. 2-1999订舱确认报文第2部分: 订舱确认报文子集 订舱确认报文
Booking confirmation message - Part 2: Booking confirmation message subset - Booking confirmation message
R07 GB/T 18156 - 2000 海上国际集装箱货物交付单证
Delivery document of maritime containerized cargo
R07 GB/T 18366 - 2001 国际贸易运输船舶名称与代码编制原则
Rules of names and codes for international-trade ships
R07 GB/T 18731 - 2002 干线公路定位规则
Rules for locating highway of trunk
R08 GB/T 15233-1994 包装单元货物尺寸
Packaging - Unit load size
R09 GB 7454-1987 机动车前照灯使用和光束调整技术规定
Technical regulations for operation and beam adjustment of motor vehicle head-lamp
R09 GB/T 12303-1990 海船声号器具的声压级测量
Measurement of sound pressure level for sound signal appliances by seagoing vessel
R09 GB/T 12552-1990 产业潜水最大安全深度
Maximal safety depths for commercial diving
R09 GB/T 16559-1996 船舶溢油应变部署表
Emergency list for shipboard oil spillage
R09 GB 16993-1997 防止船舶货舱及封闭舱缺氧危险作业安全规程
Safety regulations for working under hazardous condition of the oxygen deficiency in the cargo holds and closed compartments of ships
R09 GB 16994-1997 油码头安全技术基本要求
Basic requirement for accidents prevention of oil terminals
R09 GB 17379-1998 散装石油、液体化工产品港口储存通则
General rule for terminals storage of petroleum in bulk and liquid chemicals in bulk
R09 GB 17380 - 1998 中国海区水中建(构)筑物标志规定
The regulation for the marking of offshore structures in China
R09 GB 17381 - 1998 中国海区视觉航标表面色规定
The regulation for surface colours of the visual aids to navigation in China
R09 GB 17422 - 1998 液化气体船水上过驳作业安全准则
Safety standard of ship to ship transfer operations of liquefied gas carriers on waters
R99 GB/T 18026 - 2000 纸品装卸、储运安全要求
Safety requirements for paper products handling and storage
R09 GB 18180 - 2000 液化气体船舶安全作业要求
The requirements for the safe operation of liquefied gas tanker
R09 GB 18434 - 2001 油船油码头安全作业规程
Safety operation rules for oil tankers and terminals
R09 GB/T 18819 - 2002 原油过驳安全作业要求
The safety requirements for ship to ship transfer operation of crude off
Here are collected names of most common standards of China. If you found standard, that you are interesting in, we can obtain and translate it for you. If here are no standards, that you are looking for, feel free to request us, we will find a suitable one.

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