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Urban and rural planning and municipal engineering

50 城乡规划
51 城市交通工程
52 索道工程
53 园林绿化与市容卫生

P50 GB 17733.1 - 1999 地名标牌城乡
Place name plates - Towns and villages
P51 GB/T 5655 - 1985 城市公共交通常用名词术语
Common terms of urban public transport
P5l GB/T 5845.1 - 1986 城市公共交通标志公共交通总标志
Marks for urban public transport - General mark for public transport
P51 GB/T 5845.2 - 1986 城市公共交通标志公共汽车标志
Marks for urban public transport – Mark for bus
P51 GB/T 5845.3 - 1986 城市公共交通标志无轨电车标志
Marks for urban public transport – Mark for trolleybus
P51 GB/T 5845.4 - 1986 城市公共交通标志快速有轨电车标志
Marks for urban public transport - Mark for light rail rapid transit
P51 GB/T 5845.5 - 1986 城市公共交通标志地下铁道标志
Marks for urban public transport - Mark for subway
P51 GB/T 5845.6 - 1986 城市公共交通标志缆车(索道)标志
Marks for urban public transport - Mark for cable car
P51 GB/T 5845.7 - 1986 城市公共交通标志城市出租汽车标志
Marks for urban public transport - Identification mark for taxi
P51 GB/T 5845.8 - 1986 城市公共交通标志城市轮渡标志
Marks for urban public transport - Mark for urban ferry
P51 GB/T 5845.9 - 1986 城市公共交通标志运行线路图形符号
Marks for urban public transport - Graphic symbols for circulation line
P51 GB/T 5845.10 - 1986城市公共交通标志禁令和一般标志
Marks for urban public transport - Marks for prohibition and general
P51 GB/T 5845.1l一1986城市公共交通标志 公共汽车、无轨电车、有轨电车站牌
Marks for urban public transport - Stop board of bus and trollybus and tramcar
P51 GB/T 5845.12 - 1986城市公共交通标志快速有轨电车站牌
Marks for urban public transport - Stop board for light rail rapid transit
P51 GB/T 5845.13 - 1989城市公共交通标志 公共汽车、无轨电车、有轨电车路牌
Marks for urban public transport - Line number plate of bus, trolley bus and tram
P51 GB/T 14428 - 1993 无轨电车和有轨电车整流站
Power rectifier substation for trolley buses and tram-ways
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