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Films, photographs, microfilm, copying equipment

40 电影、照相、缩微、复印设备综合
41 制片设备
43 镜头
44 测试设备与检验片仪器
45 投影器、幻灯机
46 照相机与照相器具
47 缩微复印机械

N40 GB/T 10157 - 1988 复印机械噪声测试方法
Test method for noise emitted by copying machine
N40 GB/T 12749 - 1991 复印机械环境污染测量方法
Environmental pollution measuring methods for copying machine
N40 GB/T 13986 - 1992 照相机焦平面曝光量的光电测量方法
Photoelectric method for measuring exposure in focal planes of camera
N40 GB/T 16601 - 1996 光学表面激光损伤阈值测试方法 第1部分: l对1测试
Test methods for laser induced damage threshold of optical surfaces - Part 1: 1 on 1 test
N41 GB/T 5874 - 1986 16mm W型电影摄影机片窗所形成的画面位置和尺寸
Image produced by camera aperture type W on 16ram motion-picture film - Position and dimensions
N41 GB/T 10973 - 1989 彩色相纸冲洗机
Color paper processor
N41 GB/T 10974 - 1989 彩色分析仪
Color analyzer
N41 GB/T 13424 - 1992 缩微冲洗机技术条件
specifications for microfilm processors
N42 GB/T 3717 - 1983 测长机
Length measuring machine
N42 GB/T 7553 - 1987 35mm摄影机画面测试版
35mm Camera test chart target
N42 GB/T 7700 - 1987 16mm电影放映机片轴尺寸
Bobbins for 16mm motion picture projectors - Dimensions
N42 GB/T 9218 - 1988 35ram电影放映片夹尺寸
Reels for 35mm motion picture projectors - Dimensions
N42 GB/T 13982 - 1998 反射放映银幕
The reflective projection screens
N42 GB/T 19259 - 2003 视频投影器通用技术条件
General technical specifications of video projectors
N43 GB/T 9917.1 - 2002 照相镜头第l部分: 变焦距镜头
Camera lens - Part l: Zoom lens
N44 GB/T 13919 - 1992 35mm电影磁性声带检验片技术规范
35mm cinematography - Magnetic sound test film - Technical specification
N44 GB/T 13920 - 1992 35mm电影 主观检验片(彩色测试图)
35mm cinematography - Subjective test film(colour chart)
N46 GB/T 8338 - 1987 照相机快门
Camera shutters
N46 GB/T 10047 - 1988 照相机
N46 GB/T 10072 - 2003 照相用电子闪光装置技术条件
Specifications of electronic flash equipments for photograph
N46 GB/T 10971 - 1989 彩色混色头
Color module
N46 GB/T 10972 - 2002 彩色负片冲洗机
Color film processor
N46 GB/T 13985 - 1992 照相机操作力和强度
Operating force and strength of camera
N46 GB/T 13987 - 1992 照相用电子闪光装置闪光指数的确定
Determination of flash guide numbers for electronic photoflash equipment
N46 GB/T 13988 - 1992 照相用电子闪光装置与同步线的连接件型式及尺寸
Types and dimensions for connectors of electronic photoflash equipment to synchrocord
N46 GB/T 17558 - 1998 照相闪光照明光源光谱分布指数(ISO/SDI)的测定
Camera flash illuminants - Determination of spectral distribution index(ISO/SDI)
N47 GB/T 4591 - 1992 静电复印测试版
Test chart for electrostatic copying process
N47 GB/T 10073 - 1996 静电复印品图像质量评价方法
Methods of evaluation for image quality of electro - static copies
N47 GB/T 10992.1 - 1999静电复印机文件复印机
Electrostatic copying machines - Document copiers
N47 GB/T 10992.2 - 1999静电复印机便携式复印机
Electrostatic copying machines - Potable copiers
N47 GB/T 10992.3 - 1999静电复印机工程图纸复印机
Electrostatic copying machines - Engineering copiers
N47 GB/T 13334 - 1991 复印机调试板A3
Adjusting test chart for copying machine A3
N47 GB/T 16981 - 1997 信息技术办公设备复印机规格表中应包含的基本内容
Information technology - office equipment - Minimum information to be included in specification sheets - Copying machines
N47 GB/T 17649 - 1998 复印机械-图像印位精度及测量方法
Duplicating machines - Registration
N47 GB/T 17712 - 1999 速印机和文件复印机图形符号
Duplicator and document copying machines - Symbols
N47 GB/T 17861 - 1999 办公机械胶印机印版的安装特性
Office equipment - offset duplicators - Attachment features of plates
N47 GB/T 17862 - 1999 办公机械速印机用蜡纸基本加印内容及安装特性
Office equipment - Stencils for duplicator - Minimum overprint and attachment features
N47 GB/T 18338.1 - 2001办公机械速印机规格表中应包含的基本内容
Business machines duplicators. - - Minimum information to be included in specification sheets
N47 GB/T 18892 - 2002 复印机械环境保护要求静电复印机节能要求
Environment protect requirements of copying machines - Power-saving requirements of electrostatic process copier
N47 GB 19462 - 2004 复印机械环境保护要求静电复印机环境保护要求
Environment protect requirements of copying machines - Environment protect requirements of electrostatic process copier
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