Communication NetworkContent:10 通信网综合 11 通信网技术体制 12 通信网编号、信号、接续 13 通信网结构 14 通信网传输系统接口 15 通信网性能指标及测试 16 信息传输指标 17 传输系统组群、频谱安排 18 通信设备容量系列 19 通信网设备互通技术要求和通信网接口 20 通信交换机程控语言 21 各种通信业务服务 M10 GB/T 2683 - 1981 传真测试样张 Test chart for facsimile transmission M10 GB/T 7554 - 1987 电报用五单位数字保护码 Protected 5-unit numerical code for telegram service M10 GB/T 16162-1996 全球海上遇险和安全系统(GMDSS)术语 Terms for global maritime distress and safety system M11 GB/T 7262.1 - 1993 公路通信技术要求及设备配备总则 Technical requirements and arrangement of equipment for highway communication general M11 GB/T 7262.2 - 2001 公路通信技术要求及设备配备设备配备 Technical requirements and arrangement of equipment for highway communication - Arrangement of equipment M11 GB/T 7262.3 - 2001 公路通信技术要求及设备配备组网技术要求 Technical requirements and arrangement of equipment for highway communication - Technical requirement of network M11 GB 15539 - 1995 集群移动通信系统技术体制 Technical specifications for trunked mobile radio systems M11 GB/T 16651 - 1996 消息处理系统 电子数据交换消息处理系统 Message handling systems-Electronic data inter-change messaging system M12 GB 3376 - 1982 电话自动交换网带内单频脉冲线路信号方式 Inband pulsing single frequency line signaling system for telephone automatic switching network M12 GB 3377 - 1982 电话自动交换网多频记发器信号方式 Muitifrequency register signaling system for telephone automatic switching network M12 GB 3378 - 1982 电话自动交换网用户信号方式 Subscriber line signaling system for telephone automatic switching network M12 GB 3379 - 1982 电话自动交换网局间直流信号方式 Interoffice direct signaling system for telephone automatic switching network M12 GB 3380 - 1982 电话自动交换网铃流和信号音 Ringing and tone for telephone automatic switching network M12 GB 3971.2 - 1983 电话自动交换网局间中继数字型线路信号方式 Interoffice junction digital line signalling system for telephone automatic switching network M12 GB/T 3971.3 - 1983 电话自动交换网多频记发器信号技术指标测试方法 The test methods for the technical specifications of multi-frequency register signalling for telephone automatic switching network M12 GB/T 14401 - 1993 公用陆地移动通信网(450MHz频段)中移动台一基站一移动电话交换局之间的信令 Signalling between mobile station and base station and mobile services switching centre in public land mobile communication network at 450MHz band M13 GB/T 4110 - 1983 脉冲编码调制通信系统系列 Pulse code modulation communication system hierarchy M13 GB 12048 - 1989 数字网内时钟和同步设备的进网要求 Requirements for clock and synchronization equipment used in the digital network M13 GB/T 13158 - 1991 数字交换机的时钟和同步设备进入数字网的兼容性测试方法 Compatibility test procedures of clock and synchronization equipment of digital switch introduced into dig-ital network M13 GB/T 14731 - 1993 同步数字体系的比特率 Synchronous digital hierarchy bit rates M13 GB/T 15409 - 1994 同步数字体系信号的帧结构 Frame structure for synchronous digital hierarchy signal M13 GB/T 15875 - 1995 漏泄电缆无线通信系统总规范 General specification for leaky cable radio communication system M13 GB/T 15940 - 1995 同步数字体系信号的基本复用结构 Basic multiplexing structure for synchronous digital hierarchy signals M13 GB/T 16652 - 1996 开放文件体系结构(ODA)和互换格式文件结构 Open document architecture(ODA)and inter change format - - Document structures M13 GB/T 16858 - 1997 采用数据链路协议的会议电视远端摄像机控制规程 A far end camera control protocol for video conferences using data link protocol M14 GB/T 2789 - 1981 模拟微波接力通信系统网路接口基本技术要求 Technical requirements for network interface for the analogue microwave relay communication systems M14 GB/T 3384 - 1982 模拟载波通信系统网路接口参数 Parameter of interface for the analogue carrier systems over the network M14 GB/T 3974 - 1983 大容量长距离模拟微波通信干线电话传输干扰容限 Telephone transmission interference allowances for long-distance high-capacity analogue microwave communications systems M14 GB/T 6282 - 1986 25。1000MHz陆地移动通信网通过用户线接入公用通信网的接口参数 Interface parameters of the 25 to 1000MHz land mobile telecommunication network connecting to pubHc telecommunication network through subscriber lines M14 GB/T 11592 - 1989 公用数据网上起/止传输业务使用的数据终端设备(DTE)和数据电路终结设备(DCE)间的接口 Interface between data terminal equipment(DTE) and data circuit-terminating equipment(DCE)for start stop transmission services 0n public data net-works M14 GB/T 12171 - 1990 TDM/FDM 60路复用转换设备进网要求 Specification for TDM/FDM 60-channel trans multiplexing equipments used in the telecommunication network M14 GB/T 12563 - 1990 国内卫星通信地球站地面接口要求 Requirements of terrestrial interface for domestic satellite communications earth stations M14 GB/T 16813 - 1997 无线电寻呼系统与公用电话自动交换网的接口技术要求及测试方法 Technical specifications and test methods of the inter-face of radio paging system and PSTN M14 GB/T 17114 - 1997 160kbit/s用户线数字倍增设备进网要求 Requirement for 160 kbit/s subscriber line digital-multigan equipment joined to national public telecommunication network M15 GB/T 4574 - 1984 模拟通信网中实际电路噪声与模拟系统负荷的电路噪声测试方法 Measuring methods for actual circuit noise and the circuit noise in simulating system loading over the analogue communication network M15 GB/T 4575 - 1984 长途通信网频分制系统频率比较导频系列 Frequency comparison pilot series for the FDM systems in the toll communication network M15 GB/T 5442 - 1985 电话自动交换网带内单频脉冲线路信号技术指标测试方法 The test methods for the technical specifications of inband pulsing single frequency line operating system for automatic telephone switching network M15 GB/T 5443 - 1985 电话自动交换网铃流和信号音技术指标测试方法 The test methods for the technical specifications of ringing and tone for automatic telephone switching network M15 GB/T 5444 - 1985 电话自动交换网用户信号技术指标测试方法 The test methods for the technical specifications of subscriber line operating for automatic telephone switching network M15 GB/T 7254 - 1995 8448 kbit/s正码速调整二次群数字复用设备技术要求和测试方法 Performance and methods of the second order digital multiplex equipment operating at 8448 kbit/s and using positive justification M15 GB/T 7609 - 1995 电信网中脉冲编码调制音频通路传输特性常用测试方法 General test method for transmission performance of PCM voice channel in telecommunication network M15 GB/T 9405 - 1995 34368 kbit/s正码速调整三次群数字复用设备技术要求和测试方法 Performance and test methods of the third order digital multiplex equipment operating at 34368 kbit/s and using positive justification M15 GB/T 11324 - 1995 139264 kbit/s正码速调整四次群数字复用设备技术要求和测试方法 Performance and test methods of the fourth order digital multiplex equipment operating at 139264 kbit/s and using positive justification M15 GB/T 13998 - 1992 电信线路磁感应纵电动势和对地电压、电感应电流及杂音计电压的测量方法 Measuring methods of the magnetic induced longitudinal EMF magnetic induced voltage with respect to earth, electric induced current and psophometric voltage 0n telecommunication lines M15 GB/T 14133 - 1993 数模混合公用电话自动交换网传输性能指标 The transmission performance objectives for mixed analogue-digital public telephone automatic switching network M15 GB/T 14760 - 1993 光缆通信系统传输性能测试方法 The measurement methods of transmission performances on optical fiber cable communication systems M15 GB/T 15838 - 1995 数字同步网中交换设备时钟性能的测试方法 Measuring methods for the performances of switching equipment clocks in digital synchronous network M15 GB/T 17154.1 - 1997 ISDN用户一网络接口第三层基本呼叫控制技术规范及测试方法第1部分: 第三层基本呼叫控制技术规范 ISDN user-network interface layer 3 specification and testing method for basic call control - Part l: Layer 3 specification for basic call control M15 GB/T 17154.2 - 1997 ISDN用户一网络接口第三层基本呼叫控制技术规范及测试方法第2部分: 第三层基本呼叫控制协议测试方法 ISDN user-network interface layer 3 specification and testing method for basic call control procedure-Part 2: Testing method for layer 3 basic call control protocol M16 GB/T 4827 - 1984 50比特/秒数据传输要求 Requirements of data transmission at 50 bit/s M16 GB/T 5437 - 1985 话路传真(三类机)传输要求 Document facsimile(group 3)transmission require-merit M16 GB/T 1 1053 - 1989 特定带宽特殊质量租用电路特性 Characteristics of special quality leased circuit with special bandwidth conditioning M16 GB/T 1 1054 - 1989 基本带宽特殊质量租用电路特性 Characteristics of special quality leased circuit with basic bandwidth conditioning M16 GB/T 12365 - 1990 广播电视短程光缆传输技术参数 Technical parameters for short distance optical cable transmission of broadcasting and television M16 GB/T 18119 - 2000 低比特率通信的视频编码 Video coding for low bit rate communication M18 GB 6280 - 1986 25 - 1000 MHz陆地移动通信网的容量系列及频道配置 Capacity series and frequency channels arrangement in 25 to 1000 MHz land mobile telecommunication net-work M18 GB/T 7585 - 1987 模拟微波接力通信系统容量系列及波道配置 Capacity series and radio-frequency channel arrangement for analog microwave relay systems M18 GB/T 13621 - 1999 100-1000 MHz接力通信系统的容量系列波道配置及设备的主要技术要求 Capacity series and radio-frequency channel arrangement and equipment main technical specifications for 100 - 1000 MHz radio relay communication systems M19 GB/T 2886 - 1992 文件传真二类机在电话网中互通技术条件 Technical requirements for group 2 document facsimile apparatus used in public telephone network M19 GB/T 7555 - 1987 明线12路载波系统进网特性要求 General characteristics complying with the network performance objectives for 12 channel carrier telephone systems 0n open-wire pairs M19 GB/T 7610 - 1987 音频脉冲编码调制特性 Characteristics of pulse code modulation for voice-frequencies M19 GB/T 7611 - 2001 数字网系列比特率电接口特性 Characteristics of the electrical interface at hierarchical bit rate for digital network M19 GB/T 11589 - 1999 公用数据网和综合业务数字网(ISDN)的国际用户业务 类别和接人种类 International user classes of service in and categories of access to public data networks and integrated services digital networks(ISDNs) M19 GB/T 11590 - 1999 公用数据网与ISDN网的国际数据传输业务和任选用户设施 International data transmission services and optional user facilities in public data networks and ISDNs M19 GB/T 11593 - 2001 公用数据网上同步工作的数据终端设备(DTE)和数据电路终接设备(DCE)间的接口 Interface between data terminal equipment and data circuit -terminating equipment for synchronous operation on public data networks M19 GB/T 11595 - 1999 用专用电路连接到公用数据网上的分组式数据终端设备(DTE)与数据电路终接设备(DCE)之间的接口 Interface between data terminal equipment(DTE)and data circuit-terminating v(DCE)for terminals operating in the packet mode and connected to public data networks by dedicated circuit M19 GB/T 11596 - 1999 起止式数据终端进入本国公用数据网的分组装拆 (PAD)设施的DCE/DTE之间的接口 DCE/DTE interface for a start-stop mode data terminal equipment accessing the packet assembly / disassembly facility(PAD)m a pubic data network situated in the same country M19 GB/T 11597 - 1999 在分组装拆(PAD)设施与分组式DTE或与另一个PAD之间交换控制信息和用户数据的规程 Procedure for the exchange of control information and user data between a packet assembly / disassembly(PAD)facility and a packet mode DTE or another PAD M19 GB/T 11598 - 1999 提供数据传输业务的公用网之间的分组交换信令系统 Packet-switched signaling system between public net-works providing data transmission services M19 GB/T 15837 - 1995 数字同步网接口要求 Synchronization interface-requirements for digital net - work M19 GB/T 15839 - 1995 64。1920 kbit/s会议电视系统进网技术要求 Networking specifications for 64-1920 kbit/s video-conferencing systems M19 GB/T 16520 - 1996 消息处理 电子数据交换消息处理业务 Message handling-Electronic data interchange messaging service M19 GB/T 16521 - 1996 提供数据传输业务的分组交换公用数据网(PSPDN)和电路交换公用数据网(CSPDN)之间互通的一般配置 General arrangements for interworking between packet switched public data networks(PSPDN)and circuit switched public data networks(CSPDN) for the provision of data transmission services M19 GB/T 16522 - 1996 分组交换公用数据网(PSPDN)之间互通的一般配置 General arrangements for interworking between packet switched public data networks(PSPDN) M19 GB/T 16654 - 1996 ISDN(2B+D)NTl用户一网络接口设备技术要求 Technical requirements for ISDN(2B+D)NTI user-network interface equipment M19 GB/T 17153 - 1997 公用网之间以及公用网和提供数据传输业务的其他网之间互通的一般原则 General principles for interworking between public networks, and between public networks and other networks for the provision of data transmission services M19 GB/T 17789 - 1999 在PSTN或二线点对点租用电话型电路上同时传送数据和数字化编码语音信号的规程 Procedures for simultaneous transmission of data and digitally encoded voice signals over the PSTN or over 2-wire leased point-to-point telephone type circuits M19 GB/T 17801 - 1999 经公用交换电话网或综合业务数字网或电路交换公用数据网接入分组交换公用数据网的分组式数据终端设备(DTE)和数据电路终接设备(DCE)之间的接口 Interface between data terminal equipment(DTE)and data circuit-terminating equipment(DCE)for terminals operating in the packet mode and accessing a packet switched public data network through a public switched telephone network or an integrated service digital network or a circuit switched public data net-work M19 GB/T 17904.1 - 1999 ISDN用户-网络接口数据链路层技术规范及一致性测试方法 第1部分: 用户一网络接口数据链路层技术规范 ISDN user-network interface data link layer specification and conformance testing method - Part l: User-network interface data link layer specification M19 GB/T 17904.2 - 1999 ISDN用户-网络接口数据链路层技术规范及一致性测试方法第2部分: 数据链路层协议一致性测试方法 ISDN user-network interface data link layer specification and conformance testing method - Part 2: Data link layer protocol conformance testing method M19 GB/T 18498 - 2001 分组交换公用数据网和公用海事移动卫星数据传输系统之间的互通 Interworking between packet switched public data networks and public maritime mobile satellite data transmission systems |
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