ComputersContent:60 计算机综合 61 计算机的设计和质量评价 62 计算机设备 63 计算机外围设备 64 数据媒体 65 系统设备接口 66 受计算机控制的电子器具 67 计算机应用 L60 GB/T 5271.13 - 1988数据处理词汇13部分计算机图形 Data processing - Vocabulary - Part 13: Computer graphics L60 GB/T 11460-2000 信息技术汉字字型数据的检测方法 Information technology-Test method of the chinese ideograms font data L60 GB/T 15312 - 1994 制造业自动化术语 Terminology of automation for manufacturing L60 GB/T 17971.2 - 2000信息技术 文本和办公系统键盘布局 第2部分: 字母数字区 Information technology-Keyboard layouts for text and office systems - Part 2: Alphanumeric section L60 GB/T 17971.3 - 2000信息技术 文本和办公系统键盘布局 第3部分: 字母数字区的字母数字分区补充布局 Information technology-Keyboard layouts for text and office systeins-Part3: Complementary layouts of the alphanumeric zone of the alphanumeric section L62 GB/T 4872 - 1985 办公机器和数据处理设备键盘上控制键定位的原则 Office machines and data processing equipment-Principles governing the positioning of control keys on key-boards L62 GB/T 9813 - 2000 微型计算机通用规范 Generic specification for microcomputers L62 GB/T 13723 - 1992 中型数字电子计算机通用技术条件 Generic specification for medium size computer L62 GB/T 17541 - 1998 学习机通用规范 General specification for elementary computer L62 GB/T 17966 - 2000 微处理器系统的二进制浮点运算 Binary floating-point arithmetic for microprocessor systems L63 GB/T 2787 - 1981 信息处理交换用七位编码字符集键盘的字母数字区布局 Keyboard for international information processing in terchange using the 7-bit coded character set-Alpha-numeric area L63 GB/T 3261 - 1993 信息处理用办公机器和打印机使用的编织打印色带的宽度 Office machines and printing machines used for information processing-Widths of fabric printing ribbons L63 GB/T 3909 - 1983 信息交换用图形字符点阵形状 Matrix font of graphic characters for information interchange L63 GB/T 3910 - 1983 办公机器和数据处理设备行间距和字符间距 Office machines and data processing equipments-Line spacings and character spacings L63 GB/T 4837 - 1984 打字机打印键和功能键的布局 Type writers Layout of printing and function keys L63 GB/T 6651 - 1986 十二片可换磁盘组(200兆字节) Interchangeable magnetic twelve-disk pack(200M bytes) L63 GB/T 6652 - 1986 十二片可换磁盘组(100兆字节) Interchangeable magnetic twelve-disk pack(100M bytes) L63 GB/T 7188 - 1987 办公机器和数据处理设备数字应用的键盘布局 Office machines and data processing equipment-Key-board layouts for numeric applications L63 GB/T 7513 - 1987 汉字整字键盘盘面字排列 Layout of the Chinese ideographs On keyboard L63 GB/T 9309 - 1988 办公机器和数据处理设备打字机功能键符号 Office machines and data processing equipment-Function key symbols on typewriters L63 GB/T 9310 - 1988 加法器和计算器 十键键盘的数字区 Adding machines and calculating machines-Numeric section of ten-key keyboards L63 GB/T 9311 - 1988 加法器和计算器键顶、打印或显示符号 Adding machines and calculating machines-Keytop and printed or displayed symbols L63 GB/T 9312 - 1988 行式打印机通用技术条件 General specification of line printer L63 GB/T 9313 - 1995 数字电子计算机用阴极射线管显示设备通用技术条件 General specifications for CRT display device of computer L63 GB/T 9314 - 1995 串行击打式点阵打印机通用技术条件 General specification of serial impact dot matrix printer L63 GB/T 9814 - 1988 向量绘图机通用技术条件 Generic specification for vector plotters L63 GB/T 10020 - 1988 加法器功能键盘的布局 Adding machines - Layout of function keyboard L63 GB/T 10021 - 1988 办公机器双手操作键盘字母数字区的基本布局 Office machines-Basic arrangement for the alphanumeric section of keyboards operated with both hands L63 GB/T 11458.1 - 1989信息处理用汉字15×16点阵字模集通信子集 15×16 Dot matrix font set of Chinese ideographs for information processing Communication subset L63 GB/T 1 1458.2 - 1989信息处理用汉字15×16点阵字模数据集 通信子集 15×16 Dot matrix font data set of Chinese ideograms for information processing-Communication subset L63 GB/T 11459.1 - 1989信息处理用汉字24×24点阵字模集通信子集 24×24 Dot matrix font set of Chinese ideograms for information processing-Communication subset L63 GB/T 1 1459.2 - 1989信息处理用汉字24 x 24点阵字模数据集通信子集 24×24 Dot matrix font set of Chinese ideograms for information processing-Communication subset L63 GB/T 12051 - 1989 信息处理用蒙古文24点阵字模集及数据集 24 Dot matrix font set and data set of Mongolian characters for information processing L63 GB/T 12184 - 1990 信息处理磁墨水字符识别印刷规范 Information processing - Magnetic ink character recognition - Print specifications L63 GB/T 12354 - 1990 电子计算机外围设备型号命名方法 Method of model designation for the electronic computer peripheral equipment L63 GB/T 12509 - 1990 信息交换用维吾尔文16、24点阵字母集及数据集 16.24 Dot matrix font set and data set of Uighur character for information interchange L63 GB/T 12510 - 1990 信息处理交换用维吾尔文字符集键盘的字母区布局 Alphabetical area arrangement of keyboard of Uighur character set for information processing interchange L63 GB/T 12627 - 1990 软磁盘驱动器通用技术条件 Generic specification for flexible disk drive L63 GB/T 12628 - 1990 硬磁盘驱动器通用技术条件 Generic specification for hard disk drive L63 GB/T 13443 - 1992 信息交换用汉字128 x 128点阵楷体字模集及数据集 128 x 128 Dot matrix kaiti font set and data set of Chinese ideograms for information interchange L63 GB/T 13444 - 1992 信息交换用汉字128 x 128点阵仿宋体字模集及数据集 128 x128 Dot matrix Fangsongti font set and data set of Chinese ideograms for information interchange L63 GB/T 13445 - 1992 信息交换用汉字256 x 256点阵楷体字模集及数据集 256 x 256 Dot matrix Kaiti font set and data set of Chinese ideograms for information interchange Ira3 GB/T 13446 - 1992 信息交换用汉字256 x 256点阵仿宋体字模集及数据集 256 x256 Dot matrix Fangsongti font set and data set of Chinese ideograms for information interchange L63 GB/T 13844 - 1992 图形信息交换用矢量汉字单线宋体字模集及数据集 Vector Danxian Songti font set and data set of Chinese ideogram for graphics information inter- change L63 GB/T 13845 - 1992 图形信息交换用矢量汉字宋体字模集及数据集 Vector Songti font set and data set of Chinese ideogram for graphics information interchange L63 GB/T 13846 - 1992 图形信息交换用矢量汉字仿宋体字模集及数据集 Vector Fangsongti font set and data set of Chinese ideogram for graphics information interchange L63 GB/T 13847 - 1992 图形信息交换用矢量汉字楷体字模集及数据集 Vector Kaiti font set and data set of Chinese ideogram for graphics information interchange L63 GB/T 13848 - 1992 图形信息交换用矢量汉字黑体字模集及数据集 Vector Heiti font set and data set of Chinese ideogram for graphics information interchange L63 GB/T 14080 - 1993 温盘驱动器小型磁头通用技术条件 Generic specification of mini-magnetic head for Winchester disk drive L63 GB/T 14081 - 1993 信息处理用键盘(西文)通用技术条件 General specification for English character keyboard for information processing L63 GB/T 14082 - 1993 9磁道数字磁带机磁头通用技术条件 Generic specification of 9-track digital magnetic head for digital magnetic tape unit L63 GB/T 14083 - 1993 汉字整字键盘通用技术条件 Generic specification for the Chinese ideolgraph key-board L63 GB/T 14084 - 1993 办公事务处理用中西文电子打字机通用技术条件 General specification of Chinese and English electronic typewriter for office management L63 GB/T 14242 - 1993 信息交换用汉字64 x 64点阵黑体字模集及数据集 64×64 Dot matrix Heiti font set and data set of Chinese ideograms for information interchange L63 GB/T 14243 - 1993 信息交换用汉字64 x64点阵楷体字模集及数据集 64×64 Dot matrix Kaiti font set and data set of Chinese ideograms for information interchange L63 GB/T 14244 - 1993 信息交换用汉字64 x 64点阵仿宋体字模集及数据集 64 x64 Dot matrix Fangsongti font set and data set of Chinese ideograms for information interchange L63 GB/T 14245 - 1993 信息交换用汉字64 x64点阵宋体字模集及数据集 64×64 Dot matrix Songti font set and data set of Chinese ideograms for information interchange L63 GB/T 14714 - 1993 微小型计算机系统设备用开关电源通用技术条件 General specification of switching power supply for mini-micro computer system L63 GB/T 14717 - 1993 信息交换用汉字128×128点阵宋体字模集及数据集 128×128 Dot matrix Songti font set and data set of Chinese ideograms for information interchange L63 GB/T 14718 - 1993 信息交换用汉字128×128点阵黑体字模集及数据集 128×128 Dot matrix Heiti font set and data set of Chinese ideograms for information interchange L63 GB/T 14719 - 1993 信息交换用汉字256 x 256点阵宋体字模集及数据集 256×256 Dot matrix Songti font set and data set of Chinese ideograms for information interchange L63 GB/T 14720 - 1993 信息交换用汉字256 x 256点阵黑体字模集及数据集 256×256 Dot matrix Heiti font set and data set of Chinese ideograms for information interchange L63 GB/T 16685 - 1996 信息技术打印设备测量打印机吞吐量的方法 Information technology-Printing devices-Method for measuring printer throughput L63 GB/T 17540 - 1998 台式激光打印机通用规范 General specification for desktop laser printer L63 GB/T 17974 - 2000 台式喷墨打印机通用规范 General specification for desktop Ink-Jet printer L63 GB 18240.1 - 2003 税控收款机第l部分: 机器规范 Fiscal cash register-Part 1: Specification of device L63 GB 18240.2 - 2003 税控收款机第2部分: 税控IC卡规范 Fiscal cash register - Part 2: Specification for fiscal IC card L63 GB 18240.3 - 2003 税控收款机第3部分: 税控器规范 Fiscal cash register-Part 3: Specification of fiscal processor L63 GB/T 18240.4 - 2004税控收款机第4部分: 银行卡受理设备规范 Fiscal cash register-Part 4: Specification of device with EFt function L63 GB 18240.6 - 2004 税控收款机第6部分: 设备编码规则 Fiscal cash register-Part 6: Rule of coding for the devices L63 GB/T 18788 - 2002 平台式扫描仪通用规范 General specification for flatbed scanners L64 GB/T 1990 - 1980 信息处理交换用穿孔纸带孔的尺寸与位置 The dimension and position of the holes of perforated paper tape for information processing exchange L64 GB/T 2020 - 1980 信息处理交换用9磁道12.7毫米宽32行/毫米记录磁带 Recording magnetic tape with 9 magnetic tracks, 12.7mm width and 32 lines/mm for information processing exchange L64 GB/T 2308 - 1980 顶装式单片可换盒式磁盘的机械性能 Mechanical properties of interchangeable magnetic single disk cartridge(top mounted) L64 GB/T 2309 - 1980 六片可换磁盘组的机械性能 Mechanical properties of interchangeable magnetic six-disk pack L64 GB/T 2310 - 1980 十一片可换磁盘组的机械性能 Mechanical properties of interchangeable magnetic eleven-disk pack L64 GB/T2830 - 1981 数据交换用盘式穿孔纸带的一般要求 Rolled-up punched paper tape for data interchange-General requirements L64 GB/T 2948 - 1982 顶装式单片可换盒式磁盘的磁性能 Magnetic characteristics of interchangeable magnetic single disk cartrie(top loaded) L64 GB/T 2949 - 1982 六片可换磁盘组的磁性能 Magnetic characteristics of interchangeable magnetic six-disk pack L64 GB/T 2950 - 1982 十一片可换磁盘组的磁性能 Magnetic characteristics of interchangeable magnetic eleven-disk pack L64 GB/T 3147 - 1982 信息处理未穿孔纸带 Information processing-Unpunched paper tape L64 GB/T 3237 - 1982 信息处理交换用穿孔纸带的盘心尺寸 Information processing-Cores perforated paper tape for information interchange-Dimensions L64 GB/T 3290 - 1982 信息交换用磁带盘的尺寸和性能 Dimensions and characteristics of magnetic tape reel for information interchange L64 GB/T 3908 - 1983 信息处理用80列穿孔纸卡片的尺寸 Dimensions of 80 columns punched paper cards for information processing L64 GB/T 4873 - 1985 信息处理用连续格式纸尺寸和输送孔 Continuous forms used for information processing-Sizes and feed holes L64 GB/T 6550 - 1986 信息处理交换用9磁道12.7毫米宽63行/毫米调相制记录磁带 Information processing-9-Track.12.7mm wide magnetic tape for information interchange recorded at 63rpmm, phase encoded L64 GB/T 9363 - 1988 信息处理信息交换用9磁道12.7mm(0.5in)磁带成组编码方式246 cpmm(6250 cpi)的格式及记录 Information processing-9-Track, 12.7mm(0.5in) wide magnetic tape for information interchange-For-mat and recording using group coding at 246 cpmm(6250 cpi) L64 GB/T 9415.1 - 1988 信息处理数据存储设备用磁盘盘片 外径130mm、内径40mm、每道83000次磁道翻转 Information processing-Magnetic disk for data storage devices-83000 flux transitions per track, 130mm outer diameter, 40mm inner diameter L64 GB/T 9415.2 - 1988 信息处理数据存储设备用磁盘盘片 外径200mm、内径63.5mm、每道96000次磁道翻转 Information processing-Magnetic disk for data storage devices - 96000 flux transitions per track, 200mm outer diameter.63.5mm inner diameter L64 GB/T 9415.3 - 1988 信息处理数据存储设备用磁盘盘片 外径210mm、内径100mm、每道158000次磁道翻转 Information processing-Magnetic disk for data storage devices-158000 flux transitions per track, 210mm outer diameter, 100mm inner diameter L64 GB/T 9416.1 - 1988 信息处理数据交换用130mm改进调频制记录的位密度为7958磁道翻转/弧度、道密度为1.9道/毫米的双面软磁盘第一部分尺寸、物理性能和磁性能 Information processing - Data interchange on 130mm flexible disk eartridges using modified frequency mod-ulation recording at 7958 ftprad, 1.9∞nlin, 0n both sides - Part l: Dimensional, physical and magnetic characteristics L64 GB/T 9416.2 - 1988 信息处理数据交换用130ram改进调频制记录的位密度为7958磁道翻转/弧度、道密度为1.9道/毫米的双面软磁盘第二部分磁道格式A Information processing-Data interchange on 130mm flexible disk cartridges using modified frequency mod-ulation recording att 7958 ftprad, 1.9tI)nlin, on both sides - Part 2: Track format A L64 GB/T 9416.3 - 1988 信息处理数据交换用130mm改进调频制记录的位密度为7958磁道翻转/弧度、道密度为1.9道/毫米的双面软磁盘第三部分磁道格式B Information processing-Data interchange 0n 130mm flexible disk cartridges using modified frequency mod-ulation recording at 7958 ftprad, 1.9tpmin, on both sides - Part 3: Track format B L64 GB/T 9698 - 1995 信息处理击打式打印机用连续格式纸通用技术条件 Information processing-General specification for continuous form papers used for impact printers L64 GB/T 9712 - 1988 未记录计测磁带的物理性能和测试方法 Unrecorded magnetic tapes for instrumentation applications - - Physical properties and test methods L64 GB/T 9713-1988 信息处理计测磁带(包括遥测系统)的记录特性互换要求 Information processing - Recording characteristics of instrumentation magnetic tape(including telemetry systems)一Interchange requirements L64 GB/T 9714 - 1988 信息处理互换计测磁带用的76ram中心孔通用带盘和盘芯 Information processing-General purpose hubs and reels with 76mm centre hole for magnetic tape used in interchange instrumentation applications L64 GB/T 9715 - 1988 信息处理互换计测磁带用的精密带盘 Information processing-Precision reels for magnetic tape used in interchange instrumentation applications L64 GB/T 9716 - 1988 信息处理信息交换用9磁道, 12.7mm(0.5in)未记录磁带32ftpmm(800卸i)NRZl制, 126ftpmm(320ofl: pi)调相制和356ftpmm(9042ftpi)NRZl制 Information processing-Unrecorded 12.7mm(0.5in)wide magnetic tape for information inter-change-32ftpmill(800 ftpi)NRZl, 126ftpmm(320oftpi) phase encoded and 356ftpmm(9042ftpi)NRZl L64 GB/T 9717 - 1988 信息处理互换用未记录计测磁带的一般尺寸要求 Information processing-Unrecorded magnetic tapes for interchange instrumentation applications-Gemeral dimensional requirements L64 GB/T 9718 - 1988 信息处理互换计测磁带用8mm中心孔通用带盘 Information processing-General purpose reels with 8mm centre hole for magnetic tape for interchange instrumentation applications L64 GB/T 11384 - 1989 信息处理数据交换用200mm改进调频制记录的位密度为13262磁通翻转/弧度、道密度为1.9道/毫米的双面软磁盘第一部分: 尺寸、物理性能和磁性能 Information processing-Data interchange on 200mm flexible disk cartridges using modified frequency modulation recording at 13262 ftprad, 1.9 tI)inin, on both sides - Part l: Dimensional physical and magnetic characteristics L64 GB/T 11385 - 1989 信息处理数据交换用200mm改进调频制记录的位密度为13262磁通翻转/弧度、道密度为1.9道/毫米的双面软磁盘第二部分: 磁道格式 Information processing-Data interchange on 200mm flexible disk cartridges using modified frequency mod-ulation recording at 13262 ftprad, 1.9 tpmm, on both sides-Part 2: Track format L64 GB/T 11386 - 1989 信息处理130mm未记录的硬扇段单面或双面软磁盘尺寸、物理性能和磁性能 Information processing-Unrecorded. hard-sectored, 130mm flexible disk cartridges, one or two-sided use-Dimensional physical and magnetic characteristic L64 GB/T 13716 - 1992 信息处理数据交换用130mm改进调频制记录的位密度为7958磁通翻转/弧度、道密度为3.8道/毫米的双面软磁盘第一部分: 尺寸、物理性能和磁性能 Information processing - Data interchange on 130mm (5.25in)flexible disk cartridges using modified frequency modulation recording at 7958 ftprad, 3.8tI)in In(96tpi), on both sides - Part l: Dimensional, physical and magnetic characteristics L64 GB/T 13717 - 1992 信息处理数据交换用130mm改进调频制记录的位密度为7958磁通翻转/弧度、道密度为3.8道/毫米的双面软磁盘第二部分: 磁道格式A Information processing-Data interchange on 130mm(5.25in)flexible disk cartridges using modified frequency modulation recording at 7958 ftprad,3.8 t1)inin (96tpi), 0n both sides - Part 2: Track format A L64 GB/T 13718 - 1992 信息处理数据交换用130mm改进调频制记录的位密度为7958磁通翻转/弧度、道密度为3.8道/毫米的双面软磁盘第三部分: 磁道格式B Information processing-Data interchange on 130mm (5.25in)flexible disk cartridges using modified frequencymodulation recording at 7958ftprad.3.8tpmm (96tpi), on both sides - Part 3: Track format B L64 GB/T 13719 - 1992 信息处理数据交换用90mm改进调频制记录的位密度为7958磁通翻转/弧度、每面80磁道的软磁盘第一部分: 尺寸、物理性能和磁性能 Information orocessing-Data interchange on 90ram(3.5in)flexible disk cartridges using modified frequency modulation recording at 7958 ftprad on 80 tracks on each side-Part l: Dimensional。physical and magnetic characteristics L64 GB/T 13720 - 1992 信息处理数据交换用90mm改进调频制记录的位密度为7958磁通翻转/弧度、每面80磁道的软磁盘第二部分: 磁道格式 Information processing-Data interchange on 90mm(3.5in)flexible disk cartridges using modified frequency modulation record in S a土7958 ftprad on 80 tracks on each side - Part 2: Track format L64 GB/T 13918 - 1992 办公机器用非连续格式纸尺寸系列 Sizes of format paper used by office machine in non-continuous forms L64 GB/T 14916 - 1994 识别卡物理特性 ‘ Identification cards-Physical characteristics L64 GB/T 15120.1 - 1994识别卡记录技术第l部分: 凸印 Identification cards-Recording technique-Part l: Embossing L64 GB/T 15120.2 - 1994识别卡记录技术第2部分: 磁条 Identification cards-Recording technique-Part 2: Magnetic stripe L64 GB/T 15120.3 - 1994识别卡记录技术第3部分: ID-1型卡上凸印字符的位置 Identification cards-Recording technique-Part 3:Location of embossed characters on ID-1 cards L64 GB/T 15120.4 - 1994识别卡记录技术第4部分: 只读磁道的第l磁道和第2磁道的位置 Identification cards - Recording technique - Part 4:Location of read-only magnetic tracks - Tracks l and 2 L64 GB/T 15120.5 - 1994识别卡记录技术第5部分: 读写磁道的第3磁道的位置 Identification cards-Recording technique-Part 5: Location of read-write magnetic track-Track 3 L64 GB/T 15122 - 1994 信息处理系统未记录软磁盘的标志 Information processing systems-Designation of unrecorded flexible disk cartridges L64 GB/T 15130.1 - 1994信息处理数据交换用90mm改进调频制记录的位密度为15916磁通翻转/弧度、每面80条磁道的软磁盘第一部分: 尺寸、物理性能和磁性能 Information processing-Data interchange on 90mm (3.5in)flexible disk cartridges using modified frequency modulation recording at 15916 ftprad .on 80 tracks on each side-Part 1: Dimensional, physical and magnetic characteristics L64 GB/T 15130.2 - 1995信息处理数据交换用90mm改进调频制记录的位密度为15916磁通翻转/弧度、每面80条磁道的软磁盘第二部分: 磁道格式 Information processing-Dam interchange on 90mm flexible disk cartridges using modified frequency modulation recording at 15916 ftprad. on 80 tracks on each side - Part 2: Track format L64 GB/T 15131.1 - 1994信息处理数据交换用130mm改进调频制记录的位密度为13262磁通翻转/弧度、每面80条磁道的软磁盘第一部分: 尺寸、物理性能和磁性能 Information processing-Data interchange on 130mm flexible disk cartridges using modified frequency mod-ulation recording at 13262 ftprad. on 80 tracks on each side - Part l: Dimensional, physical and magnetic characteristics L64 GB/T 15131.2 - 1995信息处理数据交换用130mm改进调频制记录的位密度为13262磁通翻转/弧度、每面80条磁道的软磁盘第二部分: 磁道格式A(用于77条磁道) Information processing-Data interchange on 130mm flexible disk cartridges using modified frequency modulation recording at 13262 ftprad. on 80 tracks on each side - Part 2: Track format A for 77 tracks L64 GB/T 15131.3 - 1995信息处理数据交换用130mm改进调频制记录的位密度为13262磁通翻转/弧度、每面80条磁道的软磁盘第三部分: 磁道格式B(用于80条磁道) Information processing-Data interchange on 130ram flexible disk cartridges using modified frequency modulation recording at 13262 ftprad.on 80 tracks on each side - Part 3: Track format B for 80 tracks L64 GB/T 15132.1 - 1994信息处理数据交换用130mm双频制记录的位密度为7958磁通翻转/弧度、道密度为1.9道/毫米的单面软磁盘第一部分: 尺寸、物理性能和磁性能 Information processing-Data interchange on 130ram flexible disk cartridges using two-frequency recording at 7958 ftprad, 1.9 tpmm, on one side-Part 1: Dimensional, physical and magnetic characteristics L64GB/T 15132.2 - 1994信息处理数据交换用130mm双频制记录的位密度为7958磁通翻转/弧度、道密度为1.9道/毫米的单面软磁盘第2部分: 磁道格式 Information processing-Data interchange on 130mm flexible disk cartridges using two-frequency recording at7958 ftprad, 1.9tI)inin, on one side - Part 2: Track format L64 GB/T 15133.1 - 1994信息处理数据交换用200mm双频制记录的位密度为13262磁通翻转/弧度、道密度为1.9道/毫米的单面软磁盘第一部分: 尺寸、物理性能和磁性能 Information processing-Data interchange on 200nun flexible disk cartridge using two-frequency recording at 13262 ftprad, 1.9tpmm, on one side - Part 1: Dimensional, physical and magnetic characteristics L64 GB/T 15133.2 - 1994信息处理数据交换用200mm双频制记录的位密度为13262磁通翻转/弧度、道密度为1.9道/毫米的单面软磁盘第二部分: 磁道格式 Information processing-Data interchange on 200mm flexible disk cartridges using two-frequency recording at 13262 ftprad, 1.9tpmm, on one side - Part 2: Track format L64 GB/T 15271 - 1994 识别卡卡产生的信息金融交易的内容 Identification cards-Card originated messages-con-tent for financial transactions L64 GB/T 15694.2 - 2002识别卡发卡者标识第2部分: 申请和注册规程 Identification cards - Identification of msuem - Part2:Application and registration procedures L64 GB/T 16649.1 - 1996识别卡带触点的集成电路卡第l部分: 物理特性 Identification cards-Integrated circuitf (s)cards with contacts - Part l: Physical characteristics L64 GB/T 16649.2 - 1996识别卡带触点的集成电路卡第2部分: 触点的尺寸和位置 Identification cards-Integrated circuit(s)cards with contacts - Part 2: Dimensions and location of the contacts L64 GB/T 16649.3 - 1996识别卡带触点的集成电路卡第3部分: 电信号和传输协议 Identification cards - Integrated circuit(s)cards with contacts-Part 3: Electronic signals and transmission protocols L64 GB/T 16649.5 - 2002识别卡带触点的集成电路卡第5部分: 应用标识符的国家编号体系和注册规程 Identification cards-Integrated circuit(s)cards with contacts-Part 6: National numbering system and registration procedure for application identifiers L64 GB/T 16649.6 - 2001识别卡带触点的集成电路卡第6部分: 行业间数据元 Identification cards-Integrated circuit(s)cards with contacts - Part 6: Interindustry data elements L64 GB/T 16649.7 - 2000识别卡带触点的集成电路卡第7部分: 用于结构化卡查询语言(scQL)的行业间命令 Identification cards-Integrated circuit(s1 cards with contacts-Part 7: Interindustry commands for Structured Card Query Language(SCQL) L64 GB/T 16649.8 - 2002识别卡带触点的集成电路卡第8部分: 与安全相关的行业间命令 Identification cards-Intergrated circuit(s)cards with contacts - Part 8: Security related interindustry commands L64 GB/T 16649.10 - 2002识别卡带触点的集成电路卡第10部分: 同步卡的电信号和复位应答 Identification cards-Intergrated circuit(s)cards with contacts - Part 10: Electronic signals and answer to reset for synchronous cards L64 GB/T 16969 - 1997 信息技术 只读120mm数据光盘(CD-ROM)的数据交换 Information technology -Data interchange on read-only 120 min optical data disks(CD-ROM) L64 GB/T 16971 - 1997 信息技术信息交换用130mm可重写盒式光盘 Information technology-130mm rewritable optical disk cartridge for information interchange L64 GB/T 17234 - 1998 信息技术数据交换用90mm可重写和只读盒式光盘 Information technology - 90mm optical disk cartridges, rewritable and read only, for data interchange L64 GB/T 17550.1 - 1998识别卡光记忆卡 线性记录方法 第1部分: 物理特性 Identification cards-Optical memory cards-Linear recording method - Part 1: Physical characteristics L64 GB/T 17550.2 - 1998识别卡光记忆卡线性记录方法第2部分: 可访问光区域的尺寸和位置 Identification cards-Optical memory cards-Linear recording method - Part 2: Dimensions and location of the accessible optical area L64 GB/T 17550.3 - 1998识别卡光记忆卡线性记录方法第3部分: 光属性和特性 Identification cards-Optical memory cards-Linear recording method-Part 3: Optical properties and characteristics L64 GB/T 17550.4 - 2000识别卡光记忆卡线性记录方法第4部分: 逻辑数据结构 Identification cards-optical memory cards-Linear recording method-Part 4: Logical data structures L64 GB/T 17551 - 1998 识别卡光记忆卡一般特性 Identification cards-optical memory cards-General characteristics L64 GB/T 17502 - 1998 识别卡金融交易卡 Identification cards-Financial transaction cards L64 GB/T 17553.1 - 1998识别卡无触点集成电路卡第l部分: 物理特性 Identification cards-Contactless integrated circuit (s)cards - Part l: Physical characteristics L64 GB/T 17553.2 - 2000识别卡无触点集成电路卡第2部分: 耦合区域的尺寸和位置 Identification cards-Contactless integrated circuit (s)cards - Part 2: Dimensions and location of con-pnng areas L64 GB/T 17553.3 - 2000识别卡无触点集成电路卡第3部分: 电信号和复位规程 Identification cards-Contactless integrated circuit (s)cards - Part 3: Electronic si卯als and reset proce-dure L64 GB/T 17554 - 1998 识别卡测试方法 Identification cards - Test methods L64 GB/T 17704.1 - 1999信息技术信息交换用130mm一次写入盒式光盘第1部分: 未记录盒式光盘 Information technology - 130mm optical disk cartridge, write once, for information interchange - Part1: Unrecorded optical disk cartridge L64 GB/T 17704.2 - 1999信息技术信息交换用130mm一次写入盒式光盘第2部分: 记录格式 Information technology-130mm optical disk cartridge, write once, for information interchange-Part 2: Recording format L64 GB/T 17960 - 2000 信息技术数据交换用90 mm改进调频制记录的位密度为31 831磁通翻转/弧度、每面80磁道的软磁盘GB 303型 Information technology-Data interchange on 90 mm flexible disk cartridges using modified frequency modulation recording at 31 831 ftorad on 80 tracks on each side-GB type 303 L64 GB/Z 17979 - 2000 信息技术符合GB/T 17234标准的盒式光盘有效使用的指南 Information technology-Guidelines for effective use of optical disk cartridges conforming to GB/T 17234 L64 GB/T 18140 - 2000 信息技术130 mm盒式光盘上的数据交换容量: 每盒1G字节 Information technology-Data interchange on 130 mm optical disk cartridges - Capacity: 1 gigabyte per cartridge L64 GB/T 18141 - 2000 信息技术 130 mm一次写入多次读出磁光盒式光盘的信息交换 Information technology-Information interchange on 130 mm optical disk cartridges using the magneto-optical effect, for write once, read multiple functionality L64 GB/T 18239 - 2000 集成电路(IC)卡读写机通用规范 Generic specification for integrated circult card reader L64 GB/Z 18390 - 2001 信息技术90mm盒式光盘测量技术指南 Information technology - Guidance on measurement techniques for 90mm optical disk cartridges L64 GB/T 18392 - 2001 中华人民共和国组织机构代码证集成电路(Ic)卡技术规范 Norm of integrated circuit (IC)card of certificate of identity code for organizations institutions and enterprises of the People’s Republic of China L64 GB/T 18807 - 2002 信息技术130 mm盒式光盘上的数据交换容量: 每盒1.3G字节 Information technology - Data interchange on 130 mm optical disk cartridges - Capacity: l.3 gigabytes per cartridge L64 GB/Z 18808 - 2002 信息技术 130 mm一次写入盒式光盘记录格式技术规范 Information technology - Technical aspects of 130 mm optical disk cartridge write-once recording format L65 GB/T 6107 - 2000 使用串行二进制数据交换的数据终端设备和数据电路终接设备之间的接口 Interface between data terminal equipment and data circuit terminating equipment employing serial binary data interchange L65 GB/T 7497.1 - 1987 微处理机系统总线I 8位及16位数据第一部分:电气与定时规范的功能说明 Microprocessor system bus I-8-bit and 16-bit data - Part l: Functional description with electrical and uming specifications L65 GB/T 7497.2 - 1987 微处理机系统总线I 8位及16位数据第二部分:采用边缘连接器(直接配合)作为系统总线配置的机械及插针的说明 Microprocessor system bus I-8-bit and 16-bit data - Part 2: Mechanical and pin descriptions for the system bus configuration with edge connecters (direct) IIa5 GB/T 7497.3 - 1987 微处理机系统总线I 8位及16位数据第三部分:采用插针和插座连接器(间接配合)作为系统总线配制的机械及插针的说明 Microprocessor system bus I-8-bit and 16-bit data - Part 3: Mechanical and pin descriptions for the eurocard configuration with pin and socket(indirect) connecters L65 GB/T 12056 - 1989 数据处理过程计算系统和技术过程之间接口的说明 Data processing - Description of interface between process computing system and technical process L65 GB/T 13724 - 1992 821总线l至4字节数据微处理机系统总线 821BUS-Microprocessor system bus for l to 4 byte data L65 GB/T 14241 - 1993 信息处理处理机系统总线接口(欧洲总线A) Information processing-Processor system bus inter-face (Eurobns A) lAi5 GB/T 15275 - 1994 8位微型计算机STD总线 Standard for an 8-bit microcomputer bus system: STD bus If05 GB/T 15533 - 1995 信息处理系统小型计算机系统接口 Information processing systems-Small computer sys-terninter face (SCSI) L65 GB/T 16678.1 - 1996信息处理系统光纤分布式数据接口(FDDI) 第1部分: 令牌环物理层协议(PHY) Information processing systems-Fibre distributed data interface(FDDI)一Part l: Token ring physical layer protocol(PHY) L65 GB/T 16678.2 - 1996信息处理系统光纤分布式数据接口(FDDI) 第2部分: 令牌环媒体访问控制(MAC) Information processing systems-Fibre distributed data Interface(FDDI)一Part 2: Token ring media access control(MAC) L65 GB/T 16678.3 - 1996信息处理系统光纤分布式数据接口(FDDI)第3部分: 令牌环物理层媒体相关部分(PMD) Information processing systems-Fibre distributed data interface(FDDI)一Part3: Physical layer medium dependent(PMD) L65 GB/T 16678.5 - 2000信息技术光纤分布式数据接口(FDDI) 第5部分:混合环控制(HRC) Information technology - Fibre Distributed Data Interface(FDDI)一Part 5: Hybrid Ring Control(HRC) L65 GB/T 18233 - 2000 信息技术用户建筑群的通用布缆 Information technology-Generic cabling for customer premises L65 GB/T 18471 - 2001 VXI总线系统规范 VXIbus system specifications L65 GB/T 19244 - 2003 信息技术高性能串行总线 Information on technology - High performance serial bus L66 GB/T 4967 - 1995 电子计算器通用技术条件 General specification for electronic calculators L66 GB/T 18220 - 2000 手持式个人信息处理设备通用规范 General specification for hand personal information process unit L66 GB/T 18787 - 2002 电子图书阅读器通用规范 General specification for electronic book reader L67 GB/T9544 - 1988 信息处理系统 计算机处理图形 图形核心系统(GKS)的功能描述 Information processing systems-Computer graphics-Graphical kernel system(GKS)functional description L67 GB/T 14213 - 1993 初始图形交换规范 Initial graphics exchange specification L67 GB/T 16656.1 - 1998工业自动化系统和集成产品数据表达与交换 第1部分: 概述与基本原理 Industrial automation systems and integration-Product data representation and exchange - Part l: Over-view and fundamental principles L67 GB/T 16656.2l一1997工业自动化系统与集成产品数据的表达与交换第21部分: 实现方法: 交换文件结构的纯正文编码 Industrial automation systems and integration-Product data representation and exchange-Part 2l: Implementation method: Clear text encoding of the exchange structure L67 GB/T 16656.3l一1997工业自动化系统与集成产品数据的表达与交换 第31部分: 一致性测试方法论与框架: 基本概念 Industrial automation systems and integration-Product data representation and exchange - Part 31: Conformance testing methodology and framework: General concepts L67 GB/T 16656.32 - 1999工业自动化系统与集成产品数据的表达与交换 第32部分: 一致性测试方法论与框架: 对测试实验室和客户的要求 Industrial automation systems and integration-Product data representation and exchange - Part 32: conformance testing methodology and framework: Requirements 0n testing laboratories and clients L67 GB/T 16656.34 - 2002工业自动化系统与集成产品数据的表达与交换第34部分: 一致性测试方法论与框架: 应用协议实现的抽象测试方法 Industrial automation systems and integration-Product data representation and exchange - Part 34: conformance testing methodology and framework: Abstract test methods for application protocol implementations L67 GB/T 16656.41 - 1999工业自动化系统与集成产品数据表达和交换第41 部分: 集成通用资源: 产品描述与支持原理 Industrial automation systems and integration- Product data representation and exchange - Part 4l: Inte-grated generic resources: Fundamentals of product description and support L67 GB/T 16656.42 - 1998工业自动化系统和集成产品数据表达与交换第42部分: 集成通用资源: 几何与拓扑表达 Industrial automation systems and integration- Product data representation and exchange - Part 42: Inte-grated genetic resources: Geometric and topological representation L67 GB/T 16656.43 - 1999工业自动化系统与集成产品数据表达和交换第43部分: 集成通用资源: 表达结构 Industrial automation systems and integration- Product data representation and exchange-Part 43: Integrated genetic resources: Representation structures M7 GB/T 16656.44 - 1999工业自动化系统与集成产品数据表达和交换第44部分: 集成通用资源: 产品结构配置 Industrial automation systems and integration- Product data representation and exchange - Part’44: Integrated generic resources: Product structure configuration L67 GB/T 16656.45 - 2001工业自动化系统与集成产品数据表达与交换第45部分: 集成通用资源: 材料 Industrial automation systems and integration- Product data representation and exchange - Part 45: Integrated generic resource: Materials L67 GB/T 16656.46 - 1998工业自动化系统和集成产品数据表达与交换第46部分: 集成通用资源: 可视化显示 Industrial automation systems and integration- Product data representation and exchange - Part 46: Integrated genetic resources: Visual presentation L67 GB/T 16656.47 - 2001工业自动化系统与集成产品数据表达与交换第47部分: 集成资源: 形状变化公差 Industrial automation systems and integration- Product data representation and exchange - Part 47: Integrated resources: Shape variation tolerances L67 GB/T 16656.49 - 2003工业自动化系统与集成产品数据表达与交换第49部分: 集成通用资源: 工艺过程结构和特性 Industrial automation systems and integration- Product data representation and exchange - Part 49: Integrated genetic resource: Process structure and properties L67 GB/T 16656.101 - 1998工业自动化系统与集成 产品数据表达与交换 第101部分: 集成应用资源: 绘图 Industrial automation systems and integration- Product data representation and exchange-Part 101: Integrated application resources: draughting L67 GB/T 16656.105 - 1999工业自动化系统与集成 产品数据表达与交换 第105部分: 集成应用资源: 运动学 Industrial automation systems and integration- Product data representation and exchange-Part 105: Integrated application resource: Kinematics L67 GB/T 16656.201 - 1998工业自动化系统与集成 产品数据表达与交换 第201部分: 应用协议: 显式绘图 Industrial automation systems and integration- Product uet data representation and exchange - Part 201:Application protocol: Explicit draughting L67 GB/T 16656.203 - 1997工业自动化系统与集成产品数据的表达与交换第203部分: 应用协议: 配置控制设计 Industrial automation systems and integration- Product data representation and exchange-Part 203:Application protocol: Configuration controlled design L67 GB/T 16656.503 - 2004工业自动化系统与集成 产品数据表达与交换 第503部分: 应用解释构造: 几何有界二维线框 Industrial automation systems and integration- Product data representation and exchange-Part 503:Application interpreted construct: Geometrically bounded 2D wireframe L67 GB/T 16656.513 - 2004工业自动化系统与集成 产品数据表达与交换 第513部分: 应用解释构造: 基本边界表达 Industrial automation systems and integration- Product data representation and exchange-Part 513:Application interpreted construct: Elementary boundary representation L67 GB/Z 16656.1031 - 2004工业自动化系统与集成 产品数据表达与交换 第1001部分: 应用模块: 外观赋值 Industrial automation systems and integration- Product data representation and exchange-Part 1001:Application module: Appearance assignment L67 GB/Z 16656.101 - 2004工业自动化系统与集成 产品数据表达与交换 第1006部分: 应用模块: 基础表达 Industrial automation systems and integration- Product data representation and exchange-Part 1006:Application module: Foundation representation L67 GB/T 16720.1 - 1996工业自动化系统制造报文规范第1部分: 服务定义 Industrial automation systems-Manufacturing message specification(MMS)一Part l: Service definition L67 GB/T 16720.2 - 1996工业自动化系统制造报文规范第2部分: 协议规范 Industrial automation systems-Manufacturing message specification(MMS)一Part 2: Protocol specification L67 GB/T 16720.3 - 1996工业自动化系统制造报文规范第3部分: 机器人伴同标准 Industrial automation systems-Manufacturing message specification(MMS)一Part 3: Companion standard for robotics L67 GB/T 16720.4 - 1998工业自动化系统制造报文规范第4部分: 数值控制用伴同标准 Industrial automation systems-Manufacturing message specification - Part 4: Companion standard for numerical control L67 GB/T 17304 - 1998 CAD通用技术规范 specification for CAD general technology L67 GB/T 17549 - 1998 用于行政、商业和运输业电子数据交换的业务与信息模型化框架 The business and information modeling framework for UN/EDIFACT L67 GB/T 17628 - 1998 信息技术开放式EDI参考模型 Information terminology-Open-EDI reference model L67 GB/T 17645.1-2001工业自动化系统与集成零件库第l部分: 综述与基本原理 Industrial automation systems and integration-Parts library-Part l: Overview and fundamental principles L67 GB/T 17645.24 - 2003工业自动化系统与集成零件库第24部分: 逻辑资源: 供应商库的逻辑模型 Industrial automation systems and integration-Parts library - Part 24: Logical resources: Logical model of supplier library L67 GB/T 17645.26 - 2000工业自动化系统与集成零件库第26部分: 信息供应商标识 Industrial automation systems and integration -Parts library-Part 26: Information suppler identification L67 GB/T 17645.3l一1998工业自动化系统与集成零件库第31部分: 实现资源: 几何编程接口 Industrial automation systems and integration -Parts library - Part 3l: Implementation resources: Geometric programming interface L67 GB/T 17645.42 - 2001工业自动化系统与集成零件库第42部分: 描述方法学: 构造零件族的方法学 Industrial automation systems and integration -Parts library - Part 42: Description methodology: Methodology for structuring parts families L67 GB/T 17678.1 - 1999 CAD电子文件光盘存储、归档与档案管理要求 第一部分: 电子文件归档与档案管理 Requirements for optical disk storage, flung and archival management of CAD electronic records - Part 1:FtUng and archival management of CAD electronic records L67 GB/T 17678.2 - 1999 CAD电子文件光盘存储、归档与档案管理要求 第二部分: 光盘信息组织结构 Requirements for optical disk storage, ruing and archival management of CAD electronic records - Part 2:Information structure in an optical disk L67 GB/T 17679 - 1999 CAD电子文件光盘存储归档一致性测试 Conformance testing for optical disc storage. filing of CAD electronic records 1.67 GB/T 17825.1 - 1999 CAD文件管理总则 Management of CAD documents-General principles L67 GB/T 17825.2 - 1999 CAD文件管理基本格式 Management of CAD documents-Basic format L67 GB/T 17825.3 - 1999 CAD文件管理编号原则 Management of CAD documents-Numbering principles L67 GB/T 17825.4 - 1999 CAD文件管理编制规则 Management of CAD documents-Compiling rules L67 GB/T 17825.5 - 1999 CAD文件管理基本程序 Management of CAD documents-Basic procedure L67 GB/T 17825.6 - 1999 CAD文件管理更改规则 Management of CAD documents-Changing rules L67 GB/T 17825.7 - 1999 CAD文件管理签署规则 Management of CAD documents-Signature rules L67 GB/T 17825.8 - 1999 CAD文件管理标准化审查 Management of CAD documents-Standardization examination L67 GB/T 17825.9 - 1999 CAD文件管理完整性 Management of CAD documents-Integrity L67 GB/T 17825.10一1999 CAD文件管理存储与维护 Management of CAD documents-Memory and maintenance L67 GB/T 17961 - 2000 印刷体汉字识别系统要求与测试方法 Requirements and test methods for identify system of printed chinese character L67 GB/T 18135 - 2000 电气工程CAD制图规则 Electrotechnical engineering drawings rules of CAD L67 GB/T 18286 - 2000 信息技术文本通信用控制功能 Information technology-Control functions for text communication L67 GB/T 18304 - 2001 信息技术 因特网中文规范 电子邮件传送格式 Information technology-Chinese specification of internet character transfer format for emall L67 GB/T 18784 - 2002 CAD/CAM数据质量 Quality of CAD/CAM data L67 GB/Z 18786 - 2002 承包商集成技术信息服务 Contractor integrated technical information service (CITIS) L67 GB/T 18789 - 2002 自动柜员机(ATM)通用规范 General specification for automated teller machine (ATM) L67 GB/T 18790 - 2002 联机手写汉字识别技术要求与测试规程 Requirements and test procedure of on-line handwriting Chinese ideogram recognition L67 GB/Z 18803 - 2002 基本语义注册系统 Basic Semantics Register(BSR) L67 GB/Z 19038 - 2003 机械产品数字化定义的数据内容及其组织 The data content and its organization of digital definition of mechanical products L67 GB/T 19114.1 - 2003工业自动化系统与集成工业制造管理数据第1部分: 综述 Industrial automation systems and integration-Indus-trial manufacturing management data –Part l: General overview L67 GB/T 19256.1 - 2003基于XML的电子商务第l部分: 技术体系结构 Electronic business XML-Part l: Technical architecture L67 GB/T 19486 - 2004 电子政务主题词表编制规则 Guidelines for establishment and development of electronic government thesauri L67 GB/T 19487 - 2004 电子政务业务流程设计方法通用规范 Business process design method general specification for electronic government L67 GB/T 19499 - 2004 表面化学分析数据传输格式 Surface chemical analysis-Data transfer format |
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