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Animal husbandry

40 General of Animal Husbandry
41 animal quarantine, good medicine and disease control
42 veterinary medicine and animal husbandry, veterinary equipment
43 livestock and poultry
44 animal keepers
45 livestock, poultry products
46 livestock feed and additives
47 bee-keeping, sericulture

B40 GB/T 6976-1986 羊毛毛丛自然长度试验方法
Test method for measure length of the wool staple natural formation
B40 GB/T 6978-1986 原毛冼净率试验方法烘箱法
Test method for the determination of scoured yield of greasy wool
B40 GB/T 10647-1989 饲料工业通用术语
General terms in feed industry
B40 GB/T 10649-1989 微量元素预混合饲料混合均匀度测定法
Determination for mixing homogeneity of mineral premix
B40 GB 16548-1996 畜禽病害肉尸及其产品无害化处理规程
Code for the bio-safety disposal of carcasses and by-products from diseased livestock and poultry
B40 GB/T 17824.1-1999中、小型集约化养猪场建设
Construction of middle and small intensive pig farms
B40 GB/T 17824.2-1999中、小型集约化养猪场经济技术指标
Economic and technical targets of middle and small intensive pig farms
B40 GB/T 17824.3-1999中、小型集约化养猪场设备
Equipment standards of middle and small intensive Pig farms
B40 GB/T 17824.4-1999中、小型集约化养猪场环境参数及环境管理
Environmental parameters and environmental man agement in middle and small intensive pig farms
B40 GB/T 17824.5-1999中、小型集约化养猪场商品肉猪生产技术规程
Technical regulations m middle and small intensive pig farms
B40 GB/T 19525.1 - 2004畜禽环境术语
Animal environment - Terminology
B40 GB/T 19525.2 - 2004畜禽场环境质量评价准则
Criteria for evaluating the environmental quality of the livestock and poultry farm
B41 GB 16549-1996 畜禽产地检疫规范
Quarantine requirement for livestock and poultry at the places of production
B41 GB 16550-1996 新城疫检疫技术规范
Technical code of quarantine for new castle disease
B41 GB 16551-1996 猪瘟检疫技术规范
Technical code of quarantine for swine fever
B41 GB 16567-1996 种畜禽调运检疫技术规范
Code of quarantine technology for the movement of breeding livestock and poultry
B41 GB 16568-1996 奶牛场卫生及检疫规范
Health and quarantine requirement for dairy cattle farms
B41 GB/T 17494-1998 马传染性贫血病间接ELISA技术规程
Rules of indirect ELISA technique for equine infectious anemia disease
B41 GB/T 17823-1999 中、小型集约化养猪场兽医防疫工作规程
Veterinary regulations of disease prevention in middle and small intensive pig farms
B41 GB/T 17998-1999 SPF鸡微生物学监测总则
SPF chicken-General principles of microbiological monitoring
B41 GB/T 17999.1-1999 SPF鸡红细胞凝集抑制试验
SPF chicken-Hemagglutation inhibition test
B41 GB/T 17999.2-1999 SPF鸡血清中和试验
SPF chicken-Serum neutralization test
1341 GB/T 17999.3-1999 SPF鸡血清平板凝集试验
SPF chicken - Serum plate agglutination test
B41 GB/T 17999.4-1999 SPF鸡琼脂扩散试验
SPF chicken - Agar gel precipitation test
B41 GB/T 17999.6-1999 SPF鸡酶联免疫吸附试验
SPF chicken - Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
B41 GB/T 17999.6-1999 SPF鸡胚敏感试验
SPF chicken - Embryo susceptibility test
B41 GB/T 17999.7-1999 SPF鸡鸡白痢沙门氏菌检验
SPF chicken-Examination of salmaonella pullorum
B41 GB/T 17999.8-1999 SPF鸡试管凝集试验
SPF chicken - Tube agglutination test
B41 GB/T 17999.9-1999 SPF鸡间接免疫荧光试验
SPF chicken - Indirect immunofluorescent assay
B41 GB/T 18088 - 2000 出入境动物检疫采样
Sampling for entry and exit animal quarantine
B41 GB/T 18089 - 2000 蓝舌病微量血清中和试验及病毒分离和鉴定方法
Micro-serum neutralization test, virus isolation and identification for bluetongue
B41 GB/T 18090 - 2000 猪繁殖和呼吸综合症诊断方法
Diagnostic methods of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome
B41 GB/T 18635 - 2002 动物防疫基本术语
Animal epidemic prevention - Basic terms
B41 GB/T 18636 - 2002 蓝舌病诊断技术
Diagnostic techniques for bluetongue
B41 GB/T 18637 - 2002 牛病毒性腹泻/粘膜病诊断技术
Diagnostic techniques for bovine viral diarrhea/mucosal disease
B41 GB/T 18638 - 2002 流行性乙型脑炎诊断技术
Diagnostic techniques for epidemic encephalitis B
B41 GB/T 18639 - 2002 狂犬病诊断技术
Diagnostic techniques for rabies in animals
B41 GB/T 18640 - 2002 家畜日本血吸虫病诊断技术
Diagnostic techniques for domestic animals schistoso-moiasisjaponica
B41 GB/T 18641 - 2002 伪狂犬病诊断技术
Diagnostic techniques for Aujeszk’S disease
B41 GB/T 18642 - 2002 猪旋毛虫病诊断技术
Diagnostic techniques for trichinella spiralis in swine
B41 GB/T 18643 - 2002 鸡马立克氏病诊断技术
Diagnostic techniques for marek’s disease
B41 GB/T 18644 - 2002 猪囊尾蚴病诊断技术
Diagnostic techniques for cysticercosis cellulosae
B41 GB/T 18645 - 2002 动物结核病诊断技术
-Diagnostic techniques for tuberculosis of animal
B41 GB/T 18646 - 2002 动物布鲁氏菌病诊断技术
Diagnostic techniques for animal brucellosis
B41 GB/T 18647 - 2002 动物球虫病诊断技术
Diagnostic techniques for animal coccidiosis
B41 GB/T 18648 - 2002 非洲猪瘟诊断技术
Diagnostic techniques for African swine fever
B41 GB/T 18649 - 2002 牛传染性胸膜肺炎(牛肺疫)诊断技术
Diagnostic techniques for contagious bovine pleuropneumonia
B41 GB/T 18651 - 2002 牛无浆体病快速凝集检测方法
The method of fast agglutination test for bovine aria-plasmosis
B41 GB/T 18652 - 2002 致病性嗜水气单胞菌检验方法
Methods for detection of pathogenic aeromonas hydrophth
B41 GB/T 18653 - 2002 胎儿弯曲杆菌的分离鉴定方法
Methods for isolation and identification of campy-lobactor fetus
B41 GB/T 18935 - 2003 口蹄疫诊断技术
Diagnostic techniques for foot-and-mouth disease
B41 GB/T 189 - 6 - 2003 高致病性禽流感诊断技术
Diagnostic techniques for highly pathogenic avian influenza
B41 GB/T 19167 - 2003 传染性囊病诊断技术
Diagnostic techniques for infectious bumal disease
B41 GB/T 19168 - 2003 蜜蜂病虫害综合防治规范
Standard for integrated pests management of honey bee
B41 GB/T 19180 - 2003 牛海绵状脑病诊断技术
Diagnostic techniques for bovine spongiform encepha-lopathy
B41 GB/T 19200 - 2003 猪水泡病诊断技术
Diagnostic techniques for swine vesicular disease
B41 GB/T 19438.1 - 2004禽流感病毒通用荧光RT-PCR检测方法
Method of the real-time RT-PCR for the detection of avian influenza virus
B41 GB/T 19438.2 - 2004 H$亚型禽流感病毒荧光RT-PCR检测方法
Method of the real-time RT-PCR for the detection of avian influenza virus subtype H5
B41 GB/T 19438.3 - 2004 H7亚型禽流感病毒荧光RT-PCR检测方法
Method of the real-time RT-PCR for the detection of
Avian influenza virus subtype H7
B41 GB/T 19438.4 - 2004 H9亚型禽流感病毒荧光RT-PCR检测方法
Method of the real-time RT-PCR for the detection of avian influenza virus subtype H9
B41 GB/T 19439 - 2004 1-15亚型禽流感病毒NASBA检测方法
Protocol of detecting avian influenza virus subtype H5 using NASBA
B41 GB/T 19440 - 2004 禽流感病毒NASBA检测方法
Protocol of detecting avian influenza virus using NASBA
B41 GB 19441 - 2004 进出境禽鸟及其产品高致病性禽流感检疫规范
Quarantine requirement of entry-exit avian and its products for highly pathogenic avian influenza
B41 GB 19442 - 2004 高致病性禽流感防治技术规范
Technique requirement for prevention and control of highly pathogenic avian influenza
B41 GB/T19526 - 2004 羊寄生虫病防治技术规范
Technical specifications for prevention and cure of sheep parasitosis
B43 GB/T 2033-1980 滩羊
Sheep with long-staple wool
1343 GB/T 2415-1981 南阳牛
Breeding stock - Farm cattle:Nanyang breed
B43 GB/T 2416-1981 东北细毛羊
Breeding stock - Northeast fine-wool sheep
B43 GB/T 2417-1981 金华猪
Breeding stock - Jinhua pigs
B43 GB 2418 - 2003 内江猪 GB 2418-1981
Neijiang pig
B43 GB/T 2426-1981 新疆细毛羊
Breeding stock - Xiniiang fine-wool sheep
B43 GB/T 2773-1981 宁乡猪
Breeding stock-Ningxiang pigs
B43 GB/T 3157-1982 中国黑白花奶牛
The black and white dairy cattle of China
B43 GB/T 3822-1983 乌珠穆沁羊
Ujimqin sheep
B43 GB/T3823-1983 中卫山羊
Zhongwei goat
B43 GB/T 4143-1984 牛冷冻精液
Frozen semen of bovine
B43 GB/T 4630-1984 辽宁绒山羊
White fuzz goat of Liao ning
B43 GB/T4631-1984 湖羊
Huyang sheep
B43 GB 5797 - 2003 秦川牛 GB 5797-1986
Qinchllan cattle
B43 GB/T 5946-1986 三河牛
San-he cattle
B43 GB6935-1986 中国梅花鹿种鹿
Breeding stock of Chinese Deer(Cervus hortulorum)
B43 GB 6936-1986 东北马鹿种鹿
Breeding stock of Manchurian Wapiti(CervllS xan-thopygus)
B43 GB/T 6940-1986 关中驴
Guan zhong donkey
B43 GB/T 7223-1987 荣昌猪
Rong Chang swine
B43 GB/T 8130-1987 太湖猪
Tai hu pig
B43 GB/T 8472-1987 北京黑猪
BeiJing blackppig
B43 GB/T 8473-1987 上海白猪
Shanghai white pig
B43 GB/T8474-1987 哈尔滨白猪
Harbinwhitep pig
B43 GB/T 8475-1987 三江白猪
Sanjiang white pig
B43 GB/T8476-1987 湖北白猪
Hubei white pig
B43 GB/T8477-1987 浙江中自猪
Zhejiang middle white pig
B43 GB 19166 - 2003 中国西门塔尔牛
Chinese simmental
B43 GB 19374 - 2003 夏洛来种牛
Charolais breeding stock
B43.GB 19375 - 2003 利木赞种牛
Limousin breeding stock
B43 GB 19376 - 2003 波尔山羊种羊
Breeding goat of boer
B44 GB 14922.1 - 2001 实验动物寄生虫学等级及监测 GB 14922-1994
Laboratory animal-Standards and monitoring for parasitology
B44 GB 14932.2 - 2001 实验动物微生物学等级及监测 GB 14922-1994
Laboratory animal-Microbiological standards and monitoring
B44 GB 14923 - 2001 实验动物 哺乳类实验动物的遗传质量控制 GB 14923-1994
Laboratory animal - Genetic quality control of mammalian laboratory animals
B44 GB 14925 - 2001 实验动物环境及设施 GB 14925-1994
Laboratory animal - Requirements of environment and Housing facilities
B44 GB/T 14926.1 - 2001实验动物沙门菌检测方法 GBl4926.1一1994
Laboratory animal-Method for examination of salmo-nella sp
B44 GB/T 14926-2-2000实验动物单核细胞增生性李斯特杆菌检测方法 GB 14926.2一1994
Laboratory animal - Method for examination of L/ster/a monocytogenes
B44 GB/T 14926.3 - 200l实验动物耶尔森菌检测方法 GB 14926.3一1994
Laboratory animal-Method for examination of Yersinia sp
B44 GB/T 14926.4 - 2001实验动物 皮肤病原真菌检测方法 GB 14926.4一1994
Laboratory animal-Method for examination of pathogenic dermal fungi
1344 GB/T 14926.5-2001实验动物多杀巴斯德杆菌检测方法 GB 14926.6一1994
Laboratory animal - Method for examination of Pasteurella multocida
B44 GB/T 14926.6 - 2001实验动物支气管鲍特杆菌检测方法 GB 14926.6-1994
Lat)oratory animal-Method for examination of BordeteUa bronchiseptica
B44 GB/T 14926.8-2001实验动物支原体检测方法 GB 14926.8一1994
Laboratory animal - Method for examination of Mycoplasma sp
B44 GB/T 14926.9 - 2001 实验动物 鼠棒状杆菌检测方法 GB 14926.9一1994 .
Laboratory animal-Method for examination of Corynebacterium kutscheri
B44 GB/T 14926.10 - 200’实验动物 泰泽病原体检测方法 GB 14926.10一1994
laboratory animal-Method for examination of Tyzzer’s organism
B44 GB/T 14926.ll - 2001实验动物大肠埃希菌oll5a, c:K(B)检测方法 GB 14926.11一1994
Laboratory animal - Method for examination of Escherichia coil 0115a, c:K(B)
B44 GB/T 14926.12-2001实验动物 嗜肺巴斯德杆菌检测方法 GB 14926.12一1994
Laboratory animal-Method for examination of Pasteurelln Pnumotropica
B44 GB/T 14926.13 - 2001实验动物肺炎克雷伯杆菌检测方法 GB 14926.13一1994
Laboratory animal - Method for examination of Klebxiella pneumonia
B44 GB/T 14926.14 - 2001实验动物 金黄色葡萄球菌检测方法 GB 14926.14一1994
Laboratory animal - Method for examination of Staphylococcus aureus
B44 GB/T 14926.15-2001实验动物 肺炎链球菌检测方法 GB 14926.15一1994
Laboratory animal - Method for examination of Streptococcus pneumonia
B44 GB/T 14926.16-2001实验动物 乙型溶血性链球菌检测方法 GB 14926.16一1994
Laboratory animal-Method for examination of b-hemolyticstreptococcus
B44 GB/T 14926.17 - 2001实验动物绿脓杆菌检测方法 GB 14926.17一1994
Laboratory animal - Method for examination of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
B44 GB/T 14926.18 - 2001实验动物淋巴细胞脉络丛脑膜炎病毒检测方法 GB 14926.18-1994
Laboratory animal - Method for examination of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus(LCMV)
B44 GB/T 14926.19 - 2001实验动物汉坦病毒检测方法 GB 14926.19-1994
Laboratory animal - Method for examination of Hantavirus(HV)
B44 GB/T 14926.20 - 2001实验动物鼠痘病毒检测方法 GB 14926.20一1994
I.aboratory animal - Method for examination of Ectromelia virus(Ect..)
B44 GB/T 14926.21 - 2 - 1实验动物兔出血症病毒检测方法 GB 14926.21-1994
Laboratory animal-Method for examination of rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus(RHDV)
B44 GB/T 14926.22 - 2001实验动物小鼠肝炎病毒检测方法 GB 14926.22-1994
Laboratory animal-Method for examination of mouse hepatitis virus(MHV)
B44 GB/T 14926.23 - 2001实验动物仙台病毒检测方法 GB 14926.23-1994
Laboratory animal – Method for examination of Sendal virus(SV)
B44 GB/T 14926.24 - 2001实验动物小鼠肺炎病毒检测方法 GB 14926.24-1994
Laboratory animal-Method for examination of pneumonia virus ofmice(PVM)
B44 GB/T 14926.25 - 2 - 1实验动物呼肠孤病毒Ⅲ型检测方法 GB 14926.26-1994
Laboratory animal-Method for examination of reovirus 3(Reo 3)
B44 GB/T 14926.26 - 2001实验动物小鼠脑脊髓炎病毒检测方法 GB 14926.26-1994
Laboratory animal-Method for examination of Their’s mouse encephalomyelitis virus(TMEV)
B44 GB/T 14926.27 - 2 - 1实验动物小鼠腺病毒检测方法 GB 14926.27-1994
Laboratory animal-Method for examination of mouse adenovirus (MAd)
B44 GB/T 14926.28 - 2001实验动物小鼠细小病毒检测方法 GB 14926.28-1994
Laboratory animal-Method for examination of minute virus of mice(MVM)
B44 GB/T 14926.29 - 2001实验动物多瘤病毒检测方法 GB 14926.29-1994
Laboratory animal-Method for examination of polyoma virus(POLY)
B44 GB/T 14926.30 - 2001实验动物兔轮状病毒检测方法 GB 14926.30一1994
Laboratory animal-Method for examination of rabbit rotavirus(RRV)
B44 GB/T 14926.31 - 2001实验动物大鼠细小病毒(KRV和H-1株)检测方法
Laboratory animal - Method for examination of rat parvovirus(KRV and H-1 strain)
B44 GB/T 14926.32 - 2001实验动物大鼠冠状病毒/延泪腺炎病毒检测方法
Laboratory animal - Method for examination of rat corona virus(RCV)/sialodacryoadenitis virus(SDAV)
B44 GB/T 14926.41 - 2001实验动物无菌动物生活环境及粪便标本的检测方法
Laboratory animal-Method for examination of environment and flaeces of GF animals
B44 GB/T 14926.42 - 2001实验动物细菌学检测标本采集
Laboratory animal -Bacteriological monitoring - Collection of specimens
B44 GB/T 14926.43 - 2001实验动物细菌学检测染色法、培养基和试剂
Laboratory animal - Bacteriological monitoring-Stainjng, media and reagents
B44 GB/T 14926.44 - 2001实验动物念珠状链杆菌检测方法
Laboratory animal - Method for examination of Streptobazitlus moniliformis
B44 GB/T 14926.45 - 2001实验动物布鲁杆菌检测方法
Laboratory animal - Method for examination of Brucella sp.
B44 GB/T14926.46 - 2001实验动物钩端螺旋体检测方法
Laboratory animal - Method for examination of Leptospira sp.
B44 GB/T 14926.47 - 2001实验动物志贺菌检测方法
Laboratory mutual - Method for examination of Shigella sp..
B44 GB/T 14926.48 - 2001实验动物结核分枝杆菌检测方法
Laboratory animal - Method for examination of Mycobacterium tubervulosis
B44 GB/T 14926.49 - 2001实验动物空肠弯曲杆菌检测方法
Laboratory animal - Method for examination of Campylobacterjejuni
B44 GB/T 14926.50 - 2001实验动物酶联免疫吸附试验
Laboratory animal-Enzyme-linked immunosorbem assay(ELISA)
B44 GB/T 14926.51 - 2001实验动物免疫酶试验
Laboratory animal-hnmunoenzyme assay(IEA)
B44 GB/T 14926.52 - 2001实验动物免疫荧光试验
Laboratory animal-Inununofluorescence assay(IFA)
B44 GB/T 14926.53 - 2001实验动物血凝试验
Laboratory animal - Haemoglutination test(HA)
B44 GB/T 14926.54 - 2001实验动物血凝抑制试验
Laboratory animal-Haemo甜urination inhibition test (HAl)
B44 GB/T 14926.55 - 2001实验动物免疫酶组织化学法
Laboratory animal-Immunohisto chemistry(1H)
B44 GB/T 14926.56 - 2001实验动物狂犬病病毒检测方法
Laboratory animal-Method for examination of rabies virus(RV)
B44 GB/T 14926.57 - 2001实验动物犬细小病毒检测方法
Laboratory animal-Method for examination of CaIlille parvovirus(CPV)
B44 GB/T 14926.58 - 2001实验动物传染性犬肝炎病毒检测方法
Laboratory animal-Method for examination of infectious caninc hepatitis virus(ICHV)
B44 GB/T 14926.59 - 2001实验动物犬瘟热病毒检测方法
Laboratory animal-Method for examination of canine distemper virus(CDV)
B44 GB/T 14026.60 - 2001实验动物猕猴疱疹病毒I型(B病毒)检测方法
Laboratory animal-Method for examination of cerco- pithecine herpesvirus 1(B virus)
B44 GB/T 14926.61 - 2 - 1实验动物猴逆转D型病毒检测方法
Laboratory animal-Method for examination of simian retlovirus D(SRV)
B44 GB/T 14926.62 - 2001实验动物猴免疫缺陷病毒检测方法
Laboratory animal - Method for examination of simian immunodeficiency virus(SlY)
B44 GB/T 14926.63 - 2001实验动物猴T淋巴细胞趋向性病毒l型检测方法
Laboratory animal - Method for examination of Simian T Lymphotropic Virus type 1(STLV-1)
B44 GB/T 14926.64 - 2001实验动物猴痘病毒检测方法
Laboratory animal-Method for examination of Simian Poxvirus(SPV)
B44 GB/T 14927.1 - 2001实验动物近交系小鼠、大鼠生化标记检测法
Laboratory animal - Genetic monitoring:methods for
biochemical markers of inbred mice and rats
B44 GB/T 14927.2 - 2001实验动物近交系小鼠、大鼠皮肤移植法
Laboratory animal-Genetic monitoring:skin grarang of inbred mice and rats
B44 GIVT 18448.1 - 2 - 1实验动物体外寄生虫检测方法
Laboratory animal-Method for examination of ectoparasites
B44 GB/T 18448.2 - 2001实验动物弓形虫检测方法
Laboratory animal - Method for examination of Toxop/asma gondii
B44 GB/T 18448.3 - 2001实验动物兔脑原虫检测方法
Laboratory animal-Method for examination of Encephalitozoon cuniculi
B44 GB/T 18448.4 - 2001实验动物卡氏肺孢子虫检测方法
Laboratory animal-Method for examination of Pneumocystis carinii
B44 GB/T 18448.5 - 2001实验动物艾美耳球虫检测方法
Laboratory animal-Method for examination of Eimeria spp.
B44 GB/T 18448.6 - 2001实验动物蠕虫检测方法
Laboratory animal-Method for examination of helminth
B44 GB/T 18448.7 - 2001实验动物疟原虫检测方法
Laboratory animal-Method for examination of Plasmodium spp.
B44 GIVT 18448.8 - 2001实验动物犬恶丝虫检测方法
Laboratory animal-Method for examination of Dirofilaria immitis
B44 GB/T 18448.9 - 2001实验动物肠道溶组织内阿米巴检测方法
Laboratory animal - Method for examination of Entamoeba histolytica
B44 GB/T 18448.10 - 2001实验动物肠道鞭毛虫和纤毛虫检测方法
Laboratory animal - Method for examination of Flagellata and ciliata
1345 GB/T 6440-1986 山羊板皮
Raw goat skin
B45 GB/T 7740-1987 出口肠衣
Casings for export
B45 GB/T 7741-1987 出口盐渍肠衣检验方法
Method of inspection for export salted casings
B45 GB/T 8211-1987 出口猪鬃
Bristles for export
B45 GB/T 8212-1987 出口染黑猪鬃
Black dyed bristles for export
B45 GB/T 8213-1987 出口漂白猪鬃
Bleached white bristles for export
B45 GB/T 8214-1987 出口水煮猪鬃
Boiled bristles for export
B45 GB/T8215-1987 出口猪鬃检验方法
The method of inspection for export bristles
B45 GB/T 9700-1988 出口盐湿猪皮检验方法
Inspection method of salted pig skin for export
B45 GB/T 10288 - 2003 羽绒羽毛检验方法
Testing methods for down and feather
B45 GB/T 11759-1989 牛皮
Cattle skin
B45 GB/T 12412-1990 牦牛原绒
Raw hair and underfleece of yak
B45 GB/T 12413-1990 牦牛原绒含绒率试验方法
Test method for percentage of fine underfleece
content in raw hair and underfieece of yak
B45 GB/T 14628-1993 猪原鬃
Unfailed bristles
B45 GB/T 14629.1-1993裘皮小湖羊皮
Fur - Cheki and lamb skin
B45 GB/T 14629.2-1993裘皮三北羔皮
Fur - Persin lamb skin
B45 GB/T 14629.3-1993裘皮滩二毛皮、滩羔皮
Fur - Sheep kivskin, sheep lambskin
B45 GB/T 14629.4-1993裘皮猾子皮
Fur - Raw goatling skin
B45 GB/T 14787-1993 裘皮黄鼬皮
Fur-Yellow weasel skins
B45 GB/T 14788-1993 裘皮貉皮
Fur - Raccoon dog skins
B45 GB/T 14789-1993 裘皮水貂皮
Fur - Raw mink skin
B45 GB/T 16569-1996 畜禽产品消毒规范
Disinfection requirement for livestock and poultry products
B45 GB/T 17685 - 2003 羽绒羽毛 GB 17685-1999
Down and feather
B46 GB/T 5915-1993 仔猪、生长肥育猪配合饲料 GB 5915-1986
Formula feed for starter and finisher swine
B46 GB/T 5916 - 2004 产蛋后备鸡、产蛋鸡、肉用仔鸡配合饲料 GB 5916-1993
Formula feeds for replacement pullets, layers and broilers
B46 GB/T 5917-1986 配合饲料粉碎粒度测定法
Determination for formula feed particle size
B46 GB/T 5918-1997 配合饲料混合均匀度的测定 GB 5918-1986
Determination of mixing homogeneity for formula feed
B46 GB/T 6436 - 2002 饲料中钙的测定 GB 6436-1992
Determination of calcium in feed
B46 GB/T 6437 - 2002 饲料中总磷的测定分光光度法 GB 6437-1992
Determination of phosphorus in feed-Spectphoto-merry
B46 GB/T 6438-1992 饲料中粗灰分的测定方法 idt ISO 5984:1978 GB 6438-1986
Method for the determination of crude ash in feed-stuffs
B46 GB/T 6439-1992 饲料中水溶性氯化物的测定方法 GB 6439-1986
Method for the determination of water-soluble chloride in feedstuffs
B46 GB/T 7292-1999 饲料添加剂维生素A L酸酯微粒 GB 7292-1987
Feed additive - Vitamin A acetate beadlets
B46 GB/T 7293 - 2000 饲料添加剂维生素E粉 GB 7293-1987
Feed additive - Vitamin E powder
1346 GB 7294-1987 饲料添加剂维生素K3(亚硫酸氢钠甲萘醌)
Feed additive - Vitamin K3(menadions sodium bisulfite)
B46 GB/T 7295-1987 饲料添加剂 维生素B。(盐酸硫胺)
Feed additive - Vitamin Bl(thialnine hydrochloride)
B46 GB/T 7296-1987 饲料添加剂维生素B1(硝酸硫胺)
Feed additive - Vitamin Bl(thiamine mononitrate)
B46 GB/T 7297-1987 饲料添加剂维生素B2(核黄素)
Feed additive - Vitamin B2(riboflavin)
B46 GB 7298-1987 饲料添加剂维生素B6
Feed additive-Vitamin B6
B46 GB 7299-1987 饲料添加剂D.泛酸钙
Feed additive - Dextro calcium pantothenate
B46 GB 7300-1987 饲料添加剂烟酸
Feed additive - Nicotinic acid
B46 GB/T 7301 - 2002 饲料添加剂烟酰胺
Feed additive - Nicotinamide
B46 GB/T 7302-1987 饲料添加剂叶酸
Feed additive - Folic acid
B46 GB 7303-1987 饲料添加剂维生素C(抗坏血酸)
Feed additive - Vitamin C(ascorbic acid)
B46 GB/T 8381-1987 饲料中黄曲霉素B1的测定
The method of determination of aflatoxin B1in feed-stuff
B46 GB/T 9454 - 2000 饲料添加剂维生素E(原料)
Feed additive - Vitamin E(material)
B46 GB/T9455-1988 饲料添加剂维生素A/I)3微粒
Food additive - Vitamin A/D3 beadlets
B46 GB/T 9840-1988 饲料添加剂维生素D3微粒
Feed additive Vitamin Da beadlets
B46 GB 9841-1988 饲料添加剂维生素12(氰钴胺)粉剂 ..
Feed additive - Vitamin B12 powder(cyanocobalamin cobione)
B46 GB 10648-1999 饲料标签 GB 10648-1993
Feed label
B46 GB 13078 - 2001 饲料卫生标准 GB 13078-1991
Hygienical standard for feeds
B46 GB/T 13083 - 2002 饲料中氟的测定离子选择性电极法
Determination of fluorine in feed-Ion selective elec. trode method
B46 GB/T 13091 - 2002 饲料中沙门氏菌的检测方法
Determination of Salmonella in feeds
B46 GB/T 13883-1992 饲料中硒的测定方法2, 3 - 氨基萘荧光法
Method for the determination of selenium in feed-stuffs一(DAN)fluorometrt
B46 GB/T 13885 - 2003 动物饲料中钙、铜、铁、镁、锰、钾、钠和锌含量的测定
Animal feeding stuffs-Determination of thecontents of calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese potassium, sodium and zinc-Method using atomic absorption spectrometry
B46 GB/T 14700 - 2002 饲料中维生素Bl的测定
Determination of vitamin Bl in feeds
B46 GB/T 14701-2002 饲料中维生紊B2的测定
Determination of vitamin B2 in feeds
B46 GB/T 14702 - 2002 饲料中维生紊B。的测定高效液相色谱法
Determination of vitamin B6 in feeds – high perform-ante of liquid chromatography
B46 GB/T 15398-1994 饲料有效赖氨酸测定方法
Determination of available lysine in feedstuffs
B46 GB/T 15399-1994 饲料中含硫氨基酸测定方法离子交换色谱法
Determination of sulfur amino acids in feedstuffs - Ion exchange chromatography
B46 GB/T 15400-1994 饲料中色氨酸测定方法分光光度法
Determination of tryptophan m feedstuffs - Spectro-photometry
B46 GB/T 16764-1997 配合饲料企业卫生规范
Hygienic specification for formula feed enterprises
B46 GB/T 16765-1997 颗粒饲料通用技术条件
General specification for feed pellets
B46 GB/T 17243-1998 饲料用螺旋藻粉
Feed grade spirulina powder
B46 GB/T 17480-1998 饲料中黄曲霉毒素B。的测定 酶联免疫吸附法
Determination of aflatoxin Bl in feeds-Enzyme 1inked immunosorbent assay
B46 GB/T 17481-1998 预混料中氯化胆碱的测定 分光光度法
The method for determination of choline choride iIl premix-Spectrophotomelry
B46 GB/T 17776-1999 饲料中硫的测定硝酸镁法
Determination of sulfur in feedstuffs - Magnesium nitrate method
B46 GB/T 17777-1999 饲料中钼的测定分光光度法
Determination of molybenum in feedstuffs - Spectro- photometry
B46 GB/T 17778-1999 预混料中d.生物素的测定分光光度法
The methods of determination of d-biotin in premixm Spectrophotometry
B46 GB/T 17810-1999 饲料级DL-蛋氨酸
Feed grade DL-methionine
B46 GB/T 17811-1999 动物蛋白质饲料消化率的测定 胃蛋白酶法
Determination of digestibility in animal protein feeds-Pepsin method
B46 GB/T 17812-1999 饲料中维生素E的测定 高效液相色谱法
Determination of vitamin E m feeds-High-pressure liquid chromatography
B46 GB/T 17813-1999 复合预混料中烟酸、叶酸的测定 高效液相色谱法
Determination of nicotinic acid and folic acid m COIn-pound premix-High-pressure liquid chromatography
B46 GB/T 17814-1999 饲料中丁基羟基茴香醚、二丁基羟基甲苯和乙氧喹的测定
Determination of butyl hydroxy anisole dibutyl hydroxy toluene and ethoxyqnin in feeIds
B46 GB/T 17815-1999 饲料中丙酸、丙酸盐的测定
Determination of propionic acid, propionate in feeds
B46 GtVT 17816-1999 饲料中总抗坏血酸的测定邻苯二胺荧光法
Determination of total ascorbic acid in feeds -o-Phe-nylenediamine fluorometry
B46 GB/T 17817-1999 饲料中维生素A的测定高效液相色谱法
Determination of vitamin A in feeds-High-pressure liquid chromalography
B46 GB/T 17818-1999 饲料中维生紊D3的测定高效液相色谱法
Determination of vitamin D3 in feeds-High-pressure liquid chromatography
B46 GB/T 17819-1999 维生素预混料中维生素B12的测定 高效液相色谱法
Determination of vitamin B12 in vitamins premix - High-pressure liquid chromatography
B46 GB/T 18397 - 2001 复合预混合饲料中泛酸的测定高效液相色谱法
Determination of pantothenic acid in compound premix - High-pressure liquid chromatography
B46 GB/T 18632 - 2002 饲料添加剂维生素B2(核黄紊)流动性微粒
Feed additive Riboflavin flowing particle
B46 GB/T 18633 - 2002 饲料中钾的测定火焰光度法
Determination of potassium in feed flame-Photometric method
B46 GB/T 18634 - 2002 饲用植酸酶活性的测定分光光度法
Determination of feed phytase activity-Spectrothoto-metric method
B46 GB/T 18823 - 2002 饲料检测结果判定的允许误差
Allowable error for judge of quality testing results in feeds
B46 GB/T 18868 - 2002 饲料中水分、粗蛋白质、粗纤维、粗脂肪、赖氨酸、蛋氨酸快速测定近红外光谱法
Method for determination of moisture, crude protein crude fat, crude fibre, lysine and methinione in feeds-Near infrared reflectance spectroscopy
B46 GB/T 18869 - 2002 饲料中大肠菌群的测定
Determination of coliform bacteria in feeds
B46 GB/T 18872 - 2002 饲料中维生紊K3的测定高效液相色谱法
Determination of vitamin K8 in feeds-High-perform-ance liquid chromatelgraphy
B46 GB/T 18970 - 2003 饲料添加剂10%B, p.胡萝卜4, 4-二酮(10%斑蝥黄)
Feed additive一10%4, 4'-diketo-B-carotene(10%canthaxanthin)
B46 GB/T 19370 - 2003 饲料添加剂1%B.胡萝卜素
Feed additive - 1%B-Carotene
B46 GB/T 19371.1 - 2003饲料添加剂 液态蛋氨酸羟基类似物
Feed additive - Liquid methionine hydroxy analogue
B46 GB/T 19371.2 - 2093饲料中液态蛋氨酸羟基类似物的测定 高效液相色谱法
Determination of liquid methionine hydroxy analogue in feeds-High performance liquid chromatography
B46 GB/T 19372 - 2003 饲料中除虫菊酯类农药残留量测定气相色谱法
Determination of pyrethroids residues in feeds - Gas chromatography
B46 GB/T 19373 - 2003 饲料中氨基甲酸酯类农药残留量测定气相色谱法
Determination of caflmmate pesticide residues in feeds - Gas chromatography
B46 GB/T 19422 - 2003 饲料添加剂L抗坏血酸-2-磷酸酯
Feed additive - L-ascorbic acid-2-phosphate
B46 G - T 19424 - 2003 天然植物饲料添加剂通则
General rules ofnatural plant additives for feed
B46 GB/T 19539 - 2004 饲料中赭曲霉毒紊A的测定
Determination of ochratpxin A in feeds
B46 GB/T 19540 - 2004 饲料中玉米赤霉烯酮的测定 AOAC 976.22:1994,
Determination of zearalenone in feeds NEQ
B46 GB/T 19541 - 2004 饲料用大豆粕
Soybean meal(solvent)for feedstuff
B47 GB/T 9697 - 2002 蜂王浆 GB 9697-1988
Royal jelly
Here are collected names of most common standards of China. If you found standard, that you are interesting in, we can obtain and translate it for you. If here are no standards, that you are looking for, feel free to request us, we will find a suitable one.

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