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Food and feed crops

20 food and feed crops - general
21 seeds and seed cultivation
22 cereal crops and products
23 beans, potato crops and products
25 fodder crops

B20 GB/T 5519 - 1988 粮食和油料千粒重的测定法
Cereals and oilseeds method for determination of the mass of 1000 grains
B20 GB/T 5521 - 1989 谷物和谷物产品a•淀粉酶活性的测定 比色法
Method for determination of alpha - amylase activity in cereal and cereal products - Colorimetric method
B20 GB/T 6432 - 1994 饲料中粗蛋白测定方法
Method for the determination of crude protein in feed - stuffs
1320 GB/T 6433 - 1994 饲料粗脂肪测定方法
Method for the determination of crude fat in feed - stuffs
B20 GB/T 6434 - 1994 饲料中粗纤维测定方法
Method for determination of crude fiber in feedstuffs
B20 GB/T 6435 - 1986 饲料水分的测定方法
Method for the determination of moisture in feedstuffs
B20 GB/T 7628 - 1987 谷物维生素B1测定方法
Method for the determination of vitamin B1 in cereals
I]20 GB/T 7629 - 1987 谷物维生素B2测定方法
Method for the determination of vitamin B1 in cereals
B20 GB/T 7630 - 1987 大米、小麦中氧化稀土总量的测定三溴偶氮胂分光光度法
The tribromoarsenazo photometric method for the determination of rare earth oxide content in rice and wheat
1120 GB/T 9822 - 1988 谷物不溶性膳食纤维测定法
Method for determination of insoluble dietary fiber in cereals
1320 GB/T 10361 - 1989 谷物降落数值测定法
Cereals - Determination of falling number
B20 GB/T 10362 - 1989 玉米水分测定法
Method for determination of moisture content in maize
B20 GB/T 13079 - 1999 饲料中总砷的测定
Determination of total arsenic in feeds
1320 GB/T 13080 - 2004 饲料中铅的测定原子吸收光谱法
Determination of lead in feeds - - Method using atomic absorption spectrometry
1320 GB/T 13081 - 1991 饲料中汞的测定方法
Method for determination of mercury in feeds
B20 GB/T 13082 - 1991 饲料中镉的测定方法
Method for determination of cadmium in feeds
B20 GB/T 13084 - 1991 饲料中氰化物的测定方法
Method for determination of glycosidic hydrocyanic acid in feeds
B20 GB/T 13085 - 1991 饲料中亚硝酸盐的测定方法
Method for determination of nitrite in feeds
B20 GB/T 13086 - 1991 饲料中游离棉酚的测定方法
Method for determination of free gossypol in feeds
B20 GB/T 13087 - 1991 饲料中异硫氰酸酯的测定方法
Method for determination of is othiocyanates in feeds
B20 GB/T 13088 - 1991 饲料中铬的测定方法
Method for determination of chromium in feeds
B20 GB/T 13089 - 1991 饲料中嚼唑烷硫酮的测定方法
Method for determination of oxazolidinethione in feeds
B20 GB/T 13090 - 1999 饲料中六六六、滴滴涕的测定
Determination of HCH and DDT in feeds
B20 GB/T 13092 - 1991 饲料中霉菌的检验方法
Method for determination of Molds in feeds
B20 GB/T 13093 - 1991 饲料中细菌总数的测定方法
Method for determination of aerobicbacterial count in feeds
B20 GB/T 13882 - 2002 饲料中碘的测定(硫氰酸铁一亚硝酸催化动力学法)
Determination of iodine in feeds (Femc thiocyanate - nitric acid catalytic kinetic method)
B20 GB/T 13884 - 2003 饲料中钴的测定原子吸收光谱法
Determination of cobalt in feed - Atomic absorption spectroscopy
B20 GB/T 14607 - 1993 小麦粉干面筋测定法
Method for determination of dry gluten in flour
B20 GB/T 14608 - 1993 小麦粉湿面筋测定法
Method for determination of wet gluten in flour
B20 GB/T 14609 - 1993 谷物中铜、铁、锰、锌、钙、镁的测定法原子吸收法
Method for determination of Cu.Fe.Mn,zn,Ca,Mg in cereals by atomic absorption spectrophotometry
B20 GB/T 14610 - 1993 谷物及谷物制品中钙的测定
Method for determination of calcium in cereals and cereal products
B20 GB/T 14611 - 1993 小麦粉面包烘焙品质试验法直接发酵法
Bread baking quality of wheat flour - Straight dough 1983
1320 GB/T 14612 - 1993 小麦粉面包烘焙品质试验法 中种发酵法
Bread baking quality of wheat flour - Sponge dough 1983
B20 GB/T 14613 - 1993 全麦粉发酵时间试验
Wheat - meal fermentation time test
B20 GB/T 14614 - 1993 小麦粉吸水量和面团揉和性能测定法粉质仪法
Method for determination of water absorption of wheat flour and rheological properties of doughs using a farinograph
B20 GB/T 14615 - 1993 面团拉伸性能测定法拉伸仪法
Method for determination of rheological properties of doughs using an extensograph
B20 GB/T 14698 - 2002 饲料显微镜检查方法
Test method of feed microscopy
1320 GB/T 14699.1 - 1993饲料采样方法
Methods for sampling of feed
B20 GB 14924.1 - 2001 实验动物配合饲料通用质量标准
Laboratory animals - General quality standard for formula feeds
B20 GB 14924.2 - 2001 实验动物配合饲料卫生标准
Laboratory animals - Hygienic standard for formula feeds
B20 GB 14924.3 - 2001 实验动物小鼠大鼠配合饲料
Laboratory animals - Mice and rats formula feeds
B20 GB 14924.4 - 2001 实验动物兔配合饲料
Laboratory animals - Rabbits formula feeds
B20 GB 14924.5 - 2001 实验动物豚鼠配合饲料
Laboratory animals - Guinea pigs formula feeds
B20 GB 14924.6 - 2001 实验动物地鼠配合饲料
Laboratory animals - Hamsters formula feeds
B20 GB 14924.7 - 2001 实验动物犬配合饲料
Laboratory animals - Dogs formula feeds
B0 GB 14924.8 - 2001 实验动物猴配合饲料
Laboratory animals - Monkeys formula feeds
B20 GB/T 14924.9 - 2001实验动物配合饲料常规营养成分的测定
Laboratory animals - Formula feeds - Determination of routine nutrients
B20 GB/T 14924.10 - 2001实验动物配合饲料氨基酸的测定
Laboratory animals - Formula feeds - Determination of amino acids
B20 GB/T 14924.11 - 2001实验动物配合饲料维生素的测定
Laboratory animals - Formula feeds - Determination of vitamins
B20 GB/T 14924.12 - 2001实验动物配合饲料矿物质和微量元素的测定
Laboratory animals - Formula feeds - Determination of minerals and trace elements
B20 GB/T 18246 - 2000 饲料中氨基酸的测定
Determination of amino acids in feeds
B20 GB/T 18695 - 2002 饲料加工设备术语
Terms of feed processing equipment
B20 GB 18824 - 2002 原产地域产品盘锦大米
Product of designations of origin or geographical indications - Panjin rice
1120 GB/T 18969 - 2003 饲料中有机磷农药残留量的测定气相色谱法
Determination of residues of organaphosphorus in feeds - Gas chromatagraphic method
B20 GB/T 19423 - 2003 饲料中尼卡巴嗪的测定高效液相色谱法
Determination of nicarbazin feed - - High performance liquid chromatelgraphy
B20 GB/T 19542 - 2004 饲料中磺胺二甲基嘧啶和磺胺间甲氧嘧啶的测定 高效液相色谱法
Determination of sulfametbazine and sulfamonomethoxine in feeds - High - performance liquid chromatography
B21 GB/T2930.1 - 2001 牧草种子检验规程扦样
Rules for forage seed testing - Sampling
321 GB/T 2930.2 - 2001 牧草种子检验规程净度分析
Rules for forage seed testing - Purity analysis
1321 GB/T 2930.3 - 2001 牧草种子检验规程其他植物种子数测定
Rules for forage seed testing - Determination of other
seeds by number
B21 GB/T2930.4 - 2001 牧草种子检验规程发芽试验
Rules for forage seed testing - Germination test
B21 GB/T 2930.5 - 2001 牧草种子检验规程生活力的生物化学(四唑)测定
Rules for forage seed testing - Biochemical test for viability
B21GB/T 2930.6 - 2001 牧草种子检验规程健康测定
Rules for forage seed testing - Seed health testing
B21 GB/T2930.7 - 2001 牧草种子检验规程种及品种鉴定
Rules for forage seed testing - Verification of species
and cultivar
1321 GB/T2930.8 - 2001 牧草种子检验规程水分测定
Rules for forage seed testing - Determination of moisture content
B21 GB/T 2930.9 - 2001 牧草种子检验规程重量测定
Rules for forage seed testing - Weight determination
B21 GB/T 2930.10 - 2001牧草种子检验规程包衣种子测定
Rules for forage seed testing - Testing coated seeds
1321 GB/T 2930.11 - 2001牧草种子检验规程检验报告
Rules for forage seed testing - Testing report
B21 GB 4404.1 - 1996 粮食作物种子禾谷类
Seeds of food crops - Cereals
B2121 GB 4404.2 - 1996 粮食作物种子豆类
Seeds of food crops - Legtmuna
B21 GB 4404.3 - 1999 粮食作物种子赤豆、绿豆
Seeds of food crops - Red bean and mung bean
B21 GB 4404.4 - 1999 粮食作物种子荞麦
Seeds of food crops - Buckwheat
B21GB 4404.5 - 1999 粮食作物种子燕麦
Seeds of food crops - Oats
B21 GB 4406 - 1984 种薯
Seed yams
B21 GB 6141 - 1985 豆科主要栽培牧草种子质量分级
Qualities grading of main cultivated legume seeds
B21 GB 6142 - 1985 禾本科主要栽培牧草种子质量分级
Qualities grading of main cultivated grasses seeds
B21 GB 6143 - 1985 白沙蒿、伏地肤种子质量分级
Qualities grading of main cultivated artemisiaspha - erocaphala and kochiaprastrata seeds
B21 GB 7331 - 2003 马铃薯种薯产地检疫规程
Plant quarantine rules for potato seed tubers producing areas
B21 GB 7412 - 2003 小麦种子产地检疫规程
Plant quarantine rules for wheat seeds in producing areas
B21 GB/T 8080 - 1987 绿肥种子
Seed of green manure crops
B21 GB 11767 - 2003 茶树种苗
Seedling of tea plant
B21 GB 12743 - 2003 大豆种子产地检疫规程
Plant quarantine rules for soybean seeds in producing areas
B21 GB 15671 - 1995 主要农作物包衣种子技术条件
Technique requirement of staple crops coating seed
B21 GB/T 17314 - 1998 籼型杂交水稻“三系”原种生产技术操作规程
Rules of operation for the production technology of basic seed of three lines of indica hybrid rice
B21 GB/T 17315 - 1998 米杂交种繁育制种技术操作规程
Rules of operation for the production technology of maize hybrid seed
B21 GB/T 17316 - 1998 水稻原种生产技术操作规程
Rules of operation for the production technology of conventional rice basic seed
B21 GB/T 17317 - 1998 小麦原种生产技术操作规程
Rules of operation for the production technology of wheat basic seed
B21 GB/T 17318 - 1998 大豆原种生产技术操作规程
Rules of operation for the production technology of soybean basic seed
B21 GB/T 17319 - 1998 高粱杂交种繁育制种技术操作规程
Rules of operation for the production technology of sorghum hybrid seed
B21 GB/T 19563 - 2004 大豆种子品种鉴定实验方法简单重复序列间区法
Experimental identification method for variety of soy - bean seed - ISSR
B22 GB 1350 - 1999 稻谷
B22 GB 1351一1999 小麦
B22 GB 1352 - 1986 大豆
B22 GB 1353 - 1999 玉米
B22 GB/T 7416 - 2000 啤酒大麦
Malting barley
B22 GB/T 8231 - 1987 高粱
I]22 GB/T 8232 - 1987 粟(谷子)
Millet in husk
B22 GB/T 10458 - 1989 荞麦
Buck wheat
1322 GB/T 11760 - 1989 米大麦
Hulless barley
B22 GB/T 1 1766 - 1989 小米
B22 GB/T 13355 - 1992 黍
Broomcorn millet(glutinous)
B22 GB/T 13356 - 1992 黍米
Milled glutinous broomcorn millet
B22 GB/T 13357 - 1992 稷
Broomcorn millet(non - glutinous)
B22 GB/T 13358 - 1992 稷米
Milled non - glutinous broomcorn millet
B22 GB/T 13359 - 1992 莜麦
Hulless oats
B22 GB/T 13360 - 1992 莜麦粉
Hulless oate flour
B22 GB/T 14490 - 1993 谷物及淀粉糊化特性测定法粘度仪法
Method for determination of cereal and starch gelatinization properties using a viscograph
B22 GB/T 15683 - 1995 稻米直链淀粉含量的测定
Rice - - Determination of amyloss content
]322 GB/T 15684 - 1995 谷物制品脂肪酸值测定法
Method for determination of fatty acid value of cereal products
1122 GB/T 15685 - 1995 小麦粉沉淀值测定法
Method for determination of sedimentation value in wheat flour
B22 GB/T 15686 - 1995 高粱中单宁含量的测定
Sorghum - - Determination of tainnin content
B22 GB/T 17320 - 1998 专用小麦品种品质
Wheat varieties for specific end - uses
B22 GB/T 17890 - 1999 饲料用玉米
Maize for feed stuffs
B22 GB/T 17891 - 1999 优质稻谷
High quality paddy .
B22 GB/T 17892 - 1999 优质小麦强筋小麦
High quality wheat - Strong gluten wheat
B22 GB/T 17893 - 1999 优质小麦弱筋小麦
High quality wheat - Weak gluten wheat
B22 GB/T 18810 - 2002 糙米
Husked rice
B22 GB 19266 - 2003 原产地域产品五常大米
Product of designations of origin or geographical indication - Wuchang rice
B22 GB 19503 - 2004 原产地域产品沁州黄小米
Product of designations of origin or geographical indication - Qinzhouhuang foxtail - millet
B23 GB/T 3242 - 1982 棉花原种生产技术操作规程
Rules of operation for the production technology of cotton stock seed
B23 GB/T 10459 - 1989 蚕豆
Broad beans
B23 GB/T 10460 - 1989 豌豆
B23 GB/T 10461 - 1989 小豆
Small beans
B23 GB/T 10462 - 1989 绿豆
Green beans
B23 GB/T 13382 - 1992 食用大豆粕
Edible soybean meal
B23 GB 18133 - 2000 马铃薯脱毒种薯
Certified seed potatoes
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